Get your popcorn and beer ready for tonight ...


USMB Member
Jul 23, 2008
Central California
..... cause the honorable Reverend Palin should be just about ready to give her "speaking in tongue", "snake handing" sermon tonight.

Was the "anointing" of Sarah Palin by the Republicans and Neo-Conservatives a Hail Mary Pass? I don't think so. Regrettably, the secular mainstream media will ignore tens of millions of Christian believers across American and their impact on Election Day. Religious myths and revivalism that have always coincided with conventional politics will also go unreported. At the same time, the blogosphere showing Sarah Palin being prayed over and protected from the demon of witchcraft in the Wasilla Assembly of God Church-the same denomination that ordained and excommunicated me due to inquiring about the pre-tribulation Rapture, being filled with the Holy Spirit and the evidence of speaking in tongues, and its unquestioning support of U.S. wars-is unaware of the sincerity and political activism of millions of Charismatic and Pentecostal believers. And believe me, they are genuine and vigorous in practicing their faith in public. They will actually perceive their vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin as a mission from God and the salvation of the New World Order, not to mention the divine continuation of the Global War On Terror.

Why Sarah Palin? (Part One) -

Here is some Popcorn & beer for ya, while you watch the video. :popcorn: :beer:
I don't think she's scary.
I am interested in seeing how she does. I think they need to fire her handlers, who are the same idiots who screwed Bush, and just let her go at it.
She isn't scary.

Having her as POTUS could become a Nightmare on Main Street though
so are we gonna have a thread for the debate tonight? i had a hell of time keeping up with the thread and the debate...i dont think that will be a problem this evening.
She is scary, she works for government. What's scary, you vote for people like her. See Democrats and Republicans in Washington. Thank you. Because if you thought the Republicans were bad, just wait for the Democrats to bring us back.
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The only people who are fooling themselves in this election are the Obama supporters. Let's face it, people are only voting for McCain because he's not Obama. Palin is just his little sidekick, so she won't add much to the ticket. The problem is that the Obamobots somehow think that he's going to do a great job. They will be sorely disappointed. However, things might not be so bad. Remember Bill Clinton? His leftist policies ushered in a new conservative-controlled Congress in 1994. Because Clinton was weak, he was pretty much at the mercy of Congress. Aside from Clinton's shenanigans, the US didn't do so bad. Since Obama changes his position on major issues daily, he should be easy to control. One can only hope.
I don't think she's scary.
I am interested in seeing how she does. I think they need to fire her handlers, who are the same idiots who screwed Bush, and just let her go at it.

"I think they need to fire her handlers" :confused: She should have been ready for this kind of thing to come out. If you make a video giving your opinion on anything .... be prepared for it to make national news ... if you plan to "run for a very public office".

I agree with the reporters. She will have a problem trying to maintain "seperation of church & state". If she wanted to continue "spreading the word of her specific belief's" ... she should not have accepted the challange that she now faces.

"Those who would renegotiate the boundaries between church and state must therefore answer a difficult question: why would we trade a system that has served us so well for one that has served others so poorly?" Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Conner on the Ten Commandments ruling, June 27, 2005

Separation of Church and State

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