Getting Omicron

Is that what your doctor told you or what you interpreted from what you read on the CDC website?
If you're asking do I believe the Branch Covidian Doomsayers, I can read for myself.

Watch for Symptoms

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
It's the common cold.
I just find it amusing that out of the many medical experts like you and the other Yahoos on this thread none have actually had a conversation with a doctor. I'm not going to try to convince you of anything because nothing I say matters, I'm just an avatar on a message board. Go talk to an expert and seek real answers for yourself.
You mean like the same kind of experts who said tobacco was healthy and asbestos wasn't a problem?
Well, that's great, but this is NOT POLITICS. This is life or death health issues.

Anyway, let's take a look at YOUR source,

By the way, that location is located at "Garfield Square Park" in San Fransisco, a bogus location for an office building (could be a technical glitch, but still...). What else is bogus? not a root registering agent and is itself registered by we are seeing that it's not a real entity (all top level entities are directly hosted through a top level registering agent). I read FLY BY NIGHT and heavily cloaked in the cyberworld. [Edit: most bogus IP locations like this mean that they are actually gateway addresses, often to overseas locations...In other words the server may very well be located in Beijing, China, for all I know]

A quick search about the website itself yields a short note in wikipeadia:

"Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) is an American fact-checking website founded in 2015 by editor Dave M. Van Zandt.[1]

Van Zandt and his team use a 0–10 scale to rate sites for biased wording, headlines, actuality, sourcing, story choices, and political affiliation"

And then a search about the founder, "Dave M. Van Zandt" yields this:

"Discredited, self-styled ‘fact-checker’ website was served with a ‘cease and desist’ legal notice today for publishing unsubstantiated and defamatory claims against Principia Scientific International (PSI). MEDIA BIAS/FACT CHECK site owner admits he is unqualified and misrepresented himself as a seasoned journalist."

So really a nobody, serving biased and largely unsubstantiated claims for hire? Is that right? hu, why am I not surprised.

go fish.

I put out truth. You put out lie after lie. Not one bit of info you provided had even a remote bit of truth or fact to it.

MOST sites use the domain by proxy because it generally hides private information from fruitcakes like you. Of course, you did find some information and then you just added your fantasies to it for your own benefit. That's called lying, liar.

Sorry, but you just aren't important enough to be rated by any media bias site. I am sure if you were you would rate extremely high on the fruitcake scale.

Now how about getting back on topic.
Copying the entire text does not show what we are looking for. Let's see you copy n paste what exactly your propaganda piece said about that guy dying because of omi-con. I bet if you read it again, you will find that the most they will tell you is that he had omi-con, and that he died. They will NOT connect his death to omi-con.

Why bother. You already proved that you won't read it. And it does attribute the death to covid. Because, without Covid, his health would have been good enough for him to live. You are using logic like "He was crossing the road and tripped". "Unrelated: right after he tripped, he ended up in heavy traffic and a bus ran over him". Now, riddle me this, was it the falling into traffic that killed him or the 30K lb bus.
Are there any reasons why you would be concerned about getting Omicron, above and beyond the typical symptoms that go with a typical cold?
The risk for any given individual doesn't seem much worse than seasonal flus. But we have a degree of herd immunity to those and they don't spread nearly as quickly. The risk is a third of the population coming down with the flu at the same time. That would be a shitshow, and many people would die.
Die from omicron?
Yep. The old and infirm die from the flu all the time. If a third of our country came down with the flu, all at once, many of them would die and our hospitals would be overwhelmed. Not sure how you deny that - though I'm sure you'll try. ;)
Yep. The old and infirm die from the flu all the time. If a third of our country came down with the flu, all at once, many of them would die and our hospitals would be overwhelmed. Not sure how you deny that - though I'm sure you'll try. ;)
If we used the old definition of the Flu......Where we could not presume it was a Covid death......Would the numbers of deaths from covid be much lower?

aka. My father had the Flu......had Emphysema ......he recovered from the Flu and got Pnuemonia....beat that and then died later..............Cause of death was Emphysema. Not the Flu

Had this been Covid season......he would have been presumed died of Covid..............have they skewed the numbers?

  • In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.” In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.
The risk for any given individual doesn't seem much worse than seasonal flus. But we have a degree of herd immunity to those and they don't spread nearly as quickly. The risk is a third of the population coming down with the flu at the same time. That would be a shitshow, and many people would die.
Dang... you managed to argue that people would die from the flu, but on a thread about the omicron variant that nobody has died from.
The real topic is omicron, but you substituted the flu to defeat the omicron challenge

One slippery lefty. Lol...

Omicron variant multiplies faster in bronchial tissue than in lung tissue.

And tends to multiply faster overall..which is why it is super infectious.

Meaning that you likely won't choke to death but your endocrine system will be destroyed by the time all is said and done.

Yep. The old and infirm die from the flu all the time. If a third of our country came down with the flu, all at once, many of them would die and our hospitals would be overwhelmed. Not sure how you deny that - though I'm sure you'll try. ;)
If we get back to the omi-con that the thread is about, how many people in the entire world have been confirmed dead because of omi-con?
Dang... you managed to argue that people would die from the flu, but on a thread about the omicron variant that nobody has died from.
The real topic is omicron, but you substituted the flu to defeat the omicron challenge
The symptoms of omicron are similar to the flu. Do you deny that? Do you deny that flu kills people?

I'm not really invested in maintaining the pandemic, or whatever your paranoid little mind is imagining. You are, apparently, incapable of understanding the dangers of a pandemic outside it's direct threat to your person. Which matches most of your political mindset, so it's not surprising.
One slippery lefty. Lol...
I don't really keep up with the left/right shit. I just don't like seeing paranoid twats spreading lies on the internet.
If we get back to the omi-con that the thread is about, how many people in the entire world have been confirmed dead because of omi-con?
Only a few so far. Hopefully it will stay that way. Does that disappoint you?
I know 5 people that have caught it, none had to go to the hospital. All but 1 had worse symptoms than a cold. Stuck in bed for 4 days with a killer headache. These were all healthy people under 50. I'd be worried about elderly or people with underlying conditions catching it.

How do you know for sure it was Omicron?

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