Get Out is a powerful 2017 film about escaping the liberal plantation


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
I actually recommend that you NOT watch the trailer for this film if you haven't seen the movie. Thus, I won't post it here. It's been so long since the film came out that I forgot what exactly was in the trailer. Thank God, because the trailer gives so much shit away now that I watched it again after seeing the film.

I really like and respect Jordan Peele's comedy work (even going back to Mad TV) even if he's probably a liberal. I was expecting Get Out to be liberal propaganda. Much to my surprise, it's quite the opposite.

I figured out what was going on within 5-10 minutes of meeting the parents. However, there is yet another, final twist in the last 20 minutes that elevated this movie from the 8.5 that I was going to give it to my final score:


It's the kind of final twist that makes you want to instantly rewatch the film, because there were so many clues. I didn't do that, but it made me instantly think of all those clues to this final twist.

The acting is brilliant all around. The cinematography is great as well. I was worried that this might be torture porn, and I don't really care for those kinds of movies. However, it's not. There is virtually no violence until the very end, and I loved the movie for that.
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I saw the trailers and that was enough to make me not want to watch the puke.

I felt the same way when I first saw the trailer last year. It looked like it was going to be predictable SJW bullshit. However, it's not a preachy movie, and the whole racial tension stuff is just a minor premise upon which is built a pretty solid, standard, psychological horror movie.

This movie has more in common with stuff like the Twilight Zone and Rosemary's Baby than it does any preachy liberal movie.

Also,what the trailer doesn't tell you is *very minor spoilers*.....

The parents are actually these douchy liberals. The dad talks about how he'd vote for Obama a third time if he could.

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