Germany anti-Hebrew: 1933 by Nazis; 2023/4 by Arab Islamists (pro Nazism)


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023

Berlin: A man and a woman talk Hebrew and are beaten up by Arabs because of it.
January 7, 2024.

Muslim Anti-Semitism in Berlin: "Wide Swaths of Arab-Speaking Population Harbor Sympathies for Terrorists".
Der Spiegel, Oct 11, 2023


Neo-Nazis aligned with German-Muslims of Syrian, Lebanese origin v Israel.
Jerusalem Post, Jun 3, 2021



Nazi Germany

Wilhelm Frick instrumental in Nuremberg laws, two years earlier he shuns Hebrew (Sep 11, 1933).


Then he visits Mandatory Palestine (April-1934), gives the Arab Islam leader the Mufti money, which is then used in Arab-Palestine-Nazi propaganda.


‎⁨Frick Palestine Trip Motive Seen In Arab Nazism
⁩ | ⁨The Chronicler-Spokesman⁩ | 25 May 1934 |

He was executed in 1946:
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Oh wait. What "occupation " was the palestine-Arab leader - Mufti "protesting" against when preached from Hitler's provided place in Berlin to:
"kill the Jews wherever they are, this pleases Allah"
content - 2024-02-05T181341.762.png
And now we have the Forum Outcasts displaying the same attitudes but as fans of Israeli Nazis here in 2024 .

The Trilly Trolls claim to be outraged at past Nazi behaviour but then behave exactly the same way as Nazi Israelis , supporters of Ethnic Cleansing and targeted killing of women and children .
luiza said:

This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at

— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



Swastikas over Gaza


Nazi-Arab Palestine plot
Since WW2
Nazi Palestine
This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at

— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



Swastikas over Gaza


Nazi-Arab Palestine plot
Since WW2
Nazi Palestine

Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together all over the Ottoman Empire for 600 years. Now you spend 24/7 saying the Zionists have the right to kill them and take their land.

Berlin: A man and a woman talk Hebrew and are beaten up by Arabs because of it.
January 7, 2024.

Muslim Anti-Semitism in Berlin: "Wide Swaths of Arab-Speaking Population Harbor Sympathies for Terrorists".
Der Spiegel, Oct 11, 2023


Neo-Nazis aligned with German-Muslims of Syrian, Lebanese origin v Israel.
Jerusalem Post, Jun 3, 2021



Nazi Germany

Wilhelm Frick instrumental in Nuremberg laws, two years earlier he shuns Hebrew (Sep 11, 1933).

View attachment 898016

Then he visits Mandatory Palestine (April-1934), gives the Arab Islam leader the Mufti money, which is then used in Arab-Palestine-Nazi propaganda.

View attachment 898017

‎⁨Frick Palestine Trip Motive Seen In Arab Nazism
⁩ | ⁨The Chronicler-Spokesman⁩ | 25 May 1934 |

He was executed in 1946:
View attachment 898032
Apparently, apologists for Netanyahu's genocidal folly don't know that Germany's National Socialists (aka Nazis) had a very close working relationship with the German Zionist federation to establish a home for the world's Jews.

Nazi Germany even built and maintained about 40 training camps where Zionist terrorists learned their "trade" only Germany's military honored the Geneva Convention while the Zionist terrorists they trained did not.

“Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED
Jews, Christians and Muslims lived together all over the Ottoman Empire for 600 years. Now you spend 24/7 saying the Zionists have the right to kill them and take their land.


Thank you for reminding those on the wrong side of history that Middle Eastern history didn't begin in 1948.

Apologists for Zionist genocide can no longer deny that Netanyahu and his henchmen are systematically trying to exterminate every non Jewish man, woman or child by bombing the homes of 90% of Gaza's civilian residents, cutting off water, food, medical supplies and electricity (1) during the middle of Winter.

Israel's Nazi founded, armed and trained IDF / Haganah (2) went on to commit atrocities that would make any SS member blush.

Nazi - Zionist relations were so close that Avarham Stern, leader of the Zionist terrorist gang, Lehi, even offered to help Germany fight the Allies (3) so attempts to equate opposition to Zionist genocide as support for Hamas and / or Nazism are especially flimsy.

Thanks again and keep up the good work,

(1). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPT “Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.”

Indeed, Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed. Perpetrators of genocide usually do not express their intentions so clearly,

Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza. And those of us watching around the world are derelict in our responsibility to prevent them from doing so.” CONTINUED

(2). “Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED

(3). "Zionist militia's efforts to recruit Nazis against Britain revealed by Israel's archives"

EXCERPT "As reported by Haaretz, new transcripts show Zionist militias' ties to Nazi Germany.

Newly-unveiled transcripts from Israel's state archives reveal the attempts made by Zionist militias to enlist Nazi Germany in their battle against British Mandate authorities in Palestine." CONTINUED

Berlin: A man and a woman talk Hebrew and are beaten up by Arabs because of it.
January 7, 2024.

Muslim Anti-Semitism in Berlin: "Wide Swaths of Arab-Speaking Population Harbor Sympathies for Terrorists".
Der Spiegel, Oct 11, 2023


Neo-Nazis aligned with German-Muslims of Syrian, Lebanese origin v Israel.
Jerusalem Post, Jun 3, 2021



Nazi Germany

Wilhelm Frick instrumental in Nuremberg laws, two years earlier he shuns Hebrew (Sep 11, 1933).

View attachment 898016

Then he visits Mandatory Palestine (April-1934), gives the Arab Islam leader the Mufti money, which is then used in Arab-Palestine-Nazi propaganda.

View attachment 898017

‎⁨Frick Palestine Trip Motive Seen In Arab Nazism
⁩ | ⁨The Chronicler-Spokesman⁩ | 25 May 1934 |

He was executed in 1946:
View attachment 898032
Frick Orders Jewish-owned Ships to Fly Swastika.
January 23, 1936

Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick today officially ordered the hoisting of the national swastika flag on German commercial steamers owned by Jews.

The decree added that in view of the laws banning display of the national colors by Jews, the Jewish-owned steamers may be deprived of the right by joint agreement of the Ministers of Interior and Navigation together with Rudolph Hess as Reichsfuehrer Hitler’s deputy.

The Arnold Bernstein ship, operating as the Red Star Line, will be affected by the order.

The instructions are believed to be the first exception to the law adopted by the Reichstag at Nuremberg on September 15 prohibiting Jews from displaying the national emblem, the swastika.
Hitler propaganda GRAU still spamming lies from Neo Nazi site IHR



Hitler's shill GRAU knows the coin was Nazi propaganda


Coin is not proof of Nazi collaboration with Zionists, says historian.
Social media users share image of coin bearing swastika and Star of David

Ben Weich, April 05, 2017 18:08.

...“The image shows a coin struck by the Nazis in the 1930s to mark a series of articles published in the newspaper Der Angriff about a trip to Palestine by one of their agents.

“It was created by the Nazis to pretend that they wanted an ‘honourable’ solution to the ‘Jewish Question’ via the transfer agreement, which the Nazis later abandoned.

“The coin was of course pure Nazi propaganda, like a rapist pretending to sympathise with his victim.”

Mr Bogdanor also said those who use the image to discredit against Zionism today are “unscrupulously repeating Nazi propaganda”.
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Frick Orders Jewish-owned Ships to Fly Swastika.
January 23, 1936
View attachment 898659
Minister of Interior Wilhelm Frick today officially ordered the hoisting of the national swastika flag on German commercial steamers owned by Jews.

The decree added that in view of the laws banning display of the national colors by Jews, the Jewish-owned steamers may be deprived of the right by joint agreement of the Ministers of Interior and Navigation together with Rudolph Hess as Reichsfuehrer Hitler’s deputy.

The Arnold Bernstein ship, operating as the Red Star Line, will be affected by the order.

The instructions are believed to be the first exception to the law adopted by the Reichstag at Nuremberg on September 15 prohibiting Jews from displaying the national emblem, the swastika.
If course Nazis forced these things even while chasing out the Jews 1933-7 before halting it by Hitler and then seeing a consensus to exterminate in 1941.

Ramallah, Palestine:

Sadly, on a typical day within the Palestinian Territories, you might see Mein Kampf being sold, just like we did when filming HOPE IN THE HOLY LAND in the heart of Ramallah. Even more disheartening was that we noticed dozens of people walking by and not one them was appalled by this reality. Unfortunately, it was another stark reminder for our crew that classic antisemitism is alive and well within Palestinian society and is a major contributing factor to the ongoing conflict. It also reminded us why we originally decided to make this film. If you haven’t yet seen it, please check it out and pass it on. We really believe that our confused and polarized world would greatly benefit from the insights and message that it brings. Thank you..

Hitler propaganda GRAU still spamming lies from Neo Nazi site

Apparently, Israel's lowly army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls don't know what a "footnote" is since it's not in their Hasbara Handbook.

"How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up.

In addition to these, however, a number of orchestrated, often well-funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and others have come to light. These projects work to place pro-Israel content throughout the Internet, and to remove information Israel doesn’t wish people to know.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.” CONTINUED

Everything included in the source I've cited is supported below in primary sources (red).

“Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine.
The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED

19. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam, pb., 1976), pp. 253-254.; Max Nussbaum, "Zionism Under Hitler," Congress Weekly (New York: American Jewish Congress), Sept. 11, 1942.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), pp. 58-60, 217.; Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), p. 175.

20. H. Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 380-382.; K. Schleunes, Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 226.; Secret internal SS intelligence report about F. Polkes, June 17, 1937, in: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust (New York: Garland, 1982), vol. 5, pp. 62-64.

21. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.

22. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 160.


Regarding the tangible proof of Zionist - Nazi collaboration that an individual named Mr Bogdanor calls "Nazi propaganda", if Germany's National Socialists hated Jews so much, why would they produce anything with the Star of David on it?

No reputable scholar denies the close working relationship between the German Zionist Federation and Germany's National Socialists.

A Nazi travels to Palestine': A ...,7340,L-5072424,00.html&docid=Q2vfllgIlWhQnM&tbnid=QGANMTtkGRBuJM&vet=12ahUKEwiYoPbg_5iEAxVIMlkFHfOwBh8QM3oECBQQAA..i&w=640&h=360&ved=2ahUKEwiYoPbg_5iEAxVIMlkFHfOwBh8QM3oECBQQAA

"51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis"

EXCERPT Another disturbing conclusion a reader must inevitably face is that Zionists learned both tactical and political lessons from the Nazis and that, even today, these lessons are applied to further the Zionist cause. Although most likely known to potential readers of this book, another disturbing element is the cover-up of the less than savory roles of current Israeli leaders, including former prime ministers, in the terrorist Irgun and Stern Gang just before, during, and after the Holocaust. Likewise, the succumbing of various U.S. officials to Zionist pressure is a familiar, but distressing, story.​

51 Documents seems to represent a renewed attempt by Brenner to bring information regarding Zionist collaboration with the Nazis to U.S. supporters of Israel, as well as to Jews and Muslims, in order to expand dialogue with knowledge, and save lives—both Palestinian and Israeli—in the process. Readers of 51 Documents will find it difficult not to remove the rose colored glasses that so many seem to wear when examining Zionism." CONTINUED​

Hitler propaganda GRAU still spamming lies from Neo Nazi siteIHR

GRAU also tries to lie as if Hitler supposedly did not[sic] to exterminate the Jews, his Nazi proof his that those that were 75% Aryan served their national duty so that their families survive...



Hitler's shill GRAU knows the coin was Nazi propaganda

Coin is not proof of Nazi collaboration with Zionists, says historian.
Social media users share image of coin bearing swastika and Star of David

Ben Weich, April 05, 2017 18:08.

...“The image shows a coin struck by the Nazis in the 1930s to mark a series of articles published in the newspaper Der Angriff about a trip to Palestine by one of their agents.

“It was created by the Nazis to pretend that they wanted an ‘honourable’ solution to the ‘Jewish Question’ via the transfer agreement, which the Nazis later abandoned.

“The coin was of course pure Nazi propaganda, like a rapist pretending to sympathise with his victim.”

Mr Bogdanor also said those who use the image to discredit against Zionism today are “unscrupulously repeating Nazi propaganda”.

Arabs in Mandatory Palestine went together like peanut butter and jelly.

🚨Morris, Benny. ”1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War.” United States, Yale University Press, p. 21.

-- The Palestinians, Khalil al-Sakakini, a .. Jerusalem educator, jotted down in his diary, ”rejoiced [as did ‘the whole Arab world’] when the British bastion at Tobruk fell .. to the Germans.”

-- One of the first public opinion polls in Palestine, conducted by al-Sakakini’s son, Sari Sakakini, on behalf of the American consulate in Ierusalem, in February 1941 found that 88 percent of the Palestinian Arabs favored Germany and only 9 percent Britain.

🚨Cohen, Hillel. ”Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948.” United States, University of California Press, 2008, p. 175.
In February 1941, 88 percent of those polled expressed support for Germany, while only 9 percent supported England.

🚨Anti-Semitism and Ignorance.
F. Meiton: The Arabs and the Holocaust.Fredrik Meiton, November 29, 2010.
…the poll carried out by Sari al-Sakakini, which, in February 1941, put the figure at 88 percent.


🚨In general: the major Arab newspapers (Falastin, Ad-Difa’, Carmel, etc.) praised Hitler in the 1930s. [Ehrlich, 2002:81 (Heb.)] (it should also be noted ‘Falastin’ who called Hitler “noble” [Palestine Post, 22-May-1933]).

🚨In 1936, T. Wurst, the German consul in Jaffa: “The Muslim Palestinians .. deeply impressed by fascist teachings and views, especially from the National Socialists.” [Mallman, Cüppers, 2010: 38].

🚨The cry of ‘Heil Hitler’ became a key word that rang brazenly throughout Palestine.” [Ziff, 1938:430].

🚨In 1934, an Arab Nazi party was established [ibid]. In 1935 there are groups: Arab-Nazi [JTA, June-25-1935]. Also in Haifa, a Nazi-Arab club ‘The Red Moon’ was established [JTA July-1-1935]. In 1936, the ‘futuwa’ – modeled on the ‘Hitler youth’. [Rosen, 2005:109].

🚨 New York Times, May 23, 1937, ‘All’ the Arabs of Palestine, [even non-Muslim Arabs] celebrated Muhammad’s birthday with a flying Nazi swastika and pictures of Hitler. [New York Times, May 23, 1937].

🚨Hilda Wilson, a teacher in Beer-Zeit throughout the rebellion of 1936-9, noted that most of her students were pro-Nazis and approved of Hitler. [Segev, 1999:343].

🚨In March 1935, the Templar newspaper wrote: Many Arabs saw Hitler as the most important man of the 20th century and almost every Arab knew his name. Fascism and National Socialism with their anti-Jewish attitude were welcomed by many Arabs. [Canaan, 1968: 53 (Heb.)].

🚨In 1937, Walter Dohle, the German consul in Jerusalem wrote: “Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuehrer…” [YNet, 7.5.2006]

🚨 Awni Abd al-Hadi (of the Istiqlal institutions and the Supreme Arab Committee) in January 1937 told the Nazi magazine that the Arabs like the Nazis. [Sentinel, Feb. 25, 1937].

🚨 In 1938, Arabs respond to Hitler’s words with cheers from the newspapers [for example, in the Petersburg Times – Sep 16, 1938].

🚨1938, about a hundred Arabs, including from Palestine, are represented in Nuremberg a.j.n. September 23, 1938 when Fauzi Kaukeji welcomes them. [Davar, Jan. 5, 1947].

🚨Journalist John Gunther in 1939: “The greatest contemporary Arab hero is – Adolf Hitler.” [Gunther, 1939:528].

🚨Ahmed Shukeyri testifies in his book (in 1969, pp. 196, 201; Encounter, vol. 39, p.76. S. Spencer, Irving Kristol, 1972) that they sympathized with the Nazis and “prayed” for their victory, referring to the years 1940-1.
(The same Ahmad Shukeiri helped with propaganda for Hitler [Congressional Record.. Vol. 107, Pt 24, 1961, p.5735 (p.35); Detroit Jewish News, 3-Feb-1967,9], with Jamal Husseini – both justified the holocaust in 1946 [B’nai B’rith, 12-Jul-1946], promoted neo-Nazis in 1962 [JTA, Dec.3.1962; JTA, De.4.1962; Congressional Record : Proceedings and…’ US Congress, 1965, PA15915-6], was associated with Issa Nakhle [Herut, Nov-29-1953 (Heb.)] – who glorified Nazi Germany [DAIA, Apr. 1958], denied the holocaust [Nov.13.1972 at UN; 1978 in his memorandum to Carter, Sadaat ahead of Camp David; etc.] and worked with neo-Nazis for most of his career. [1963 corresponding with A. Arcand; Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1969:.425; Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1983:49; The American Spectator, 1986:20].

🚨Jaffa Arab activist, Muhammad Abu Sarrari: “Most Arabs in Israel were in favor of Nazi Germany.” [Arbel, 2000:19 (Heb.)].

🚨 Dr. Zaid Hamzeh (who was 9 years old in 1941): “We Arabs supported Hitler during World War II because he hated the Jews.” [Memri, according to an interview with him on 9-Oct-2019].

🚨In 1941, Aref Abd-Razak meets Himmler, meets Goebbels – who, according to his words, made a “great impression on him”, and who suggested that he recruit Arabs for the SS. [Yom Yom, 21-June-1949 (Heb.)].

🚨In 1942 when the rumors came about the fate of the Jews, there was public jubilation among the Arabs. [Cohen, 2014, according to the journalist’s testimony].

🚨 August 1942: The CIA reports on the anti-Jewish sentiments of the ‘majority’ of Palestinian Arabs, influenced by propaganda. Expect Rommel… [Herf, 2009:139].

🚨In 1944, ‘in secret ways, Nazi propaganda material, authored by Hajj Amin, was also stolen into Palestine.
Throughout the country his supporters drank in his words with thirst, and the phenomenon of the years of the rebellion returned: in the Arab circles they were already debating the distribution of Jewish property after the victory; And in Jerusalem and Jaffa, in Tiberias and Safed, the fate of the young Jewish women has already been determined: for each one, her future Arab rapist has been determined. [Lebl, 1996:98 (Heb.)].

🚨 Before the Farhud (in which they threw babies into the water in front of their parents, raped women before killing them), the Palestinian teachers in Iraq incited the mufti. [Julius, Huffington Post May 25, 2015]. And the Jenin born poet Bohan al-Din al-Abushi called for genocide [Shasha, 2008:6]. He also wrote pro-Hitler poems in 1942-1940. [Hazkani, 2021].

🚨According to Edward Said, the pro-Nazi mufti represented the consensus of the Arabs of Palestine. In his book (1983:7): "The Arab Higher Committee; It operated… especially since 1946… This committee, headed by the national leader of Palestine, Haj Amin al-Husseini, represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, backed by the parties The Palestinian political parties that operated in Palestine, and were recognized in some way by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people, until the PLO…"

Jan 10, 2024



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Hitler propaganda GRAU still spamming lies from Neo Nazi siteIHR

Boy, you Hasbara Trolls are desperate to keep spamming this thread with the same big, multi-colored font lies.

You can't refute the fact that everything posted by I.H.R. is supported by credible scholarly sources like the ones I posted earlier:

“Zionism and the Third Reich”
Zionism and the Third Reich

19. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam, pb., 1976), pp. 253-254.; Max Nussbaum, "Zionism Under Hitler," Congress Weekly (New York: American Jewish Congress), Sept. 11, 1942.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), pp. 58-60, 217.; Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), p. 175.

20. H. Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 380-382.; K. Schleunes, Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 226.; Secret internal SS intelligence report about F. Polkes, June 17, 1937, in: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust (New York: Garland, 1982), vol. 5, pp. 62-64.

21. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.

22. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 160.

What sources do you have other than your Hasbara Handbook:

"The Israel Project's secret hasbara handbook exposed"

EXCERPT "The first thing we learn is that this passage, as with everything else printed in the handbook, is empty meaningless drivel. It's a perfect example of political three-card monty in which there appears to be a card which isn't there at all. It's all a sham. There is no substance. The rhetoric here is even worse than that offered by spokespeople like Mark Regev on behalf of the Israeli government." CONTINUED

The truth doesn't need big, multi-colored fonts.
Hitler propaganda GRAU still spamming lies from Neo Nazi siteIHR

GRAU also tries to lie as if Hitler supposedly did not[sic] to exterminate the Jews, his Nazi proof his that those that were 75% Aryan served their national duty so that their families survive...

View attachment 898704

View attachment 898706

Hitler's shill GRAU knows the coin was Nazi propaganda

Coin is not proof of Nazi collaboration with Zionists, says historian.
Social media users share image of coin bearing swastika and Star of David

Ben Weich, April 05, 2017 18:08.

...“The image shows a coin struck by the Nazis in the 1930s to mark a series of articles published in the newspaper Der Angriff about a trip to Palestine by one of their agents.

“It was created by the Nazis to pretend that they wanted an ‘honourable’ solution to the ‘Jewish Question’ via the transfer agreement, which the Nazis later abandoned.

“The coin was of course pure Nazi propaganda, like a rapist pretending to sympathise with his victim.”

Mr Bogdanor also said those who use the image to discredit against Zionism today are “unscrupulously repeating Nazi propaganda”.

Arabs in Mandatory Palestine went together like peanut butter and jelly.

🚨Morris, Benny. ”1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War.” United States, Yale University Press, p. 21.

-- The Palestinians, Khalil al-Sakakini, a .. Jerusalem educator, jotted down in his diary, ”rejoiced [as did ‘the whole Arab world’] when the British bastion at Tobruk fell .. to the Germans.”

-- One of the first public opinion polls in Palestine, conducted by al-Sakakini’s son, Sari Sakakini, on behalf of the American consulate in Ierusalem, in February 1941 found that 88 percent of the Palestinian Arabs favored Germany and only 9 percent Britain.

🚨Cohen, Hillel. ”Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948.” United States, University of California Press, 2008, p. 175.
In February 1941, 88 percent of those polled expressed support for Germany, while only 9 percent supported England.

🚨Anti-Semitism and Ignorance.
F. Meiton: The Arabs and the Holocaust.Fredrik Meiton, November 29, 2010.
…the poll carried out by Sari al-Sakakini, which, in February 1941, put the figure at 88 percent.


🚨In general: the major Arab newspapers (Falastin, Ad-Difa’, Carmel, etc.) praised Hitler in the 1930s. [Ehrlich, 2002:81 (Heb.)] (it should also be noted ‘Falastin’ who called Hitler “noble” [Palestine Post, 22-May-1933]).

🚨In 1936, T. Wurst, the German consul in Jaffa: “The Muslim Palestinians .. deeply impressed by fascist teachings and views, especially from the National Socialists.” [Mallman, Cüppers, 2010: 38].

🚨The cry of ‘Heil Hitler’ became a key word that rang brazenly throughout Palestine.” [Ziff, 1938:430].

🚨In 1934, an Arab Nazi party was established [ibid]. In 1935 there are groups: Arab-Nazi [JTA, June-25-1935]. Also in Haifa, a Nazi-Arab club ‘The Red Moon’ was established [JTA July-1-1935]. In 1936, the ‘futuwa’ – modeled on the ‘Hitler youth’. [Rosen, 2005:109].

🚨 New York Times, May 23, 1937, ‘All’ the Arabs of Palestine, [even non-Muslim Arabs] celebrated Muhammad’s birthday with a flying Nazi swastika and pictures of Hitler. [New York Times, May 23, 1937].

🚨Hilda Wilson, a teacher in Beer-Zeit throughout the rebellion of 1936-9, noted that most of her students were pro-Nazis and approved of Hitler. [Segev, 1999:343].

🚨In March 1935, the Templar newspaper wrote: Many Arabs saw Hitler as the most important man of the 20th century and almost every Arab knew his name. Fascism and National Socialism with their anti-Jewish attitude were welcomed by many Arabs. [Canaan, 1968: 53 (Heb.)].

🚨In 1937, Walter Dohle, the German consul in Jerusalem wrote: “Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuehrer…” [YNet, 7.5.2006]

🚨 Awni Abd al-Hadi (of the Istiqlal institutions and the Supreme Arab Committee) in January 1937 told the Nazi magazine that the Arabs like the Nazis. [Sentinel, Feb. 25, 1937].

🚨 In 1938, Arabs respond to Hitler’s words with cheers from the newspapers [for example, in the Petersburg Times – Sep 16, 1938].

🚨1938, about a hundred Arabs, including from Palestine, are represented in Nuremberg a.j.n. September 23, 1938 when Fauzi Kaukeji welcomes them. [Davar, Jan. 5, 1947].

🚨Journalist John Gunther in 1939: “The greatest contemporary Arab hero is – Adolf Hitler.” [Gunther, 1939:528].

🚨Ahmed Shukeyri testifies in his book (in 1969, pp. 196, 201; Encounter, vol. 39, p.76. S. Spencer, Irving Kristol, 1972) that they sympathized with the Nazis and “prayed” for their victory, referring to the years 1940-1.
(The same Ahmad Shukeiri helped with propaganda for Hitler [Congressional Record.. Vol. 107, Pt 24, 1961, p.5735 (p.35); Detroit Jewish News, 3-Feb-1967,9], with Jamal Husseini – both justified the holocaust in 1946 [B’nai B’rith, 12-Jul-1946], promoted neo-Nazis in 1962 [JTA, Dec.3.1962; JTA, De.4.1962; Congressional Record : Proceedings and…’ US Congress, 1965, PA15915-6], was associated with Issa Nakhle [Herut, Nov-29-1953 (Heb.)] – who glorified Nazi Germany [DAIA, Apr. 1958], denied the holocaust [Nov.13.1972 at UN; 1978 in his memorandum to Carter, Sadaat ahead of Camp David; etc.] and worked with neo-Nazis for most of his career. [1963 corresponding with A. Arcand; Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1969:.425; Anti Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1983:49; The American Spectator, 1986:20].

🚨Jaffa Arab activist, Muhammad Abu Sarrari: “Most Arabs in Israel were in favor of Nazi Germany.” [Arbel, 2000:19 (Heb.)].

🚨 Dr. Zaid Hamzeh (who was 9 years old in 1941): “We Arabs supported Hitler during World War II because he hated the Jews.” [Memri, according to an interview with him on 9-Oct-2019].

🚨In 1941, Aref Abd-Razak meets Himmler, meets Goebbels – who, according to his words, made a “great impression on him”, and who suggested that he recruit Arabs for the SS. [Yom Yom, 21-June-1949 (Heb.)].

🚨In 1942 when the rumors came about the fate of the Jews, there was public jubilation among the Arabs. [Cohen, 2014, according to the journalist’s testimony].

🚨 August 1942: The CIA reports on the anti-Jewish sentiments of the ‘majority’ of Palestinian Arabs, influenced by propaganda. Expect Rommel… [Herf, 2009:139].

🚨In 1944, ‘in secret ways, Nazi propaganda material, authored by Hajj Amin, was also stolen into Palestine.
Throughout the country his supporters drank in his words with thirst, and the phenomenon of the years of the rebellion returned: in the Arab circles they were already debating the distribution of Jewish property after the victory; And in Jerusalem and Jaffa, in Tiberias and Safed, the fate of the young Jewish women has already been determined: for each one, her future Arab rapist has been determined. [Lebl, 1996:98 (Heb.)].

🚨 Before the Farhud (in which they threw babies into the water in front of their parents, raped women before killing them), the Palestinian teachers in Iraq incited the mufti. [Julius, Huffington Post May 25, 2015]. And the Jenin born poet Bohan al-Din al-Abushi called for genocide [Shasha, 2008:6]. He also wrote pro-Hitler poems in 1942-1940. [Hazkani, 2021].

🚨According to Edward Said, the pro-Nazi mufti represented the consensus of the Arabs of Palestine. In his book (1983:7): "The Arab Higher Committee; It operated… especially since 1946… This committee, headed by the national leader of Palestine, Haj Amin al-Husseini, represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, backed by the parties The Palestinian political parties that operated in Palestine, and were recognized in some way by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people, until the PLO…"

Jan 10, 2024



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