Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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Post 114 links to an article that says the plane that crashed in PA on 9/11 impacted the ground at 580 miles per hour.
A cesna takes a 30 degree approach on landing and landing speed is 30 to 60 knotts. This 747 would have had to come in at 1 to 5 degree approach at 500 miles per hour, sorry it can not happen. The PA flight wnet head long into the ground at a high rate of speed it did not manage a 1 to 5 degree approach and remain steady at that appraoch for over a mile. Good fucking luck accomplishing that. There are flight similators out there if you can do it I will kiss your ass!

If I'm not concerned with landing, I would be able to do it. Why do planes slow down? Because they have lots of inertia and momentum, but have a limited amount of runway to stop in. If you aren't concerned with landing, you don't have to slow down. And yeah, 580 mph is how fast the plane in PA was going when it impacted.
The Pentagon is a huge target
Not hard to crash into, even at 580 mph
Look at the video and see the angle of approach, that is what is hard. The next question is why would one use that angle of appraoch. If it were me I would have used a 45 degree angle of approach and hit the building higher for more destruction. Look up the diminsions of a 747 and tell me how easy it is to keep a plane of that size that close to the ground at 580mph with out hiting the ground. Good luck.
Is this a 757 or a cruise missile hitting the Pentagon on 911???

Post 114 links to an article that says the plane that crashed in PA on 9/11 impacted the ground at 580 miles per hour.
A cesna takes a 30 degree approach on landing and landing speed is 30 to 60 knotts. This 747 would have had to come in at 1 to 5 degree approach at 500 miles per hour, sorry it can not happen. The PA flight wnet head long into the ground at a high rate of speed it did not manage a 1 to 5 degree approach and remain steady at that appraoch for over a mile. Good fucking luck accomplishing that. There are flight similators out there if you can do it I will kiss your ass!

If I'm not concerned with landing, I would be able to do it. Why do planes slow down? Because they have lots of inertia and momentum, but have a limited amount of runway to stop in. If you aren't concerned with landing, you don't have to slow down. And yeah, 580 mph is how fast the plane in PA was going when it impacted.
The Pentagon is a huge target
Not hard to crash into, even at 580 mph
Look at the video and see the angle of approach, that is what is hard. The next question is why would one use that angle of appraoch. If it were me I would have used a 45 degree angle of approach and hit the building higher for more destruction. Look up the diminsions of a 747 and tell me how easy it is to keep a plane of that size that close to the ground at 580mph with out hiting the ground. Good luck.
The terrorists could have used any angle of approach from 0 degrees to 90 degrees and still hit the huge target

All they needed to do was maintain an altitude parallel to the ground and maintain it. They can steer into the target at any point they choose
Not hard
Post 114 links to an article that says the plane that crashed in PA on 9/11 impacted the ground at 580 miles per hour.
A cesna takes a 30 degree approach on landing and landing speed is 30 to 60 knotts. This 747 would have had to come in at 1 to 5 degree approach at 500 miles per hour, sorry it can not happen. The PA flight wnet head long into the ground at a high rate of speed it did not manage a 1 to 5 degree approach and remain steady at that appraoch for over a mile. Good fucking luck accomplishing that. There are flight similators out there if you can do it I will kiss your ass!
It was not a 747,
it was a 757 which is completely different.

Yes it can happen and the specifications on the plane from boeing prove absolutely it can happen.

Kiss away boy you lost.

Only an idiot would believe that the Pentagon was hit by a 757....Lloyde England, (the cab driver whose taxi that showed the front windshield busted but no damage to the hood) admitted when he thought that he wasn't being recorded that this thing was bigger than all of us.

Oh well, if a cab driver said it then it must be true.

Actually, the car damage is more damning than anything Lloyde England tried not to say. I mean this huge light pole falls on the cab but does no body damage? What are the odds. eh?
You are pathetic.

So, the nose of the "757" made THIS HOLE???


Interesting, where are the wings and engines?

That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
You are pathetic.

So, the nose of the "757" made THIS HOLE???


Interesting, where are the wings and engines?

That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!

Ever flown an actual aircraft? Ever flown an actual simulator? I have done both, flown a Cessna small aircraft, and was allowed to spend time in the simulators for the FA-18 at Cecil Field when I was stationed with VFA-131. Some of the pilots would sneak me in on occasion.

It's not the flying that is hard. It is the landing that is the hard part. And, those terrorists who hijacked the aircraft had already spent a couple of months training to fly those jets. Funny thing though, they never spent any time learning how to land.
You are pathetic.

So, the nose of the "757" made THIS HOLE???


Interesting, where are the wings and engines?

That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!

Ever flown an actual aircraft? Ever flown an actual simulator? I have done both, flown a Cessna small aircraft, and was allowed to spend time in the simulators for the FA-18 at Cecil Field when I was stationed with VFA-131. Some of the pilots would sneak me in on occasion.

It's not the flying that is hard. It is the landing that is the hard part. And, those terrorists who hijacked the aircraft had already spent a couple of months training to fly those jets. Funny thing though, they never spent any time learning how to land.

And you do know technology to take over a plane and bypass the pilot has been around since the late 1970's? BTW, Pilots for 9/11 Truth begs to differ as well.
You are pathetic.

So, the nose of the "757" made THIS HOLE???


Interesting, where are the wings and engines?

That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect
Interesting, where are the wings and engines?

That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!

Ever flown an actual aircraft? Ever flown an actual simulator? I have done both, flown a Cessna small aircraft, and was allowed to spend time in the simulators for the FA-18 at Cecil Field when I was stationed with VFA-131. Some of the pilots would sneak me in on occasion.

It's not the flying that is hard. It is the landing that is the hard part. And, those terrorists who hijacked the aircraft had already spent a couple of months training to fly those jets. Funny thing though, they never spent any time learning how to land.

And you do know technology to take over a plane and bypass the pilot has been around since the late 1970's? BTW, Pilots for 9/11 Truth begs to differ as well.

Are you saying there has been tech since the 70's that can hijack an aircraft? Silly terrorists have been using guns and box cutters, why didn't they get the memo?
You are pathetic.

So, the nose of the "757" made THIS HOLE???


Interesting, where are the wings and engines?

That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
Interesting, where are the wings and engines?

That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact
That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!

Ever flown an actual aircraft? Ever flown an actual simulator? I have done both, flown a Cessna small aircraft, and was allowed to spend time in the simulators for the FA-18 at Cecil Field when I was stationed with VFA-131. Some of the pilots would sneak me in on occasion.

It's not the flying that is hard. It is the landing that is the hard part. And, those terrorists who hijacked the aircraft had already spent a couple of months training to fly those jets. Funny thing though, they never spent any time learning how to land.

And you do know technology to take over a plane and bypass the pilot has been around since the late 1970's? BTW, Pilots for 9/11 Truth begs to differ as well.

Are you saying there has been tech since the 70's that can hijack an aircraft? Silly terrorists have been using guns and box cutters, why didn't they get the memo?

According to Field McConnell, who was a pilot and was former military? That has been the case and standard issue on Boeing planes and the installation of the device was on the down low. Those that put it in there didn't even know what it was for. So any hijacking of a Boeing plane that ended tragically was allowed to happen.

Funny fact about the whole "boxcutter knives" thing is that the combined budgets of the NSA, NORAD, CIA, Pentagon, etc, etc (as it pertains to national security) is well over one TRILLION dollars a year.....yet allegedly 19 hijackers armed with nothing but boxcutters directed by a CIA asset were able to buttfuck USA.INC on the world stage and made them look like total idiots. The most sophisticated penetration of US airspace of the most heavily defended country in the world were snorting coke with strippers while running up a huge bar tab but yet had the where-with-all able to overpower military combat trained pilots.

So inept was our air defense that they couldn't send fighter jets to escort them and when they finally did get the order to try and intercept them? They were sent wildly off course. We have Dick Cheney being warned about the incoming jet to the Pentagon and he gave stand-down orders to do nothing. What is so incredible about the Pentagon hit was that the very side that this incredible pilot crashed was trying to work on the mystery of the missing 2.3 trillion dollars Donald Rumsfeld said could not be accounted for the day before.......but I am sure that it's just a coincidence.

Luckily for us, the news anchors and pundits knew within minutes and or a few hours that this was the work of Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" as a passport of one of the alleged terrorists fell literally into their laps.
That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact

But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact

But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

You know, someone brought it up further up the thread. When the attack first happened, they were tracking and landing EVERY PLANE OVER US AIRSPACE. How do I know this? Because all the applicants who were supposed to go to boot camp that day were sent back home, as were all the other applicants that came into the MEPS. We had to wait for the recruiters to come and pick their people up, and then we were sent home as well.

By the way................ever heard of this nifty little thing called radar and IFF? Hint: It's how they track aircraft over the US and keep track of where they are. question is.................if they tracked that aircraft from where it took off to the Pentagon, how did the terrorists get a false track generated in the airport towers?

As far as going and shooting the plane down? I'm sure they thought of that, but it would look REALLY BAD for a US military aircraft to shoot down a plane of civilians just to take out a couple of terrorists.

Besides.....................there's also the little problem of debris falling over populated areas.

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