Getting to know you


Active Member
Sep 2, 2003
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The ONLY GOOD place
I love Dan's polls so I searched the web for another one.

What is your favorite...
...part of the day?
...leisure activity/hobby?
...part of your job?
...section of the country?
...Sunday afternoon activity? you did as a child?
Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island?
1. ...part of the day? when I walk thru my door after work
2. ...dessert? Lemon Meringue pie
3. ...leisure activity/hobby? Reading
4. All Creature’s Great and Small by James Herriott
5. Casablanca
6. ...meal? Veal Piccata
7. ...part of your job? The paycheck
8. Wendy’s = fast food; Il Tinello = real food
9. flannel pj’s
10. ...color? red
11. ...section of the country? Blacksburg, VA
12. ...season? Fall
13. ...memory? first time my son said I love you
14. ...Sunday afternoon activity? Snuggle-buggle with my child
15. you did as a child? Performing at half time at the Cap Center
16. ...flower? Tulips
17. ...quote? see below
18. Manet
19. Turbo Lover, Judas Priest
20. Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island? Water, sunscreen and seeds to plant
What is your favorite...
...part of the day? - Sleep time, eating time
...dessert? - Strawberry Cheesecake
...leisure activity/hobby? - Surfing the net - Maxim magazine - Something for Joey
...meal? - Pizza
...part of your job? - Not having one! - McDonalds - Steelers jersey
...color? - Black
...section of the country? - Anywhere south
...season? - Spring
...memory? - First time I saw boobies
...Sunday afternoon activity? - NFL (is there anything else?) you did as a child? - Throw snowballs at cars
...flower? - Rose
...quote? - F%#$ you - as said by many people - Billy Joel - Cover me with roses - Skin n Bones
Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island? - Anna Kournikova, Cindy Crawford & Jennifer Love Hewitt
I love Dan's polls so I searched the web for another one.

Well, thanks! :)

What is your favorite...

...part of the day? That little bit of time between when the sun goes down and when it gets dark. Evening, I guess.

...dessert? Hmm. Not much of a dessert guy, really. I'll say a marble cake.

...leisure activity/hobby? Writing or playing guitar. Catcher in the Rye or A Heartbreaking Work of Staggerin Genius. Chasing Amy.

...meal? Chinese buffet (sorry, Jeff!).

...part of your job? The fact that it's nonexistent. Probably a Chinese buffet, but since I already said that, I'll say the Italian restaurant my parents took me to in Venice, FL (my Dad or Jim might know the name of it, I'm not sure). Ummmm. Well, I have this green t-shirt that's probably the most comfortable shirt I've ever owned. And I recently got a pair of fleece pants that are sort of like pajama pants, but they're so comfortable, I end up wearing them half the day anyway. That might have something to do with laziness, too, not sure.

...color? Green.

...section of the country? Northeast, NJ/NY area.

...season? Late fall, close to winter.

...memory? Wow! I never really thought about that. Ummmm, maybe this one year we came up for Christmas, everything seemed to just be pretty much perfect (it was the year Sara was born, I don't remember what year that was).

...Sunday afternoon activity? Sometimes my roommate and I will go out to eat and rent a movie on sunday afternoon. How gay is that? you did as a child? My mom and I used to do this thing where we'd hold our knees up under the covers of her bed and act like we were in a tent camping. That, and I also used to get a bunch of chairs and sheets and make big forts.

...flower? Not sure. Magnolias are pretty, I guess. Or whatever orchid they were looking for in Adaptation.

...quote? "Always some motherf*cker's gotta be skating uphill" - Blade Jessica Milazzo "Just Like Anyone" by Soul Asylum.

Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island?

Word processor
Naomi Watts
I edited my original post. I swear I found this in the sports section!!! :confused:
I was just gonna play with your head, that was until I noticed you edited your post anyway! LOL
Lol, I did get a little confused there for a second!
What is your favorite...

...part of the day? Opposite of Dan's...Dawn. Right before the sun comes up.
...dessert? Coconut custard cream pie
...leisure activity/hobby? fishing It too many. Dont have a "favorite"
...meal? steak and potatoes
...part of your job? the young hotties I "oversee" :D Just point me to a steak house. casual
...color? blue
...section of the country? NE. Nantucket especially. (really only section I have been in :( )
...season? early fall..changing of the leaves where its warm during the day and gets chilly at night but you can still waer shorts just with a sweatshirt.
...memory? Japanese restuarant in the city. Whats it called Jim? We all went there one night.
...Sunday afternoon activity? football. Gotta agree with Jim on this one. you did as a child? Went fishing with my 2 older uncles.
...flower? Cheesy..but a rose.
...quote? Got the right key but the wrong keyhole. Norman Rockwell Arms Wide Open - Creed
Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island?
Fishing pole, lighter and Janeen. Hey..I need someone to cook and clean for me!!! :D
Jims arent half bad either. :)
...part of the day? Opposite of Dan's...Dawn. Right before the sun comes up.

THere's only one reason I would still be awake at dawn, and at that stage, I'm generally not too concerned with... anything.;)

And, no, there is no feasible reason to actually wake up before the sun rises. EVER!
...part of the day? Kids and Husband in bed sleeping!

...dessert? anything that makes you FAT!

...leisure activity/hobby? This board and sleeping! Don't have one particular one, and don't have anymore time to read a book! :( Wizard of Oz! :)

...meal? Any that I don't have to cook!

...part of your job? Wednesday night!!! The (clients as they call them) getting licked on the cheeck and being called Mommy the whole ride! :) but they keep my sanity going. Gabrielles loved my guess jeans that Moi gave me!

...color? mauve

...section of the country? Lancaster, PA

...season? Spring

...memory? Being able to finally hold my Daughter after 3 weeks

...Sunday afternoon activity? Waving goodbye to my Husband going out to watch football! you did as a child? beat up Jim!!!!!!! :)

...flower? pink rose

...quote? Shut up! lately it's been Vincent Vangough, found some interesting art by him. Bitter sweety symphony, all about me!

Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island? coffee, cigarrettes, and Jackass to abuse! hehe!

actually, my 2 kids and my dog!
...part of the day? Morning coffee

...dessert? Butterscotch pie

...leisure activity/hobby? gaming or reading red storm rising or anything by RA Salvatore the crow

...meal? Seafood Gumbo

...part of your job? when I have a job, its building servers. Bojangles as little as possible

...color? Black

...section of the country? northern new mexico

...season? early winter

...memory? too many to choose from

...Sunday afternoon activity? being lazy you did as a child? fishing

...flower? sunflower

...quote? "do it, and let the english see you do it" - william wallace, braveheart. Larry Elmore Dust in the wind, Kansas

Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island? solar panels, my laptop, and a satelite dish. lick your clients???!!

Good God NO!!!! it's the other way around, they come and give a smooch, but in doing so, it's like a lick, have to wipe off the face from the drool!! hehehe
...part of the day? bedtime - or nap time
...dessert? Key Lime Pie
...leisure activity/hobby? TV Anything written by V.C. Andrews The Gremlins
...meal? Steak and baked potatoes
...part of your job? Paycheck Outback or any other steakhouse Sweats
...color? Orange
...section of the country? South
...season? Spring
...memory? My kids growing up without killing anyone
...Sunday afternoon activity? Cooking you did as a child? Beat the hell out of every boy I could
...flower? Daffidol
...quote? Do unto others before they do unto you Billy Joel This night is mine
Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island?
Coffee, cigarettes and Clint Eastwod
What is your favorite...
...part of the day? Twilight

...dessert? Chocolate tulip shell filled with white chocolate mousse with creme anglaise and blackberrys

...leisure activity/hobby? Mountain biking, cooking, camping I'm not sure, Lord of Rings Star Wars episode 4

...meal? Elk striploin with glace de viande, oven dried tomatoes, roasted rosemary red potatoes and asparagus

...part of your job? Continuing to build costumer loyality, beating the competition. American Bounty Jeans

...color? Green

...section of the country? Stanley Basin, towered by the Sawtooth Mountians. See picture below.

...season? Fall

...memory? Honeymoon in Hawaii

...Sunday afternoon activity? Biking, hiking, snowshoeing, camping you did as a child? Fishing with dad and brothers

...flower? I have no idea

...quote? Lefty loosey righty tighty Dan Budd Unchained - Van Halen

Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island? Wife, dog, satillite phone - so I could call for help when I'm sick of them.:D
Part of the Day: None, I try to enjoy them all
Dessert: Keylime pie
leisure activity/hobby: Sex, Laughing (At my age, I get to laugh more often than I get sex).
book: A brief history of time
movie: Highway of Death, I don't know if it is actually my favorite but I watched it in drivers ed when I was 15 and it made a big impression...
meal: Whatever the Lo Pau is cooking...
part of your job: The friends I make
Restaurant: Landshark Pizza Subs and Deli
clothing: none, as a matter of fact, I'm naked right now...
color: Azure Blue
Section of the country: I like to hear the ocean.
Season: Winter
Memory: Had them surgicaly removed at 40
Sunday afternoon activity: See hobbies
Game/thing you did as a child: Sold drugs, banked chumps (I was a libertarian as a child...).
flower: Poppy
quote: Beware the military industrial complex (Pres. D. Eisenhower)
art/artist: Whoever directs the Vivid videos, specificaly "Jane Bondage, double 'O' 6.9", this guy was robbed at the oscars, how Scorcese sleeps at night I'll never know.
song: Head like a Hole
Bonus: What are the three things you would take with you on a desert island: Water purification equipment, the wife and one of you cons, so I'd have someone to argue with (My old lady sais I'm not allowed to argue with her...)

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