Georgia signs "guns everywhere" into law

My guess is that the poster is trolling for left wing outrage. The law gives businesses and schools the option to approve weapons possession for employess and customers. The most important part of the law was requiring agencies to notify the state regarding court ordered psychiatric custody. It has always been a glitch in the system that the great state of Georgia is addressing.
OMG!! There will be shootouts everywhere! Itchy fingered citizens will shoot each other over a sale item at the mall! There will be blood in the streets!

No, not really. The Left always promises this kind of stuff and when gun laws are loosened, responsible people are still responsible, irresponsible people are still irresponsible. No law can change that. This maybe will prove once and for all that gun control is the most failed idea the left has ever come up with.

I really don't see the big deal about it because one has to be a licensed gun owner in order to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights according to that bill.
OMG!! There will be shootouts everywhere! Itchy fingered citizens will shoot each other over a sale item at the mall! There will be blood in the streets!

No, not really. The Left always promises this kind of stuff and when gun laws are loosened, responsible people are still responsible, irresponsible people are still irresponsible. No law can change that. This maybe will prove once and for all that gun control is the most failed idea the left has ever come up with.

I really don't see the big deal about it because one has to be a licensed gun owner in order to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights according to that bill.
DO YOU SEE...what YOU just typed?

WHERE in the Second Amendment does it state anything of licensing?


Maybe the phrase "shall not be infringed"...throws some people off?

OMG!! There will be shootouts everywhere! Itchy fingered citizens will shoot each other over a sale item at the mall! There will be blood in the streets!

No, not really. The Left always promises this kind of stuff and when gun laws are loosened, responsible people are still responsible, irresponsible people are still irresponsible. No law can change that. This maybe will prove once and for all that gun control is the most failed idea the left has ever come up with.

I really don't see the big deal about it because one has to be a licensed gun owner in order to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights according to that bill.
DO YOU SEE...what YOU just typed?

WHERE in the Second Amendment does it state anything of licensing?


Maybe the phrase "shall not be infringed"...throws some people off?


LOL, I saw what I typed and what you put in red is why I see it's no big deal for people who really believe in the provisions of the 2nd Amendment.

In short, you are preaching to the choir................. I don't see where we disagree on this issue. Why should a person who screwed up when they were 18, paid their debt to society, be barred from carrying out their 2nd Amendment rights after the have done the aforementioned? I feel the same way with voting. Secondly what about the right of one's privacy when it comes to "gun ownership"?
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Georgia will now serve as an interesting petri dish. Let's see if gun violence increases or decreases with this new legislation.

They should try it in Chicago first.......

Ironically, I just happened to stumble across this article before reading your post...

President Obama may have gotten our troops out of Iraq, but the gunfire in his hometown of Chicago is still earning it a searing nickname coined by young people who live there.


On Easter weekend, 45 people were shot in the city, six of them children.

Five youngsters under the age of 15—four girls and a boy—were shot in a playground where they had gone after Easter services at a nearby church.

How Chicago Became "Chiraq"
What a great day in America. What a great day to be an American. Seeing the 2nd Amendment protected and exercised exactly as it was intended to be is a beautiful thing. Makes me believe there is hope yet for this nation.

Ga. governor signs 'guns everywhere' into law

yup, we'll need em against those 200000 druggies obama is releasing. better get a good supply of body bags holder
The land-grabs out West are turning people's minds against liberals, don't you know.

Terrible timing what what?
Indeed. And ARMED people standing against Federal tyrants...The Second Amendment works as designed.

Other links say, "A small town in north Georgia unanimously passed an ordinance that requires every household to own a gun and ammunition."

Who is the tyrant here?

Of course you all checked out other links....................(R)ight?
Don't take our guns but don't force us to have guns is my perspective. Why would you force someone to have a gun that isn't comfortable using one?

A TYRANT would force you to own a weapon if you didn't want one.

I personally don't think anyone should be without one but why force someone to have one?

(P.S. no one ever even came close to stating they were going to take our guns. The NRA said it to drive up sales. If the Fed actually decided to stand against certain weapons it would most likely be grandfather claused in. But the sheeple bite and went crazy and now my deer hunting bullets are $1 PER SHOT/BULLET.....stop being stupid and start reading please. It costs me a small fortune to sight in my deer rifle.)
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Follow the Money is a good standard when detailing politics.

Look how much money was spent on the NRA since 2005 and look at the results. We see it in foreign policy with Military Weapons Manufacturers. Just like there, we also see it with Civilian Weapons Manufacturers.

The basic tactic of dirty business is, "Start a Fire and Sell Water"

Learn it.
What a great day in America. What a great day to be an American. Seeing the 2nd Amendment protected and exercised exactly as it was intended to be is a beautiful thing. Makes me believe there is hope yet for this nation.

Ga. governor signs 'guns everywhere' into law

Again, I'm curious why forcing gun ownership is "protecting the 2A"

I wonder why a guy without bias is a lying sack of shit. Nothing in the law requires anyone to own a gun.
Follow the Money is a good standard when detailing politics.

Look how much money was spent on the NRA since 2005 and look at the results. We see it in foreign policy with Military Weapons Manufacturers. Just like there, we also see it with Civilian Weapons Manufacturers.

The basic tactic of dirty business is, "Start a Fire and Sell Water"

Learn it.

Way more has been spent by the anti gunners who are wealthy elitist pricks who want to disarm the poor so they can do to them what they want. Gun control is the ultimate class warfare. When guns are outlawed only the RICH will have guns.
What a great day in America. What a great day to be an American. Seeing the 2nd Amendment protected and exercised exactly as it was intended to be is a beautiful thing. Makes me believe there is hope yet for this nation.

Ga. governor signs 'guns everywhere' into law

Again, I'm curious why forcing gun ownership is "protecting the 2A"

I wonder why a guy without bias is a lying sack of shit. Nothing in the law requires anyone to own a gun.

ABC news stated it.......I didn't say it kid.

It states that the head of the household is forced to carry guns and ammo according to ABC news.
Follow the Money is a good standard when detailing politics.

Look how much money was spent on the NRA since 2005 and look at the results. We see it in foreign policy with Military Weapons Manufacturers. Just like there, we also see it with Civilian Weapons Manufacturers.

The basic tactic of dirty business is, "Start a Fire and Sell Water"

Learn it.

This new "gun control" debate is new. People have always wanted to treat guns as a dangerous possession, yet a freedom.

Was the head of the NRA "reasonable" before or a "Leftist"?

Way more has been spent by the anti gunners who are wealthy elitist pricks who want to disarm the poor so they can do to them what they want. Gun control is the ultimate class warfare. When guns are outlawed only the RICH will have guns.

When something is correct, it doesn't take money to persuade the small minded. It's sad to see the small minded sheeple repeat what the money tells them to repeat.

I'd like for you to make a list of anti-gunners who have any power in Government today and what they stated that made you think they wanted to grab your guns.

You will find that the Left has an extreme side just like the Right. But the Right embraces their extreme side. The left does not. The exception is certain cities today.

No one on the Left ever stated anyone was going to take your guns. So sit down, chill out and shut up until you have facts to debate.
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If you are forced as the head of a household to own a gun and ammo..........

Is this a "Liberal" law or a "Conservative" law. <-(there would be a question mark if it was a question)

This is extremely counterproductive for gun owners. It's sad.
I'm looking forward to Georgia losing a ton of business, and especially convention business.

I think when you are planning a convention and know that your conventioneers will be hitting area bars and restaurants, it's irresponsible to choose a place where drunken shooting could break out at any time.
We'll should be interesting to see how people armed and willing to defend themselves will act with the power back in their hands.
I'm looking forward to Georgia losing a ton of business, and especially convention business.

I think when you are planning a convention and know that your conventioneers will be hitting area bars and restaurants, it's irresponsible to choose a place where drunken shooting could break out at any time.

Because that's always the first thing people think about when planning event.

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