Georgia Recount Finished -- Results: Biden Still Won


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The latest unofficial count puts Joe Biden 12,781 votes ahead of President Donald Trump, who gained over 1,000 votes this week that county election officials initially failed to count. That’s the case with a claim made by Georgia Republican Party Chairman David Shafer, who wrote on Twitter that the party’s audit monitors found a form attached to a batch of votes that had been miscalculated, which would have given Biden a tremendous lead. The Republican monitor wrote in an affidavit that after raising the issue, the count for that batch of recounted ballots was off by two votes, not the 9,626 that he had initially said."

To put a finer point on the recount -- of the counties that have completed their audits from the presidential election, 57 had no change in their original results, 21 were within a vote of the original count -- and 32 were within 10 votes.

As for Floyd County -- it would have helped if this was the fraud that Rudy and company was bringing up in court; they could have had some traction with that instead of the BS they have been pushing -- but get ready to hear more about a guy named -- Robert Brady -- Floyd County election commissioner -- he will be the new Deep State boogeyman and targeted as the guy that rigged the election for Biden...
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof.
But it was stolen by the leftyflu mailins.
If Trump really believes, mail-in votes are insecure, why did he vote by mail-in?
Generally mail-in votes are handled well......but not when you open it up by millions more for a silly flu excuse....then the quality control becomes very suspect. And when libbers are too lazy to show up to vote anyway, it just opens the door for abuse.
Some people take this virus serious. I guess the election workers can handle some more mail-in votes.
Trump isn´t that big that Soros or whoever makes some virus to rig an election.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....

And if they opened up the voting machines and found nothing, you'd demand some other bizarre conspiracy theory.
What's more bizarre than a president who wears two diapers at once??
Question: What's more bizarre than a president who wears two diapers at once??

Answer: A president who lies to mislead our nation's people that the virus has turned the corner while at the same time every State in our union reports more and more infections.

Of course the trumpsters will claim this is all fake news and the numbers of infected by the virus in hospitals all across our nation are fictional, and all Doctors and Nurses who are attending the ill are liars and Democratic Agent Provocateurs.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....

And if they opened up the voting machines and found nothing, you'd demand some other bizarre conspiracy theory.
What's more bizarre than a president who wears two diapers at once??
Question: What's more bizarre than a president who wears two diapers at once??

Answer: A president who lies to mislead our nation's people that the virus has turned the corner while at the same time every State in our union reports more and more infections.

Of course the trumpsters will claim this is all fake news and the numbers of infected by the virus in hospitals all across our nation are fictional.
No I claim you are a libber Polly Parrott....the President lied awwwk! The President spread the virus, awwwwk! The numbers of people infected are because of the vast number of tests we have run goofy. 99% have few or no symptoms and would never have been tested if not for all the hype. Severe case rates and mortality rates are waaaay down look for yourself awwwwk!

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