I love Dan's polls so I searched the web for another one.
Well, thanks!
What is your favorite...
...part of the day? That little bit of time between when the sun goes down and when it gets dark. Evening, I guess.
...dessert? Hmm. Not much of a dessert guy, really. I'll say a marble cake.
...leisure activity/hobby? Writing or playing guitar.
...book? Catcher in the Rye or A Heartbreaking Work of Staggerin Genius.
...movie? Chasing Amy.
...meal? Chinese buffet (sorry, Jeff!).
...part of your job? The fact that it's nonexistent.
...restaurant? Probably a Chinese buffet, but since I already said that, I'll say the Italian restaurant my parents took me to in Venice, FL (my Dad or Jim might know the name of it, I'm not sure).
...clothing? Ummmm. Well, I have this green t-shirt that's probably the most comfortable shirt I've ever owned. And I recently got a pair of fleece pants that are sort of like pajama pants, but they're so comfortable, I end up wearing them half the day anyway. That might have something to do with laziness, too, not sure.
...color? Green.
...section of the country? Northeast, NJ/NY area.
...season? Late fall, close to winter.
...memory? Wow! I never really thought about that. Ummmm, maybe this one year we came up for Christmas, everything seemed to just be pretty much perfect (it was the year Sara was born, I don't remember what year that was).
...Sunday afternoon activity? Sometimes my roommate and I will go out to eat and rent a movie on sunday afternoon. How gay is that?
...game/thing you did as a child? My mom and I used to do this thing where we'd hold our knees up under the covers of her bed and act like we were in a tent camping. That, and I also used to get a bunch of chairs and sheets and make big forts.
...flower? Not sure. Magnolias are pretty, I guess. Or whatever orchid they were looking for in Adaptation.
...quote? "Always some motherf*cker's gotta be skating uphill" - Blade
...art/artist? Jessica Milazzo
...song? "Just Like Anyone" by Soul Asylum.
Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island?
Word processor
Naomi Watts