get a big bag of popcorn, liberals: "McConnell clashes with Rick Scott over agenda", after Trump came out for Scott as Majority Leader replacing Mitch


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Mitch McConnell: Be chill, donā€™t explain our policy agenda before the election, itā€™ll only hurt us to discuss it in public.


"Mitch McConnell is scolding Rick Scott for releasing a 2022 GOP platform that calls for raising taxes on ā€œover half of Americans.ā€ McConnell says releasing an agenda has given ā€œDemocrats ammunition for millions of dollars of ads in the midterms,ā€"
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don't forget the "128 promises" too

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Mitch says he brings home the bacon. when i talk to folks from Kentucky, they tell me their belly is empty
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McConnell made clear heā€™s planning to be fully in charge in 2023: ā€œIf weā€™re fortunate enough to have the majority next year, Iā€™ll be the majority leader. Iā€™ll decide, in consultation with my members, what to put on the floor.ā€ He didnā€™t offer specifics of what his agenda would be beyond topics like inflation, border security, crime and energy.

ā€œRepublicans, and really all Americans outside of Washington, are demanding that we have a plan to turn our country around,ā€ said Chris Hartline, a spokesperson for Scott. ā€œSen. Scott is not afraid to start this conversation and will continue talking about his plan to rescue America.ā€

Some have speculated that Scott might be preparing to challenge McConnell or run for president, both of which he has denied. And though Scott launched his agenda in his personal capacity, Republicans said the fact that Scott is the chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee has made everything a little messier.

Thatā€™s what ā€œmakes it a little confusing,ā€ said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a former two-time NRSC chair.

ā€œThis is not an approach embraced by the entire Republican conference,ā€ Cornyn added of Scottā€™s agenda. ā€œWeā€™re going to keep our focus on inflation, crime, the border and Afghanistan. And some of these other things are things to think about ā€¦ after the election is over.ā€

McConnell wants to avoid giving Democrats things to criticize over the next eight months, hoping to keep his party on offense. He believes that focusing on Bidenā€™s low approval ratings and running as a check on the Democratic Party is the most effective midterm strategy. Heā€™s also reluctant to embrace specific policy measures after the Senate GOP failed to repeal Obamacare after a years-long campaign against the law.

Scott has indisputably disrupted that strategy, as Democrats tee off on aspects of his plan. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday that Scott had ā€œproposed everything from raising taxes on low-income Americans to naming a useless and ineffective border wall after Donald Trump.ā€

And former Rep. Abby Finkenauer (D-Iowa), who is challenging Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), latched onto Scottā€™s endorsement of term limits, tweeting on Tuesday that ā€œeven the NRSC Chair is calling for term limits. He called Senators like Chuck Grassley who have sat in DC for DECADES part of the ā€˜Washington ruling class.ā€™ā€

Led by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Republicans are expected to roll out their own agenda in the summer or early fall. Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) said he agrees with McConnell that ā€œDemocrats are self-destructing on their own,ā€ but that McCarthy and House leaders ā€œmade a decision to put on a platform, and Iā€™d rather participate than not.ā€

Though Scottā€™s platform has roiled some corners of the GOP, it has some support in the party too. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) said heā€™s ā€œon boardā€ with Scottā€™s blueprint and said Republicans need to be thinking about ā€œa universal plan that we need to sell to the American people.ā€

Asked if Scottā€™s agenda is making his reelection harder, Grassley said ā€œabsolutely not.ā€ But he also defended McConnellā€™s lower-key approach.

ā€œThis is just [Scottā€™s] own personal ideas, and just like Chuck Grassley can express my views, he can express his,ā€ Grassley said. ā€œAs a practical matter, you wouldnā€™t count your chickens before the eggs are hatched ā€¦ McConnell is putting all of his effort into winning because if we donā€™t win in November, there isnā€™t such a thing as a Republican agenda.ā€
Mitch needs to go. He's had his shot. The Senate needs new leadership.

Now watch Democrats defend McConnell in 3...2...1...
Rick Scott? Sure, one can look at MTG, Cawthorn, or Boebert and ask themselves to what depths have Republicans sunk to. But Rick Scott is the poster child. Henry George nailed it almost two hundred years ago. Democracy is worse than autocracy under our present condition and a convicted fraudster like Rick Scott holding a senate seat is glaring proof.

.Where there is anything like an equal distribution of wealth-that is to say, where there is general patriotism, virtue, and intelligence-the more democratic the government the better it will be; but where there is gross inequality in the distribution of wealth, the more democratic the government the worse it will be; for, while rotten democracy may not in itself be worse than rotten autocracy, its effects upon national character will be worse To give the suffrage to tramps, to paupers, to men to whom the chance to labor is a boon, to men who must beg, or steal, or starve, is to invoke destruction. To put political power in the hands of men embittered and degraded by poverty is to tie firebrands to foxes and turn them loose amid the standing corn; it is to put out the eyes of a Samson and to twine his arms around the pillars of national life.

So the RINO has to lecture the Trump acolyte on what not to do going into the midtermsā€¦

Rick Scott is a fucking moron. He wants to limit the amount of time someone can work for the Fed Govt to 12 years. So a nurse in the VA with tons of expertise gets booted because her 12 years are up.
Color me unsurprised. The GOP establishment never has a plan or agenda, they just wait for Democrats to ruin things, then campaign on "at least we're not the Democrats," then do absolutely nothing to fix the problems once they're back in power, then get swept in the next election. Rinse and repeat x infinity.

I'm no huge fan of Scott, as he was responsible for enacting knee-jerk gun control legislation in Florida, but McConnell is a corrupt pariah who is basically indistinct from Pelosi and Schumer. They all need to be run out of DC
Rick Scott is a fucking moron. He wants to limit the amount of time someone can work for the Fed Govt to 12 years. So a nurse in the VA with tons of expertise gets booted because her 12 years are up.
But you can defraud the federal government for billions into perpetuity. At least that is what Rick Scott attempted to do.
Rick Scott is a fucking moron. He wants to limit the amount of time someone can work for the Fed Govt to 12 years. So a nurse in the VA with tons of expertise gets booted because her 12 years are up.
Progs are on the direction to push sympathy for adults molesting children enroute to legalizing it. Joe has been doing it for 50 years as a government employee.
Progs are on the direction to push sympathy for adults molesting children enroute to legalizing it. Joe has been doing it for 50 years as a government employee.

yea....more drunk post! :cheers2: :cheers2:
Why would we do that?
Cuz that's your M.O.

If Trump came out in favor of oxygen half the liberals in America would asphyxiate to "prove" him wrong.

The other half would claim they were living without oxygen and the MSM would report it as fact.
Mitch McConnell: Be chill, donā€™t explain our policy agenda before the election, itā€™ll only hurt us to discuss it in public.


"Mitch McConnell is scolding Rick Scott for releasing a 2022 GOP platform that calls for raising taxes on ā€œover half of Americans.ā€ McConnell says releasing an agenda has given ā€œDemocrats ammunition for millions of dollars of ads in the midterms,ā€"
Mitch must go.
Rick Scott is a fucking moron. He wants to limit the amount of time someone can work for the Fed Govt to 12 years. So a nurse in the VA with tons of expertise gets booted because her 12 years are up.
oh so you're wanting to keep the old boys club running the show like they have for decades?
oh so you're wanting to keep the old boys club running the show like they have for decades?

No, I am wanting to keep knowledge and experience where it can do the most good.

Do you know of any private company that tells people the day they hire them they are going to be let go after 12 years no matter how good they are?

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