Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

As a Jew I did not see her post as demeaning my ancestors. Why is your opinion worth more than mine? This is rich coming from a person who has bashed Jews on this site.

I bash them for things they need to be bashed for.

But that's off topic.

What's on topic. Mannish Woman embarrassed her studio and got fired. Hooray for Cancel Consequence Culture.
That’s not off topic. She mentioned Nazis and you said it would be offensive to Jews. I said no. So how is it off topic? Are you going to report that? You coward.

Look I did it for you. Coward.
That’s not off topic. She mentioned Nazis and you said it would be offensive to Jews. I said no. So how is it off topic? Are you going to report that? You coward.

Look I did it for you. Coward.

You don't speak for all Jews. Clearly some Jews were offended, which is why they fired her.
Some but not most. Ben Shapiro talks to many and he hired her immediately thereafter so no way it was offensive. You are out of your element here, antisemite and it is ON TOPIC. She was cancelled due to pressure from a tiny easily offended minority. Talk about a true plague it’s the cancel culture mob. Want to tattle? I can bring in additional mods. Let me know.
You just said you weren’t offended but you keep saying her posts are gross.
Right, because i care about other people. You can't figure that out?

I find it sad that people have died and fallen ill because of the gross lies about the pandemic planted by the orange slob, for example. .
But I like her post and I am Jewish? Ben Shapiro is Jewish and hired her immediately. Jews weren’t offended so who are you caring about? You going to tell me know how I should feel as a Jew?
Some but not most. Ben Shapiro talks to many and he hired her immediately thereafter so no way it was offensive. You are out of your element here, antisemite and it is ON TOPIC. She was cancelled due to pressure from a tiny easily offended minority. Talk about a true plague it’s the cancel culture mob. Want to tattle? I can bring in additional mods. Let me know.

Okay, you are just making yourself look foolish, but have at it.

It's not "Cancel Culture", it's "Consequence Culture". You do things, there are consequences.
Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew hired her immediately for his company.
And...good for him, too. I still find her post to be gross. If that's okay with the insufferable moron Shapiro.
You’re not Jewish. So before you said you weren’t offended but now you are. Story keeps chain. Can’t keep your lies straight, eh leftist. Moron? Shapiro graduated HS at 16 and has a law degree from Harvard. You’re the moron. You may disagree with his political views but he is not a moron.
Some but not most. Ben Shapiro talks to many and he hired her immediately thereafter so no way it was offensive. You are out of your element here, antisemite and it is ON TOPIC. She was cancelled due to pressure from a tiny easily offended minority. Talk about a true plague it’s the cancel culture mob. Want to tattle? I can bring in additional mods. Let me know.

Okay, you are just making yourself look foolish, but have at it.

It's not "Cancel Culture", it's "Consequence Culture". You do things, there are consequences.
Is it on topic? Yes or no? Why are you dodging?
Shapiro graduated HS at 16 and has a law degree from Harvard.
And turned into a moron somewhere along the way. Unless he is just pretending to be a moron in order to take money from gullible white wing dummies. I could believe that. His act is very convincing, if so.
Shapiro graduated HS at 16 and has a law degree from Harvard.
And turned into a moron somewhere along the way. Unless he is just pretending to be a moron in order to take money from gullible white wing dummies. I could believe that. His act is very convincing, if so.
You don’t know the definition of moron. Look in the mirror. You may disagree with his political views but even his critics admit he is highly intelligent.
Shapiro graduated HS at 16 and has a law degree from Harvard.
And turned into a moron somewhere along the way. Unless he is just pretending to be a moron in order to take money from gullible white wing dummies. I could believe that. His act is very convincing, if so.
You don’t know the definition of moron. Look in the mirror. You may disagree with his political views but even his critics admit he is highly intelligent.
Maybe he is intelligent, but he sure does end up in moronville all the time. But yeah, he is probably like Rush: he knows insecure, cackling white wing dicks butter his bread. So to moronville he goes.
Shapiro graduated HS at 16 and has a law degree from Harvard.
And turned into a moron somewhere along the way. Unless he is just pretending to be a moron in order to take money from gullible white wing dummies. I could believe that. His act is very convincing, if so.
You don’t know the definition of moron. Look in the mirror. You may disagree with his political views but even his critics admit he is highly intelligent.
Maybe he is intelligent, but he sure does end up in moronville all the time. But yeah, he is probably like Rush: he knows insecure, cackling white wing dicks butter his bread. So to moronville he goes.
So then he cannot be a moron. So anyone who disagrees with you politically is a moron? Absurd. No wonder you’re so easily offended.
Explain HOW or WHY it was demeaning. I asked you this before and you refused to do so, claiming I was trolling or playing a game. If you're brave enough to level accusations of racism at someone to destroy their careers and relationships then it behooves you to be brave enough, as the accuser, to prove it.

Nope. I don't have to. I didn't ruin her career. She did that all by herself.

Irrelevant. You still made an accusation and if you can't or won't back it up then you're a pathetic, lying, crawfishing wokepussy.

How? What did she say? BLM has demeaned the law enforcement community anyway so if it's true, it's no more than they dished out themselves.

Pointing out they shoot unarmed black people is demeaning them. Maybe they should try not shooting unarmed black people. But off topic, so that's where I'm going to leave it.

When you have people marching in the street with their eight year old kids and both they and their kids are carrying signs that say "Fuck the Police", you are demeaning the police.

And you brought up BLM dumbass.

As for her supposed demeaning of the trans community, she poked fun at the pronoun issue. This does not make her transphobic, it just means that she, like myself and a lot of other people, are amused and exasperated about the whole pronoun issue because, let's face it, it's just silly.

It's stilly to you... to the community, it's taken very seriously.

Tell me what I don't know. Of course it's taken seriously by them. I just refuse to waste time, energy and thought on someone else's life problems that have zero impact on anything meaningful. I am not letting someone else's personal problem become my problem. If I did that I'd probably find myself on a discussion board tossing accusations of -isms and -phobias around like I was feeding pigeons, not backing them up with evidence, lying if evidence points to innocence, overlooking liberal transgressions or downplaying them and doing and saying anything to get those precious (but apparently helpless) brown people to love me. You know, like you do.

They didn't say that your claims that her tweets did harm are relevant to your comment about conservative hypocrisy regarding at-will job terminations. This is what I said was irrelevant. I did not say that her tweets were irrelevant to Disney's firing her or vice versa.

Again, your side has been undermining worker protections since Tricky Dick... and now you are upset when someone gets fired because people didn't like her spew on the internet.

My "side"? I don't know that I have a "side" on that particular issue. And I'm not upset that she got fired because people didn't like her spew on the internet. I'm upset that she got fired because a bunch of halfwit wokebabies misinterpreted her tweet.

The Twitterbabies made a practical business decision?

I'm criticizing the Twitter Wokemob foaming at the mouth and all you keep saying is that Disney made a decision to fire her.

Yup. Because the title of the thread is "Gina Corano Fired from Disney's Mandelorian"

Yup, because the Twitter wokemob started whining about it. Duh.

Did a moderator talk to you or something? All of a sudden you have this newfound passion for staying on topic when it was never a problem for you before.

But without the Twitter storms and social media in general, how will you know who to hate? How would you have known that Sandmann was Catholic and a pro-lifer so that you could use that against him and ignore all the other evidence proving he did not approach and disrespect one of your pet brown people?

Actually, all I needed to see what his punchable smirking face.

Exactly. All that does is confirm to me that stoking and releasing your hate is more important to you than the truth. The only truth about Sandmann you know is that you hate him. Literally everything else you've said about the incident is a lie.

Seems to me you've made good use of social media for your own pernicious prejudicial purposes (clever alliterative, is it not)?

Me personally? You give me a lot of credit.

That was not a compliment. Believe me.

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