Gingrich safety vs Paul Liberty???


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
Spokane area
Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).
Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).

Why is Ron Paul even being considered for the Presidency, he is 76 years old!!!!! He will be 77 on election day!!!!! That and he is an isolationist, something that is incredibly stupid for a capitalist nation.
Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).

This is a false dichotomy.

First, the notion that any of us have lost any actual "liberty". Nonsense. We've lost a little convience, I'll give you that. Yeah, it's a pain to go through the airport and you have to go through metal detectors at public places now.

The reality is that we live in an information age. The government is actually behind the curve in its ability to gather information on people compared to where the private sector is. Every three months, I get a credit report so that I know what the corporations already know about me, so I can make sure I can correct any mistakes. All this happens without the government doing much of anything.

I want the government to have the tools to track potential bad guys. The one thing that was shocking after 9-11 or OK City wasn't that they had no idea who these guys were, but that information that was clearly out there was not shared or gotten to the right people.

For instance, the fact that these 19 Arabs were taking flying lessons should have set off red flags. But instead, the INS sent renewals of their pilot applications to Atta and a couple of the others a few weeks AFTER they flew the planes into the buildings. :eek:
Ron is no isolationist. Ron advocates trade with ALL nations. Where did you get this isolationist Ron Paul policy from???

Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).

Why is Ron Paul even being considered for the Presidency, he is 76 years old!!!!! He will be 77 on election day!!!!! That and he is an isolationist, something that is incredibly stupid for a capitalist nation.
Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).

Why is Ron Paul even being considered for the Presidency, he is 76 years old!!!!! He will be 77 on election day!!!!! That and he is an isolationist, something that is incredibly stupid for a capitalist nation.

Ron Paul isolationist? He wants to start trading with many nations that US don’t trade with today. E.g. Cuba. Did you know that Cuba had a 201.4 billion trade surplus?

It’s stupid for a captialist nation to isolate itself and not trade with other nations. When has ever Ron Paul been against trading with other nations?->never
Did you know that US has the largest trade deficit in the whole world:-470.200 billion $, that is being isolated. Because of stupid buoycotts.

Ron Paul wants to change this and start trading and earning money, that’s not isolating thats how captialst nation thinks. He wants to get more involved in foreign countries by more trade and earning money, instead of spending and wasting money.
Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).

Because the guberment thinks I can't take care of myself they must protect me for my own good fuck'em
Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).

Paul top tier candidate? Lol, a little wishful thinking on your part there.

Secondly what freedoms have you lost?
Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).

Paul top tier candidate? Lol, a little wishful thinking on your part there.

Secondly what freedoms have you lost?

Just the mention of TSA should be adequate for an answer.
Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).

Why is Ron Paul even being considered for the Presidency, he is 76 years old!!!!! He will be 77 on election day!!!!! That and he is an isolationist, something that is incredibly stupid for a capitalist nation.

He does not advocate isolating ourselves when it comes to trade, as as been mentioned many times (which you probably have ignored). Switzerland remains neutral on just about every international conflict in the world, yet their economy is substantially healthier than ours, and they enjoy the same freedoms we do. Oh, and terrorists don't bother them either. For those of you who follow Newt's neo-con philosophy of "smearing your Bill of Rights so you can be safe", I would to hear one of you explain why we cannot emulate the above example.

Everyone likes to ramble on about freedom but no one EVER lists personal freedoms lost. Just a bunch of perceived what if losses.

At any time the government can restrict movement, At any time you can be detained and held in detention without a trial if the government thinks you are suspicious. At any time the government can kill you if you are suspected of being a terrorist. At any time the government can listen to my private phone conversation. At any time the government can ban or restrict access to anything it does not like The government is not held accountable for it's actions.
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Everyone likes to ramble on about freedom but no one EVER lists personal freedoms lost. Just a bunch of perceived what if losses.

At any time the government can restrict movement, At any time you can be detained and held in detention without a trial if the government thinks you are suspicious. At any time the government can kill you if you are suspected of being a terrorist. At any time the government can listen to my private phone conversation. At any time the government can ban or restrict access to anything it does not like The government is not held accountable for it's actions.

A whole lot of cans and coulds but no actual lost freedoms. Just perceived boogymen.

I could shoot someone in the face at any moment. Doesn't mean I ever would.
Before you make your mind up between these two top tier candidates please read the quote below...

"Those who would give up ESSENTIAL Liberty for a little TEMPORARY Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety"(BF).

Paul top tier candidate? Lol, a little wishful thinking on your part there.

Secondly what freedoms have you lost?

Just the mention of TSA should be adequate for an answer.

Flying on a plane and being searched prior to boarding is a choice.

Everyone likes to ramble on about freedom but no one EVER lists personal freedoms lost. Just a bunch of perceived what if losses.

At any time the government can restrict movement, At any time you can be detained and held in detention without a trial if the government thinks you are suspicious. At any time the government can kill you if you are suspected of being a terrorist. At any time the government can listen to my private phone conversation. At any time the government can ban or restrict access to anything it does not like The government is not held accountable for it's actions.

A whole lot of cans and coulds but no actual lost freedoms. Just perceived boogymen.

I could shoot someone in the face at any moment. Doesn't mean I ever would.

Being trteated as a criminal to board a plane is not perception.

Maybe you would like to be on the no fly list and not have been convicted of any crime.
At any time the government can restrict movement, At any time you can be detained and held in detention without a trial if the government thinks you are suspicious. At any time the government can kill you if you are suspected of being a terrorist. At any time the government can listen to my private phone conversation. At any time the government can ban or restrict access to anything it does not like The government is not held accountable for it's actions.

A whole lot of cans and coulds but no actual lost freedoms. Just perceived boogymen.

I could shoot someone in the face at any moment. Doesn't mean I ever would.

Being trteated as a criminal to board a plane is not perception.

Maybe you would like to be on the no fly list and not have been convicted of any crime.

I have been to jail as well as prison and being searched before getting on a plane is nothing like that I assure you. Besides as I said you have a choice.
A whole lot of cans and coulds but no actual lost freedoms. Just perceived boogymen.

I could shoot someone in the face at any moment. Doesn't mean I ever would.

Being trteated as a criminal to board a plane is not perception.

Maybe you would like to be on the no fly list and not have been convicted of any crime.

I have been to jail as well as prison and being searched before getting on a plane is nothing like that I assure you. Besides as I said you have a choice.

A no fly list is a choice?

Will you say the same for property rights?
At any time the government can restrict movement, At any time you can be detained and held in detention without a trial if the government thinks you are suspicious. At any time the government can kill you if you are suspected of being a terrorist. At any time the government can listen to my private phone conversation. At any time the government can ban or restrict access to anything it does not like The government is not held accountable for it's actions.

A whole lot of cans and coulds but no actual lost freedoms. Just perceived boogymen.

I could shoot someone in the face at any moment. Doesn't mean I ever would.

Being trteated as a criminal to board a plane is not perception.

Maybe you would like to be on the no fly list and not have been convicted of any crime.

You mean like Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab? He made it on the plane.

It isn't the rules that are objectionable. It's that the TSA agents are government workers, drunks, drug addicts and criminals.

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