Germany now offering to pay migrants to go back home


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Do you think other European countries will wake up and do the same?

As Germany still struggles to balance its migration policy, the Interior Ministry has apparently decided to take one of the issues into its own hands and, through an ad campaign, boost the numbers of voluntary repatriations.

The ministry, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Bavarian ally Horst Seehofer, decided to lure potential repatriates with a supposedly bright future awaiting them in their countries of origin – as well as a sort of a complimentary gift should they agree to go home voluntarily.

The ads, which were placed on the billboards in major German cities in mid-November, featured a cheerful slogan that read: “Your country! Your future! Now!”

The ads also offered those who grab the unique opportunity before the end of 2018 a bonus in the form of the German government paying their rental costs in their countries of origin for the next year. In return, the refugees have to take back their asylum applications and renounce further legal proceedings to remain in Germany.

More @ Germany now offering to pay migrants to go back home

Do you think other European countries will wake up and do the same?

As Germany still struggles to balance its migration policy, the Interior Ministry has apparently decided to take one of the issues into its own hands and, through an ad campaign, boost the numbers of voluntary repatriations.

The ministry, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Bavarian ally Horst Seehofer, decided to lure potential repatriates with a supposedly bright future awaiting them in their countries of origin – as well as a sort of a complimentary gift should they agree to go home voluntarily.

The ads, which were placed on the billboards in major German cities in mid-November, featured a cheerful slogan that read: “Your country! Your future! Now!”

The ads also offered those who grab the unique opportunity before the end of 2018 a bonus in the form of the German government paying their rental costs in their countries of origin for the next year. In return, the refugees have to take back their asylum applications and renounce further legal proceedings to remain in Germany.

More @ Germany now offering to pay migrants to go back home
What a novel idea...Unfortunately when you pay, they(Muslim Migrants) see the cash cow and do the revolving door theory.. Get paid step out of the country, walk back in, get paid to leave the country, rinse and repeat...Liberals are the "DUMBEST" people in the universe....

who will go away?

Germans are obliged to pay life time long for any Muslim, who owns four wives and twenty children, otherwise it is racists and nazi.

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