German commander Helmut Harff telling Muscovite - Serbian officer that have only 30 minutes to leave Kosovo. ... " you have now only 29 minutes ...


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

German commander Helmut Harff telling Muscovite -
Serbian officer that have only 30 minutes to leave Kosovo.
: "
you have now only 29 minutes "

German rule , Brilliant…

Need to the same now in Ukraine!


German commander Helmut Harff telling Muscovite -
Serbian officer that have only 30 minutes to leave Kosovo.
: "
you have now only 29 minutes "

German rule , Brilliant…

Need to the same now in Ukraine!

They haven't pushed all of them rooskies out yet?
The failure of Dutch troops to protect the so-called ‘safe zone’ of Srebrenica in July 1995 is a black mark in the history of UN peacekeeping operations. When the Bosnian Serbs seized Srebrenica, the DutchBat III troops were powerless to prevent them from massacring thousands of Bosniak male inhabitants. There were 3,600 Dutch troops in KFOR but they were too lightly equipped to repel the Bosnian Serb troops.

Dutchbat (short for "Dutch Battalion") was a Dutch battalion under the command of the United Nations in operation UNPROFOR.[1] It was hastily formed out of the emerging 11th Airmobile Brigade between February 1994 and November 1995 to participate in peacekeeping operations. It was tasked to execute United Nations Security Council Resolution 819 in the Bosnian Muslim enclaves and the designated UN "safe havens" of Srebrenica and Žepa during the Bosnian War.

In July 1995, as the Army of Republika Srpska forces came to take over the enclave, the Dutchbat were vastly outnumbered and were far too lightly equipped to repel the more heavily armed Bosnian Serb troops. It also had its request for air support to which the UNPROFOR denied. Subsequently, the Bosnian Serb forces led Srebrenica's Bosniak male inhabitants into the mountains, where thousands of them were massacred.[2][3] Despite their efforts to secure peace in the area, the enclave fell into Serb hands. In 2016, several veterans of the battalion, with approval of its commander, sued the Dutch government for "severe negligence and carelessness" regarding the mission.[4]

The failure of Dutch troops to protect the so-called ‘safe zone’ of Srebrenica in July 1995 is a black mark in the history of UN peacekeeping operations. When the Bosnian Serbs seized Srebrenica, the DutchBat III troops were powerless to prevent them. There were 3,600 Dutch troops in KFOR but they were too lightly equipped to repel the Bosnian Serb troops.

Dutchbat (short for "Dutch Battalion") was a Dutch battalion under the command of the United Nations in operation UNPROFOR.[1] It was hastily formed out of the emerging 11th Airmobile Brigade between February 1994 and November 1995 to participate in peacekeeping operations. It was tasked to execute United Nations Security Council Resolution 819 in the Bosnian Muslim enclaves and the designated UN "safe havens" of Srebrenica and Žepa during the Bosnian War.

In July 1995, as the Army of Republika Srpska forces came to take over the enclave, the Dutchbat were vastly outnumbered and were far too lightly equipped to repel the more heavily armed Bosnian Serb troops. It also had its request for air support to which the UNPROFOR denied. Subsequently, the Bosnian Serb forces led Srebrenica's Bosniak male inhabitants into the mountains, where thousands of them were massacred.[2][3] Despite their efforts to secure peace in the area, the enclave fell into Serb hands. In 2016, several veterans of the battalion, with approval of its commander, sued the Dutch government for "severe negligence and carelessness" regarding the mission.[4]

do we agree that imperialistic gypsy - 🇷🇺 servs have committed act of genocide in Srebrenica?

The failure of Dutch troops to protect the so-called ‘safe zone’ of Srebrenica in July 1995 is a black mark in the history of UN peacekeeping operations. When the Bosnian Serbs seized Srebrenica, the DutchBat III troops were powerless to prevent them from massacring thousands of Bosniak male inhabitants. There were 3,600 Dutch troops in KFOR but they were too lightly equipped to repel the Bosnian Serb troops.

Dutchbat (short for "Dutch Battalion") was a Dutch battalion under the command of the United Nations in operation UNPROFOR.[1] It was hastily formed out of the emerging 11th Airmobile Brigade between February 1994 and November 1995 to participate in peacekeeping operations. It was tasked to execute United Nations Security Council Resolution 819 in the Bosnian Muslim enclaves and the designated UN "safe havens" of Srebrenica and Žepa during the Bosnian War.

In July 1995, as the Army of Republika Srpska forces came to take over the enclave, the Dutchbat were vastly outnumbered and were far too lightly equipped to repel the more heavily armed Bosnian Serb troops. It also had its request for air support to which the UNPROFOR denied. Subsequently, the Bosnian Serb forces led Srebrenica's Bosniak male inhabitants into the mountains, where thousands of them were massacred.[2][3] Despite their efforts to secure peace in the area, the enclave fell into Serb hands. In 2016, several veterans of the battalion, with approval of its commander, sued the Dutch government for "severe negligence and carelessness" regarding the mission.[4]


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