Germany didnt have enough Navy to cross theEnglish Channel


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
The USA after PH built a Navy that swept

the seas.............................
Germany was quite capable of a cross channel invasion in 1940, once the needed transport for the ground forces had been assembled (which they were), a successful crossing was possible.....if the German leadership hadn't have been suffering from a "Lack of Moral Fibre" when it came to Britain and its Navy.

The Luftwaffe would have gained air superiority over the areas of the channel to be used, remember that prior to the Battle of Britain there was the Channel Kampf (war) in which the Germans successful tried to lure the RAF into fighting on unequal terms (given the better range and numbers involved for the Luftwaffe). With Air Superiority attained, the Royal Navy (the full power of the RN was not available as it was, by neccessity, dispersed to other combat areas) couldn't have successfully stopped the invasion, and once the German ground troops were ashore the British Army would have been incapable of stopping them (they had left the vast majority of their heavy/medium equipment in France).
The USA after PH built a Navy that swept

the seas.............................

You are exactly right, after the last twenty days of 1941 the United States built one heck of a navy.

France fell in May 1940. Year and a half ealier. Our here pilot Lindburgh and others were still crying isolationism or even pro nazi anti-communist chants. The US populace was a far way from saving the day despite what liberal Roosevelt Administration wanted.

Something I forget is the FOG OF WAR effect. In the summer of 40 through 99% of 41 who knew what the Germans were capable of. They rolled through numerically equal countries at will on the Continent.

Also there was a time delay in deployment of our forces. Not like on Dec 8th 41 all our dough boys arrived in England on escort carriers.
It would have been ugly if the Germans had been able to get their army across the Channel in 1940/41.

Brits were totally depleted after Dunkirk.

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