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EU wake up and fight for your lives and way of life...

Published on Dec 22, 2015
Ezra Levant of reports on the Muslim theocrats patrolling Wuppertal, bullying people into following sharia law. No drinking, no music, no breaking Mohammed’s laws, just like they do in Iran and Saudi Arabia. For more news JOIN Join

EU wake up and fight for your lives and way of life...

Published on Dec 22, 2015
Ezra Levant of reports on the Muslim theocrats patrolling Wuppertal, bullying people into following sharia law. No drinking, no music, no breaking Mohammed’s laws, just like they do in Iran and Saudi Arabia. For more news JOIN Join


Merkel has destroyed her country. Check this out. And please note that German authorities are trying to downplay why Germans are arming themselves. Just like they've been hiding the fact that their health care system is on the brink of collapse. Police are overworked. It's a dog's breakfast.

It's a no brainer that this would happen. Just last year 38,000 refugees were charged with crimes. YIKES. It's worth the read because this our future if we're not careful and get the base out and vote in droves.

The scramble to acquire weapons comes amid an indisputable nationwide spike in migrant-driven crime, including rapes of German women and girls on a shocking scale, as well as physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies and burglaries — in cities and towns throughout the country.

  • German authorities, however, are going to great lengths to argue that the German citizenry's sudden interest in self-defense has nothing whatsoever to do with mass migration into the country, despite ample evidence to the contrary.

  • The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a leaked confidential police report, which reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

  • "Anyone who asks for the reasons for the surge in weapons purchases encounters silence." — Süddeutsche Zeitung

Empirical evidence shows an indisputable nationwide spike in migrant-driven crime, including rapes of German women and girls on a shocking scale, as well as sexual and physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies, burglaries and drug trafficking.

The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a confidential police report leaked to a German newspaper. The document reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

Frightening stats. Worth the read.

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense
by Soeren Kern
December 21, 2015 at 5:00 am

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense
Last edited:
EU wake up and fight for your lives and way of life...

Published on Dec 22, 2015
Ezra Levant of reports on the Muslim theocrats patrolling Wuppertal, bullying people into following sharia law. No drinking, no music, no breaking Mohammed’s laws, just like they do in Iran and Saudi Arabia. For more news JOIN Join


Merkel has destroyed her country. Check this out. And please note that German authorities are trying to downplay why Germans are arming themselves. Just like they've been hiding the fact that their health care system is on the brink of collapse. Police are overworked. It's a dog's breakfast.

It's a no brainer that this would happen. Just last year 38,000 refugees were charged with crimes. YIKES. It's worth the read because this our future if we're not careful and get the base out and vote in droves.

The scramble to acquire weapons comes amid an indisputable nationwide spike in migrant-driven crime, including rapes of German women and girls on a shocking scale, as well as physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies and burglaries — in cities and towns throughout the country.

  • German authorities, however, are going to great lengths to argue that the German citizenry's sudden interest in self-defense has nothing whatsoever to do with mass migration into the country, despite ample evidence to the contrary.

  • The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a leaked confidential police report, which reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

  • "Anyone who asks for the reasons for the surge in weapons purchases encounters silence." — Süddeutsche Zeitung

Empirical evidence shows an indisputable nationwide spike in migrant-driven crime, including rapes of German women and girls on a shocking scale, as well as sexual and physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies, burglaries and drug trafficking.

The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a confidential police report leaked to a German newspaper. The document reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

Frightening stats. Worth the read.

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense
by Soeren Kern
December 21, 2015 at 5:00 am

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense

I live in this country, and all you say is correct.
This will not end well.
EU wake up and fight for your lives and way of life...

Published on Dec 22, 2015
Ezra Levant of reports on the Muslim theocrats patrolling Wuppertal, bullying people into following sharia law. No drinking, no music, no breaking Mohammed’s laws, just like they do in Iran and Saudi Arabia. For more news JOIN Join


Merkel has destroyed her country. Check this out. And please note that German authorities are trying to downplay why Germans are arming themselves. Just like they've been hiding the fact that their health care system is on the brink of collapse. Police are overworked. It's a dog's breakfast.

It's a no brainer that this would happen. Just last year 38,000 refugees were charged with crimes. YIKES. It's worth the read because this our future if we're not careful and get the base out and vote in droves.

The scramble to acquire weapons comes amid an indisputable nationwide spike in migrant-driven crime, including rapes of German women and girls on a shocking scale, as well as physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies and burglaries — in cities and towns throughout the country.

  • German authorities, however, are going to great lengths to argue that the German citizenry's sudden interest in self-defense has nothing whatsoever to do with mass migration into the country, despite ample evidence to the contrary.

  • The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a leaked confidential police report, which reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

  • "Anyone who asks for the reasons for the surge in weapons purchases encounters silence." — Süddeutsche Zeitung

Empirical evidence shows an indisputable nationwide spike in migrant-driven crime, including rapes of German women and girls on a shocking scale, as well as sexual and physical assaults, stabbings, home invasions, robberies, burglaries and drug trafficking.

The spike in violent crimes committed by migrants has been corroborated by a confidential police report leaked to a German newspaper. The document reveals that a record-breaking 38,000 asylum seekers were accused of committing crimes in the country in 2014. Analysts believe this figure — which works out to more than 100 crimes a day — is only a fragment: many crimes are not reported.

Frightening stats. Worth the read.

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense
by Soeren Kern
December 21, 2015 at 5:00 am

Germans Stock Up on Weapons for Self-Defense

I live in this country, and all you say is correct.
This will not end well.

hey Indiajo , good to see you . Whats going to happen especially with German military and police who are 'merkels' boys and girls who will just protect the refugee invaders . Military and police want their paychecks every Friday to pay for homes , cars , boats , wife , kids so they will just follow orders ?? Little I know of Germany your government even shuts down 'pegida' protests and demonstrations . Any thoughts Indiajo ??
and the weapons that Germans are stocking up on are pretty wussie toys like pepper spray and other nonlethal toys that are good at hurting or annoying but the weapons available to the average are not 'man' or attack STOPPING weapons as far as I am aware . German gun laws , well , I think that they are pretty pizz poor especially from an Americans point of view !!
hey Indiajo , good to see you . Whats going to happen especially with German military and police who are 'merkels' boys and girls who will just protect the refugee invaders . Military and police want their paychecks every Friday to pay for homes , cars , boats , wife , kids so they will just follow orders ?? Little I know of Germany your government even shuts down 'pegida' protests and demonstrations . Any thoughts Indiajo ??

A lot.

Well, presently it is not reckognized by the majority what really happens, and what the consequences will be.
Most of the peaople are sedatet by the media, TV and newspapers with the "poor refugee" sermon, that is repeated over and over. The trust in the media is decreasing, however there is still a long way to go.

Presently, the "refugees" (actually most of them defintely not even syrians who hav a reason to flee, but scum from everywhere south of the Mediterranean) are more or less successfully kept away from the people by keeping them in camps, community owned buildings, empt warehouses and so on.
But they are at the limits.
Next year the flood will continue, and the invaders will be more and more dissapointed that the Germans will not build them houses, they will not have servants, that they will get no car, and because most of them (around 90%) are men between 20 and 40, they will not get blondes to fuck.
Hte number of voluntary helpers is already falling dramatically, because even the totally wrong wired good doers are more and more disconcerted by the behaviour of their new pets.

It i too early to speculate about the military or the police, but they are for sure not Merkels boys.
If we will see the uproar of a few thousands of young muslim warriors, and I think this will be the case because they already heard weapons and ammo in the mosques (in France they raided a few in the meantime and found quite an arsenal), police and milityry will be happy about every support from German people, because this will vastly overstretch their own capabilities.

At present we can just watch out, because politics and "justice" in ths country are still in the hands of traitors.
thanks for reply an info , It's good having a practical person that knows that he is German and understand what is a stake in Germany , Europe and the West on this site . Please keep us informed and take part in some of the other threads . As far as the 'do gooders' , yeah , I saw pics of 3 nice looking German girls with a signs welcoming the invaders . I was amazed at their lack of thinking ability Indiajo !!
January 6, 2016
Mayor of Cologne blames women for being raped
By Carol Brown
The mayor of Cologne, Germany, made a statement about the war zone in her city on New Year’s eve, courtesy of Muslim imports who threw fireworks into crowds, molested, raped, attacked, and robbed non-Muslims, while also getting into brawls among themselves. Dozens of non-Muslims were victimized and the police believe there are many more victims who have yet to come forward. A large number of women were groped and raped as multitudes of Muslim savages pulled their hair and ripped off their clothes, grabbing and invading every orifice of their bodies while laughing and calling them sluts. Despite the scale of the violence and video cameras capturing much of it, the police only made five arrests. And the one-sided war in Cologne on New Year’s eve was covered up by officials and the media for several days.

So now we’re in Phase 2, when leaders and the media decide what to say. Heaven forbid it would resemble reality.

It’s all quite predictable by now as elected officials obscure the truth, abandon their primary duties to protect and defend their citizens, and enforce sharia law, as the media crawls right along with them parroting stupidity like it’s going out of style. And so, as Breitbart reports, the mayor of Cologne Henriette Reker (newly elected and pro-migrant) blamed the victims for failing to defend themselves against the attackers, stating that “women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again.”

Ah, ok. I see.

First of all, what might “these things” be, Ms. Mayor? Let me help you out. These things to which you refer include the barbaric rape of non-Muslims by Muslims. Anyone who suggests that all would be well if only Germany’s women and girls would take greater care not to bring rape upon themselves is not fit to serve in public office. (That would be you.)

And how might they better prepare themselves, as you suggest? By not going out alone? That’s sharia. Or by going out with a male chaperone in order “to be more protected”? That’s sharia. Or by avoiding Western dress? That’s sharia.

How dare this mayor put the onus on women to make sure they’re not raped? This is the essence of dhimmitude. This is how the West is handing over the keys to the kingdom. The enemy is not named. The enemy is not held responsible. Instead, the enemy is welcomed and indulged.

There is only one thing women in Germany (and throughout the West) can do to protect themselves. Buy a gun and learn how to shoot it. (And when the next election rolls around, vote for someone sane, if possible.)

Meanwhile, Ms. Mayor from Hell was not finished. Apparently the Cologne carnival is coming up and the powers that be are anticipating trouble. Of course they won’t say from what quarters, but we know from what quarters. Here’s how they’re handling it:

“This means, they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves”.

Guidelines for preparation. What’s it going to be called? “How to prepare for rape jihad”?

Stupid Europeans have invited the enemy into their midst and now find themselves needing guidelines for how to survive among barbarians.

Ms. Mayor continued down her lunatic path as only a leftist can, rejecting any link between the attacks and migrants (contradicting her own chief of police) while other officials “sounded the alarm bell on the deteriorating state of control the local government has over the city of Cologne” noting “the city and the police… are unable to guarantee the safety of locals and tourists.”

Then there’s a special warning for women, noting they must assume themselves to be a “high security risk” especially at night. (Note that the potential victims are considered security risks, not the perpetrators.)

They further note that on New Year’s Eve “there was a legal vacuum and a no-go area for women. With the climax of the Carnival season it is unfortunately expected to be a similar situation.”

“A legal vacuum?” What the hell is that? I’d say they had a vacuum of law and order that resulted in the area becoming a no-go zone. Where are the police? Where is the military? How can the West win this war if one area of one city in one country can’t even be defended on one night?

German police have admitted to losing several urban areas to migrant gangs as so-called no-go zones, but this is possibly the first time a public square in the centre of a European city has been acknowledged by officials as having been lost to criminality, and out of the control of police at night.

But as well know all too well, what unfolded in Cologne was not unique to Cologne. Not by a long shot. Breitbart London reports on rapes and robberies on New Year’s eve perpetrated by Muslims in Munich, Stuttgart, Detmold, and North Rhine-Westphalia. And how did the media cover these abominations? Well, despite the BBC having their office in Cologne, the report published on Tuesday was similar to the one they filed a few days ago and failed to mention “migrants” until the 18th paragraph. Similarly, Deutsche Welle (the German equivalent of the BBC) didn’t mention the description of the attackers until the 10th paragraph in their Tuesday report.

Every day I hope to wake up to a world waking up. But so far, it’s a frenzy of madness as far as the eye can see.

Hat tip: Jihad Watch

The mayor of Cologne, Germany, made a statement about the war zone in her city on New Year’s eve, courtesy of Muslim imports who threw fireworks into crowds, molested, raped, attacked, and robbed non-Muslims, while also getting into brawls among themselves. Dozens of non-Muslims were victimized and the police believe there are many more victims who have yet to come forward. A large number of women were groped and raped as multitudes of Muslim savages pulled their hair and ripped off their clothes, grabbing and invading every orifice of their bodies while laughing and calling them sluts. Despite the scale of the violence and video cameras capturing much of it, the police only made five arrests. And the one-sided war in Cologne on New Year’s eve was covered up by officials and the media for several days.

So now we’re in Phase 2, when leaders and the media decide what to say. Heaven forbid it would resemble reality.

It’s all quite predictable by now as elected officials obscure the truth, abandon their primary duties to protect and defend their citizens, and enforce sharia law, as the media crawls right along with them parroting stupidity like it’s going out of style. And so, as Breitbart reports, the mayor of Cologne Henriette Reker (newly elected and pro-migrant) blamed the victims for failing to defend themselves against the attackers, stating that “women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again.”

Ah, ok. I see.

First of all, what might “these things” be, Ms. Mayor? Let me help you out. These things to which you refer include the barbaric rape of non-Muslims by Muslims. Anyone who suggests that all would be well if only Germany’s women and girls would take greater care not to bring rape upon themselves is not fit to serve in public office. (That would be you.)

And how might they better prepare themselves, as you suggest? By not going out alone? That’s sharia. Or by going out with a male chaperone in order “to be more protected”? That’s sharia. Or by avoiding Western dress? That’s sharia.

How dare this mayor put the onus on women to make sure they’re not raped? This is the essence of dhimmitude. This is how the West is handing over the keys to the kingdom. The enemy is not named. The enemy is not held responsible. Instead, the enemy is welcomed and indulged.

There is only one thing women in Germany (and throughout the West) can do to protect themselves. Buy a gun and learn how to shoot it. (And when the next election rolls around, vote for someone sane, if possible.)

Meanwhile, Ms. Mayor from Hell was not finished. Apparently the Cologne carnival is coming up and the powers that be are anticipating trouble. Of course they won’t say from what quarters, but we know from what quarters. Here’s how they’re handling it:


Every day I hope to wake up to a world waking up. But so far, it’s a frenzy of madness as far as the eye can see.

Hat tip: Jihad Watch

Read more: Blog: Mayor of Cologne blames women for being raped
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"EU wake up and fight for your lives and way of life..."

We can only assume that fear and ignorance are the cause of this sort of hate and bigotry.

Those factors in conjunction with the inability to engage in rational, critical thinking, the propensity to contrive 'arguments' that fail as logical fallacies, and the ability to propagate lies, exhibiting complete contempt for facts and the truth.
"EU wake up and fight for your lives and way of life..."

We can only assume that fear and ignorance are the cause of this sort of hate and bigotry.

Those factors in conjunction with the inability to engage in rational, critical thinking, the propensity to contrive 'arguments' that fail as logical fallacies, and the ability to propagate lies, exhibiting complete contempt for facts and the truth.
January 6, 2016
German police under fire for inaction during Muslim sex assaults
By Rick Moran

Fallout from the New Year's Eve sex assaults and robberies by Muslims in a square in front of the train station in Cologne, Germany continues. There have been calls for the police chief to step down, and his officers have come under heavy criticism for standing by while the assaults were taking place.

Up to 100 women have reported that they were molested by a mob believed to have been made up of men of "Arab or North African" origin.

And police say this is not the first time this has happened.

Deutsche Welle:

Police said they tried to clear the square in front of Cologne's main train station after a crowd of some 1,000 men began throwing fireworks about. They reported that the sexual assaults and robberies, of which they claimed to be initially unaware, started after a number of smaller groups of men formed, some of which surrounded and molested female revelers.

So far, some 100 complaints by women of sexual assault and/or robbery have been received by police, some of them filed several days after the incidents took place - possibly partly due to the fact that some two-thirds of the victims were not from Cologne itself. A plain-clothes police woman was reportedly among those attacked, and at least one rape was reported.

Police quoted witnesses as saying that the men "appeared to be of Arab or North African origin."

Attacks 'not new'

Amid some reports that the attacks might have been coordinated, Justice Minister Heiko Maas spoke of "a new dimension of crime that we will have to get to grips with."

Maas' assessment of the situation as "new" was however, contradicted by the chairman of the police union BDK, Andre Schulz, who said these types of attacks on women with intent to steal had long been familiar to police.

"Anyone who speaks of a new dimension of organized criminality is either wrong, or lacks criminalistic and criminological knowledge," Schulz told the daily "Handelsblatt" newspaper.

The Cologne local newspaper "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger" said many of the suspects were already known to police for their involvement in a spate of pickpocketing and muggings near the railway station, which is situated next to the city's famous Gothic cathedral.

Migration debate

In his interview, Maas declined to say whether refugees were responsible for some of the attacks, saying police were still trying to identify the assailants.

Maas also warned against letting outrage about the events of New Year's Eve spill over into the debate on Germany's refugee policy, with 1.1 million asylum seekers coming to the country in 2015.

"Making an issue out of it, lumping it together with the refugee issue, is nothing but exploitation. Now is the time to determine the facts and then decide on the necessary consequences," he said.

So the Germans "invite" 1.1 million people into their country, including apparently a sizable number of criminals. And this isn't relevant to the debate over admitting more refugees?


Read more: Blog: German police under fire for inaction during Muslim sex assaults
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Germany Just Can’t Get It Right

How can you explain why Germany, which in the 20th century had such a gigantic anti-Semitism problem, would import so many people from those areas of the world which now have the same gigantic anti-Semitism problem?

The police water cannons were not in evidence on New Year’s Eve to break up the migrant gangs committing violent crimes against women. Instead they were used to break up a lawful demonstration of people opposed to such violent attacks on women.

Germany Just Can't Get It Right
German guilt i guess , also shows me that there is no patriotism on the part of German government just so they have a population of bodies to govern , rule over and manage Mindful !!
Germany to speed up deportations after Cologne attacks


Members of LEGIDA, the Leipzig arm of the anti-Islam movement Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA), take part in a rally in Leipzig, Germany January 11, 2016. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
January 12, 2016
By Madeline Chambers
BERLIN (Reuters) – German ministers outlined plans on Tuesday to speed up the deportation of foreigners who commit crimes, responding to sexual attacks on women by migrants in Cologne which have deepened doubts about the country’s open-door refugee policy.

The assaults on New Year’s Eve, which are the subject of an ongoing investigation, have emboldened right-wing groups and unsettled members of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative party, raising pressure on her to crack down forcefully on migrants who commit crimes.

Under plans unveiled by conservative Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere and Social Democrat (SPD) Justice Minister Heiko Maas, foreigners who are found guilty of committing physical and sexual assaults, resisting police or damaging property, could be deported.
Under current law, most of these crimes carry probationary sentences and do not trigger expulsion.

Merkel welcomed the agreement between the two ministers who represent different parties in her right-left coalition.
“We must make sure the law can take effect as soon as possible. First we have to think how to get the parliamentary process going as quickly as possible,” conservative Merkel said.


Germany to speed up deportations after Cologne attacks - One America News Network
well they need at least what their oppressors have and taking a kitchen knife will just make the single guy with the kitchen knife into a possible murderer . ---------------------- the only answer is full on opposition by the German and European people. [imo] !!

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