Zone1 Georgia Cop Jacob Kersey Resigns After Opposing Homosexual Marriages

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
He stands up for Christ and the Bible and then he is thrown out. Freedom of religion really is disappearing from this country. However, on judgement day Christ will be the one to throw these people out who denied Him and verbally attacked this poor man.

He stands up for Christ and the Bible and then he is thrown out. Freedom of religion really is disappearing from this country. However, on judgement day Christ will be the one to throw these people out who denied Him and verbally attacked this poor man.

Before I even look I bet there is more to this story.
He stands up for Christ and the Bible and then he is thrown out. Freedom of religion really is disappearing from this country. However, on judgement day Christ will be the one to throw these people out who denied Him and verbally attacked this poor man.

Where did Christ condemn homersexuality in the Bible?
Before I even look I bet there is more to this story.
Police wear a uniform. There’s a reason for that. He was entitled to his view in homosexual “marriage” just as anyone else is entitled to his or own view. But it can be a problem if you make use of your position as a police officer to espouse your view.

I did t read all the background details. But I suspect he shared his view in a manner that identified him as a police officer. That would be a bit of a problem.
Of course it is? Why do some Christians make a big deal out of a few sins, but don't care about others? Why is that?

Maybe it's because the world seems to be pushing this agenda the most? They already have started going after the children.
Maybe it's because the world seems to be pushing this agenda the most? They already have started going after the children.
Oh please, what about people who overfeed their kids all the time, creating a life time of gluttony? They gluttons go after kids too, sugary birth day cakes, icecream, man, it cannot be more obvious.
Oh please, what about people who overfeed their kids all the time, creating a life time of gluttony? They gluttons go after kids too, sugary birth day cakes, icecream, man, it cannot be more obvious.

Don't ask me. It's more the left that is bringing on this issue. We're simply just defending the Bible when they try and attack us with their wokeness.
Don't ask me. It's more the left that is bringing on this issue. We're simply just defending the Bible when they try and attack us with their wokeness.
If he was really defending the Bible he would defend the whole bible, no just his favorite parts.
Before I even look I bet there is more to this story.
The story, perhaps, but not to this particular source.

These writers just scribble down whatever pops into their meth-addled brain and posts it to the world for immediate consumption.

Then partisan rubes like the OP, FJB, does their bidding and spreads the propaganda mindlessly.
He stands up for Christ and the Bible and then he is thrown out. Freedom of religion really is disappearing from this country. However, on judgement day Christ will be the one to throw these people out who denied Him and verbally attacked this poor man.

The police dept. most likely feared repercussions regarding discrimination accusations against the police dept. in general. The politick'n has become so extreme in America that the g'ment employees have become paranoid. Yes, but it's about much more than just freedom of religion, American society has devolved to the point that "freedom of INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT is being heavily assailed. I am heavy into the study of historical sociology & can tell you in all sincerity that past humanity has been right where our America is @ today. All the previous great nations/empires have collapsed with the AID of blind sighted groupthink(sound familiar?) & over stretched resources to set them up for disaster. Actually there was ONE lone exception, the Egyptian empire. It collapsed due to their Pharaoh(Fuhrer) making a hasty poorly crafted decision to send all military units in 'one' group(Adolf copied Pharaoh @ the battle of Stalingrad!) on a search & destroy mission & lost them almost to the man in a natural disaster. Groupthink don't collapse an empire without it!"
He stands up for Christ and the Bible and then he is thrown out. Freedom of religion really is disappearing from this country. However, on judgement day Christ will be the one to throw these people out who denied Him and verbally attacked this poor man.

He's 19 years old. Wonder what church he belongs to...

The police dept. most likely feared repercussions regarding discrimination accusations against the police dept. in general. The politick'n has become so extreme in America that the g'ment employees have become paranoid. Yes, but it's about much more than just freedom of religion, American society has devolved to the point that "freedom of INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT is being heavily assailed. I am heavy into the study of historical sociology & can tell you in all sincerity that past humanity has been right where our America is @ today. All the previous great nations/empires have collapsed with the AID of blind sighted groupthink(sound familiar?) & over stretched resources to set them up for disaster. Actually there was ONE lone exception, the Egyptian empire. It collapsed due to their Pharaoh(Fuhrer) making a hasty poorly crafted decision to send all military units in 'one' group(Adolf copied Pharaoh @ the battle of Stalingrad!) on a search & destroy mission & lost them almost to the man in a natural disaster. Groupthink don't collapse an empire without it!"

This kid is another Kyle Rittenhouse.

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