Gingrich: Palestinians an ‘invented’ people

Harry had two million good Zionist reasons for supporting Israel:

"Sometime in the late 1950s, that world-class gossip and occasional historian, John F. Kennedy, told me how, in 1948, Harry S. Truman had been pretty much abandoned by everyone when he came to run for president.

"Then an American Zionist brought him two million dollars in cash, in a suitcase, aboard his whistle-stop campaign train. 'That's why our recognition of Israel was rushed through so fast...'

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years

do you have any links to back that up other than gore vidals word? 2 Million was a huge amount of cash back then, I am, 'skeptical'.

Especially in the light of the FACTS in that; Truman was speaking out for Jews ( and continued to push for more immigration of jews to israel) as early as August 1945, just 3 months in office. AND in Oct 1946, (note the date please) he issued a statement on sppt. of a Jewish state?hello. :rolleyes:
"Many who are aware of Harry Truman's support for Israel and his desegregation of the armed forces are shocked by the anti-Semitic statements contained in his recently discovered 1947 diary.

"But Truman's bigotry comes as little surprise to historians who have studied the man and his career.

"Truman's ugly comments about Jews being 'very, very selfish' and, as such, not caring 'how many Estonians, Latvians, Finns, Poles, Yugoslavs or Greeks get murdered,' or his charge that 'neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog,' are distressingly consistent with his disparaging views about other racial and ethnic minorities.

"As a younger man, he wrote in a 1911 letter to his wife, Bess: 'I think one man is as good as another so long as he's honest and decent and not a ****** or a Chinaman."

We Can Learn a Lot From Truman the Bigot - Los Angeles Times

Racist tools like Truman supported a Jewish state for the same reason Charles I supported the Ulster Plantation in 1609; divide and conquer is how all empires grow sick and die.

Israel was created in 1948 to buy US made weapons that were paid for by US taxpayers.
At a time when two-thirds of the population of Mandate Palestine was not Jewish.

that doesn't answer my remark on your absolute bullshit post george, focus, here ya go, one more time, the 2 million he was bribed with?

and your wild punches above don't help you, you sound deranged.
Jordon was created by Britain. Most of the states of the Middle East are creations of the British Empire. Including even Isreal.
except that israel has a history of thousands of years and jerusalem was always the holy site of the jewish religion.there were "israelites" for thousands of years.
Yeah, that's great.

Why can't you share, just out of curiosity?

Me? I'm not Israeli. Israel tried to share in 1948.,,,, they got attacked by every surrounding Arab country for their trouble.

You are awfully cavalier about Jewish lives. And you wonder why we think Israel haters are anti-semitic? Lol

Why should they share with people who want them dead? Isn't that stupid? It's sure not anything you'd ask of any of the arabs with their, what... 11 Muslim countries in the mid east?

You must think Jews are stupid..... Or suicidal
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People get killed during wars. That's all you've proven.

"Around 107 villagers were killed during and after the battle for the village, including women and children—some were shot, while others died when hand grenades were thrown into their homes.[3] Several villagers were taken prisoner and may have been killed after being paraded through the streets of West Jerusalem, though accounts vary.[4]

"...The killings were condemned by the leadership of the Haganah—the Jewish community's main paramilitary force—and by the area's two chief rabbis. The Jewish Agency for Israel sent Jordan's King Abdullah a letter of apology, which he rebuffed.[2]"

Zionism started that war.

Deir Yassin massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Then America is an invented nation as well.


Americans have crossed oceans to sperate themselves from the old countries to start a new nation here in the Americas.

Palestinians are simply Arabs who still think of themselves as Arabs, speak Arabic and are as Arab as any Arabs living in any other Arab country.

Just as the differences between Arabs living in Jordan versus Arabs living in Syria are minor and prior to the British take over, no one in 'Palestine' called themselves Palestinian. They called themslevs Arabs, not Palestinians.

God, I am so sick of this 'America is a nation of immigrants' clap trap. The vast majority of us were born and raised here in the US, not somewhere else. We are not Europeans living in the US, and we are not Englishmen in some colony.

We are a totally seperate nation, with a seperate culture, so stop the bullshit already.
Then America is an invented nation as well.

Pretty much! We had a small indigneous population but the country was populated mostly by settlers from other places. As was Australia.

Israel just isn't going to let these foreigners take over their country.

For more than two centuries we have been a completely seperate people from Europe or anything else other than the US.

Thos settlers are dead and long gone now and of no relevance as to who we are today.

We are native Americans, not colonists, not Europeans livng in the Americas or any other nonsense.

We are Americans. Nothing more, nothing less. Get over it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Newt's right!
2. There never was a people known as *Palestinian*, they are just a bunch of arabs from Jordon, Egypt, and surrounding *hell holes*.
3. And yes Newt is as smart as we Reps think he is too.:eusa_hand:

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Were these people residents of Mandate Palestine?

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus (Arabic: الهجرة الفلسطينية*, al-Hijra al-Filasṭīnīya), also known as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة*, an-Nakbah, lit. 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when approximately 711,000 to 725,000 Palestinian Arabs left, fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the Civil War that preceded it.[2] The exact number of refugees is a matter of dispute.[3] The causes remain the subject of fundamental disagreement between Arabs and Israelis."

In 1948 a Jewish state was imposed by force or arms on a population that was two-thirds non-Jewish. Newt and virtually every other elected Republican and Democrat serve those who make money from that original war crime.

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, Palestinian Arabs, not Arab Palestinnians. Big difference.

"Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich said in a cable TV interview that Palestinians are an “invented” people with no apparent right to their own state, a rejection of a decade of bipartisan U.S. foreign policy.

Gingrich calls Palestinians an "invented"; people - The Washington Post

Oh lawdy lawdy lawdy...

He has to appeal to the rights racist leanings somehow. He has taken Mexicans off the table what else does he have left:badgrin:

Palestinians and Mexicans are the same race as the majority of GOP voiters, so where is the racism angle, Sherlock?
Elliott Abrams, former deputy national security adviser under Bush:
“There was no Jordan or Syria or Iraq, either, so perhaps he would say they are all invented people as well and also have no right to statehood. Whatever was true then, Palestinian nationalism has grown since 1948, and whether we like it or not, it exists.”

l'd bet Newt would agree with that. But on the history of these people he is exactly right.
I wonder how the folks in Kansas, for example, would take to the UN coming and declaring Topeka and suburbs as the new American Indian homeland.

Sorry guys, you gotta move.

How do you suppose that would play out?

Thankfully, if a conclave of Natives were to gather in Topeka then no one in Kansas would be insisting that their ethnicity just isn't chosen enough to count as the reason that state exists.

Most of the people in Topeka are native American, idjit.

you people need to try harder to bend reality around your bullshit.

You are the one blowing the bullshit.
Jordon was created by Britain. Most of the states of the Middle East are creations of the British Empire. Including even Isreal.

except that israel has a history of thousands of years and jerusalem was always the holy site of the jewish religion.

there were "israelites" for thousands of years.

Palestine is in the Bible...its a pretty old book.

'Palestine' was the Roman name given the province after the Jewish revolt was crushed, and refered to the old Phillistines that used to live in Gaza and that area.

There was no Palestine nation in the Bible.
The Romans renamed the area Palestine in an effort to erase the Jewish history of the area after yet another Jewish rebellion.

That is incorrect. But even if it were true, it would do nothing to support the notion that the Palestinians are an "invented" people.
What benefit to the rest of the world would a Palestinian state bring?

simple human dignity. They've been living in the equivalent of a Warsaw ghetto for generations. Why? They're just people. THEY didn't do anything wrong.

Their grandfather's generation attacked the Jews living in Palestine without violent provocation, and the Jews fought back successfully, and won via warfare where they live and rule today.

The Palestinians today deserve some kind of accomodation, but they are in the same place the Trojans, Etruscans, Carthaginians, Burgundian nations before them; at the mercy of their conquorers.

That is just how life goes.
Wrong. America actually exists. "Palestine" has never existed.

Palestine has been the name of the region for thousands of years, and the people who have lived there have been recognized as a distinct people for thousands of years. Furthermore, the state of Palestine does exist and is recognized by most of the countries in the world. Just because the US government refuses to recognize the existence of a country does not mean it doesn't exist. For God's sake, you believe in a federal government of limited power, right? Where in the world do you get off believing that the federal government has the power to dissolve a sovereign country by simply refusing to recognize it? That would be one enormous power.
The Romans renamed the area Palestine in an effort to erase the Jewish history of the area after yet another Jewish rebellion.

That is incorrect.

No, it is not incorrect.

What are the dates of this Palestinian nation you think predates the Romans?

But even if it were true, it would do nothing to support the notion that the Palestinians are an "invented" people.

No, genius, but it would explain why Biblical references are irrelevant to the discussion, which was my point.

"Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich said in a cable TV interview that Palestinians are an “invented” people with no apparent right to their own state, a rejection of a decade of bipartisan U.S. foreign policy.

Gingrich calls Palestinians an "invented"; people - The Washington Post

Oh lawdy lawdy lawdy...

It's true shit for brains, try doing a little Research. Nobody, and I do mean nobody, in modern times, called themselves Palestinians before Israel Became a country. They were Jordanians, Egyptians, Etc. So the Term Palestinian really is an Invented "race" to describe those Jordanians, and Egyptians, ETC who were living in the Area we now know as Israel, Gaza and the West bank before Israel was Born.
Wrong. America actually exists. "Palestine" has never existed.

Palestine has been the name of the region for thousands of years, and the people who have lived there have been recognized as a distinct people for thousands of years.

For nearly two thousand years since the Romans, and no they were not a distinct people.
If they were a distinct people wioth a distinct culture and language then what is that language? How is that culture different from any other Arab culture in the area?

There is NO DIFFERENCE other than accidents of geography, prior to the establishment of Isreal.

Furthermore, the state of Palestine does exist and is recognized by most of the countries in the world. Just because the US government refuses to recognize the existence of a country does not mean it doesn't exist. For God's sake, you believe in a federal government of limited power, right? Where in the world do you get off believing that the federal government has the power to dissolve a sovereign country by simply refusing to recognize it? That would be one enormous power.

That is not what recognition is about, dude. It is simply a diplomatic designation as to whether the government in question is legitimate.

It doesnt dissolve anything, lol.
Book review: "Married to Another Man"

By Sonja Karkar

Dr. Ghada Karmi’s latest book Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine opens with the problem European Zionists faced over a century ago when they first mooted the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land they wished to claim as their own. Hence the message sent back to Vienna by the two rabbis who made the discovery: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

More: Book review: "Married to Another Man" | The Electronic Intifada

Vanishing the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict
Jordan and Egypt have populations of Palestinians within them. That does not make them Jordanian or Egyptian.

Why are you so fucking dumb? Genetic?

Seriously, is this the fucking braindead route you're wanting to take? "La la la there is no such thing as a Palestinian la la la"?

Grow up, idiot.

You mean some Arabs who lived in Jordanian and Egyptian territory chose to call themselves Palestinians after their overlords lost a war of aggression against Israel.

There has never been any nation called "Palestine" nor any people called the "Palestinians" prior to the war against Israel in 1948. That is simply a fact, and all the libturd anti-Semites in this forum can't change it.


Palestinians are semitic too you god damned idiot. How the fuck do you tie your shoes in the morning?

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