George Orwell's "1984" Alive and Well on Internet Forum Censorships


Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2021
Lynden, WA, USA
In recent weeks-months, we've seen the rise of censorship on various internet forums and "social groups"/sites where the tilt is toward allowing the propaganda of the Left-wing, Regressive agenda and distortions, while removing~banning that of the counter-arguements/positions, the other side of the partisan divide being allowed to express counter views~data~opinions, etc.

It began with the Face-Book and Twitter bans on users of Conservative leanings and voice and now seem to extend to the handful of history related forums/message boards.

In the case of ArmChair General Forums, hosted by; it was through heavy-ham fisted and partisan/biased application of some of the moderator staff, but become short-circuited when HistoryNet decided to not renew funding to their host, hence an abrupt end of existence for their forum/BBS.

In recent weeks this poster has experienced similar suppressions of expressions of alternate, opposing (non-Left-wing, a.k.a. "Conservative") views from a few of the other remaining "history" focused forums/bbs'.

First noticed a few weeks ago when my "current" user name/access was blocked to this forum site;
A forum supposedly focused upon historical discussions, but now seems to only allow that which slants toward the Left-wing(loonie) Socialist~Communist leaning propagandists, and those willing to submit to such "Free Speech" constrictions willing to be subservient to such partisan bias.

Another recent expression of suppression has come from this forum, "Historum";
Where one moderator, acting as a "tin-pot dictator" has decided what "agendas" are allowed or not. That would be the pseudo-tyrant moderator known as "
... Apparently this is now another "forum" where only Left-wing~socialist/communist~regressive agendas and views are allowed, no counter-point arguments/views can be presented.

Now on the one hand, "forums" are often paid for and provided by "private owners" so in a sense they could be free to set their "terms of service/use" yet on the other hand they are using internet structure and systems initially paid for and provided by the taxpayers (see the DoD origins of the "internet") so the issue of infringement of First Amendment Expression would seem relevant.

Should such forums be allowed to continue existing and operating if they selectively constrain "freedom of speech and expression"?

Should such be allowed if they fail to present up front that they are a biased and constrictive site that will only allow a certain and partisan~biased perspective/view to be presented?

Either way, consider this advance warning. Be cautious of using either of the above mentioned forums/bbs' as they both seem to be exercising political/partisan bias and censorship of what can be presented on their sites and hence are far from any objective and open venues for exchange of ideas, views, and positions.
In recent weeks-months, we've seen the rise of censorship on various internet forums and "social groups"/sites where the tilt is toward allowing the propaganda of the Left-wing, Regressive agenda and distortions, while removing~banning that of the counter-arguements/positions, the other side of the partisan divide being allowed to express counter views~data~opinions, etc.

It began with the Face-Book and Twitter bans on users of Conservative leanings and voice and now seem to extend to the handful of history related forums/message boards.

In the case of ArmChair General Forums, hosted by; it was through heavy-ham fisted and partisan/biased application of some of the moderator staff, but become short-circuited when HistoryNet decided to not renew funding to their host, hence an abrupt end of existence for their forum/BBS.

In recent weeks this poster has experienced similar suppressions of expressions of alternate, opposing (non-Left-wing, a.k.a. "Conservative") views from a few of the other remaining "history" focused forums/bbs'.

First noticed a few weeks ago when my "current" user name/access was blocked to this forum site;
A forum supposedly focused upon historical discussions, but now seems to only allow that which slants toward the Left-wing(loonie) Socialist~Communist leaning propagandists, and those willing to submit to such "Free Speech" constrictions willing to be subservient to such partisan bias.

Another recent expression of suppression has come from this forum, "Historum";
Where one moderator, acting as a "tin-pot dictator" has decided what "agendas" are allowed or not. That would be the pseudo-tyrant moderator known as "
... Apparently this is now another "forum" where only Left-wing~socialist/communist~regressive agendas and views are allowed, no counter-point arguments/views can be presented.

Now on the one hand, "forums" are often paid for and provided by "private owners" so in a sense they could be free to set their "terms of service/use" yet on the other hand they are using internet structure and systems initially paid for and provided by the taxpayers (see the DoD origins of the "internet") so the issue of infringement of First Amendment Expression would seem relevant.

Should such forums be allowed to continue existing and operating if they selectively constrain "freedom of speech and expression"?

Should such be allowed if they fail to present up front that they are a biased and constrictive site that will only allow a certain and partisan~biased perspective/view to be presented?

Either way, consider this advance warning. Be cautious of using either of the above mentioned forums/bbs' as they both seem to be exercising political/partisan bias and censorship of what can be presented on their sites and hence are far from any objective and open venues for exchange of ideas, views, and positions.
I'm unable to post on Xiden's Facebook page. Not because anything a right mind would consider crude, but because that's how shit is today, because when it comes to the left, the truth is always crude.

What did PROGS think we were going to get with the appointment of a puppet?
In recent weeks-months, we've seen the rise of censorship on various internet forums and "social groups"/sites where the tilt is toward allowing the propaganda of the Left-wing, Regressive agenda and distortions, while removing~banning that of the counter-arguements/positions, the other side of the partisan divide being allowed to express counter views~data~opinions, etc.

It began with the Face-Book and Twitter bans on users of Conservative leanings and voice and now seem to extend to the handful of history related forums/message boards.

In the case of ArmChair General Forums, hosted by; it was through heavy-ham fisted and partisan/biased application of some of the moderator staff, but become short-circuited when HistoryNet decided to not renew funding to their host, hence an abrupt end of existence for their forum/BBS.

In recent weeks this poster has experienced similar suppressions of expressions of alternate, opposing (non-Left-wing, a.k.a. "Conservative") views from a few of the other remaining "history" focused forums/bbs'.

First noticed a few weeks ago when my "current" user name/access was blocked to this forum site;
A forum supposedly focused upon historical discussions, but now seems to only allow that which slants toward the Left-wing(loonie) Socialist~Communist leaning propagandists, and those willing to submit to such "Free Speech" constrictions willing to be subservient to such partisan bias.

Another recent expression of suppression has come from this forum, "Historum";
Where one moderator, acting as a "tin-pot dictator" has decided what "agendas" are allowed or not. That would be the pseudo-tyrant moderator known as "
... Apparently this is now another "forum" where only Left-wing~socialist/communist~regressive agendas and views are allowed, no counter-point arguments/views can be presented.

Now on the one hand, "forums" are often paid for and provided by "private owners" so in a sense they could be free to set their "terms of service/use" yet on the other hand they are using internet structure and systems initially paid for and provided by the taxpayers (see the DoD origins of the "internet") so the issue of infringement of First Amendment Expression would seem relevant.

Should such forums be allowed to continue existing and operating if they selectively constrain "freedom of speech and expression"?

Should such be allowed if they fail to present up front that they are a biased and constrictive site that will only allow a certain and partisan~biased perspective/view to be presented?

Either way, consider this advance warning. Be cautious of using either of the above mentioned forums/bbs' as they both seem to be exercising political/partisan bias and censorship of what can be presented on their sites and hence are far from any objective and open venues for exchange of ideas, views, and positions.
You can add that the mods' moving fact-based articles about the stolen election, for example,
to the 'conspiracy theory' boards is very much a form of censorship. I'm sure they're following orders from Big Brother.
It's possible some of you may have gotten a wrong impression of what I'm saying/meaning.

Start with this forum response when I tried to post a reply in a thread I suddenly was blocked from while in the process of compossing a response;

We love history!

You must return when the moon has friends and the fox is borrowed.
It's possible some of you may have gotten a wrong impression of what I'm saying/meaning.

Start with this forum response when I tried to post a reply in a thread I suddenly was blocked from while in the process of compossing a response;

We love history!

You must return when the moon has friends and the fox is borrowed.
My response (blocked) was;

Getting back to the issue/topic of;
modern environmental-ecological crisis
Several years ago while helping my older son and family move from Tacoma, Washington to Lincoln, Nebraska; we drove that Penske truck through a lot of USA interior that was unoccupied and undeveloped. In short, a lot of open and natural state land, essentially environmental reserve and place for future growth and expanse.

A couple Summers ago when I last did an orientation flight over this part of the county I live in, I noticed that even the so-called developed part had huge areas that were not cleared of trees, nor being farmed nor having housing built upon. My county borders Canada in the NW corner of my PNW state, and about 3/4 of my counties' area is the forested Cascade Mountains, largely unsettled nor developed. It was over that so-called developed quarter of county real estate that I flew on the orientation flight in the Cessna 172 (offered by one of the local flying schools), and though only at about 2,000 feet altitude, on that clear day I could see quite a ways, and the inhabited county below me was far from over developed, nor in an "environmental-ecological crisis", so I'm not sure what you are construing here.

BTW, regarding that last "hands on" flying experience, it was Summer of 2019 since COVID cancelled out my doing such in 2020. In that case of 2019, it was a typical "orientation" flight offered by a local flight school. We started with the basic aircraft inspection where I ghosted/followed-along with the instructor as we checked out the aircraft. We then got in and he coached me through the start-up drill and taxi out to line up for the take-off (about the second~or third?~time I'd ever done such). Fortunately, the instructor is doing the "radio-talk" with traffic control so I didn't have that part of the flying load to focus on. Once airborne, we settled in at about 2,000 ft. altitude and started an about hour long loop around the county.

A couple of interesting notable items here;

1st, a short while into the flight, and after doing a circle around my home during which I could take some aerial photos, we cut a course to the NW heading towards the USA/Canada border. We'd only been doing this course a few minutes when I spotted something ahead and slightly off to our left. I quickly revealed to be a bald eagle just luffing along, wings spread, riding the thermals. Too far up to spot any prey; field mice or rabbits, just out enjoying a flight on a mild Summer day. I'd barely spotted it when we passed by with it barely 100 feet off our left wing tip. Imagine if we'd been about a 100 feet further to our left(West) and might have seen it just before it went through our prop! Universe works in strange and serendipitous ways at times.

2nd was this became the first time I ever got to land an airplane. Again, the instructor handled the radio chatter needed, while coaching me through the drill. First, I had to luff a bit to let a couple others land and take-off, while cutting down on speed and altitude along with looping out and about to line-up on the runway, drop the flaps, pick my aim point, etc.. Just before touch-down, while only a few feet above the runway, I had to pull the nose slightly up so we wouldn't snag/break the nose-gear; letting the plane settle down on the main wheels, and then let the nose drop down.

This followed by further speed reduction and braking so we can make the turn onto an off to the side taxi way. Then it was guiding the plane back to our parking space. Once in front of our slot on the row of parked planes, I then had to brake the left main wheel and goose the engine to do a left turn and line our tail up so once we shut down the engine, would be an easy push back into our tie-down slot.

Total rush all through and worth the minor cost. Hoping to do this sort of thing more in the future. Also inclined to start a future thread about flying here.

BTW, when what is now BLI - Bellingham International Airport - was first built back about late 1930-early 1940's as an USAAC airbase, the first squadron stationed there flew the Bell P-39 Airacobra. One of the first USAAC/USAAF pursuit/fighter aircraft with a tricycle landing gear.
That thread title was; ...
Does government intervention seem to be the only solution for the modern environmental-ecological crisis?

And the OP(Opening Post) was;

[IMG alt="Millennium"][/IMG]
Oct 2017 542 .

Aug 7, 2019
I think it’s said that the root cause of modern overpopulation is that our technology has advanced to the point of overcoming natural population checks, along with being able to greatly modify the environment of course. Both these to a point never possible before. Too many unrelated yet negative aspects happening all at once. Good on the individual level, not so on the environmental. Isn’t it concerning to think that modern civilisation, which has been taken for granted for the past several generations at least, clearly isn’t even equilibrially stable enough to support its own survival? It seems that the simplest solution would be to reduce population & revert to some pre-industrial state. Yet this solution is clearly not easy nor immediately possible for modern civilisation & population, which seemed to have developed inextricably & to be linked so. Countless aspects of modern civilisation are essential to not only comfort but even to being alive itself. Think about how modern technology, science & medicine saves lives & how many people & animals are dependent on then. Yet as part of modern civilisation they’re not environmentally equilibrially stablemate they? Yet the effects of such are inconceivable to modern civilization, indeed that would definitely be signify an end of it, whether it either advances or more likely devances. So it seems that humanity must eventually say bye to them mustn’t they? For most of history there seemed to always be a general ubiquitous hope of continuous technological growth & improvement for societies the world over, now the reverse seems to be looming. Can anyone think of any past civilisation or society which has had to contemplate reducing its own technological advancement?
" This site is not one for you to push an agenda. You are removed from this thread. "
Personal thread message from;

Forum Staff

What I got from the following link/url in response to my post above, original at their site;

Forum Staff

It's possible some of you may have gotten a wrong impression of what I'm saying/meaning.

Start with this forum response when I tried to post a reply in a thread I suddenly was blocked from while in the process of compossing a response;

We love history!

You must return when the moon has friends and the fox is borrowed.
So when did "the Moon" not have "friends" and what the heck is meant by "the fox is borrowed"?
That thread title was; ...
Does government intervention seem to be the only solution for the modern environmental-ecological crisis?

And the OP(Opening Post) was;

[IMG alt="Millennium"][/IMG]
Oct 2017 542 .

Aug 7, 2019
I think it’s said that the root cause of modern overpopulation is that our technology has advanced to the point of overcoming natural population checks, along with being able to greatly modify the environment of course. Both these to a point never possible before. Too many unrelated yet negative aspects happening all at once. Good on the individual level, not so on the environmental. Isn’t it concerning to think that modern civilisation, which has been taken for granted for the past several generations at least, clearly isn’t even equilibrially stable enough to support its own survival? It seems that the simplest solution would be to reduce population & revert to some pre-industrial state. Yet this solution is clearly not easy nor immediately possible for modern civilisation & population, which seemed to have developed inextricably & to be linked so. Countless aspects of modern civilisation are essential to not only comfort but even to being alive itself. Think about how modern technology, science & medicine saves lives & how many people & animals are dependent on then. Yet as part of modern civilisation they’re not environmentally equilibrially stablemate they? Yet the effects of such are inconceivable to modern civilization, indeed that would definitely be signify an end of it, whether it either advances or more likely devances. So it seems that humanity must eventually say bye to them mustn’t they? For most of history there seemed to always be a general ubiquitous hope of continuous technological growth & improvement for societies the world over, now the reverse seems to be looming. Can anyone think of any past civilisation or society which has had to contemplate reducing its own technological advancement?

Bullshit, top to bottom.

Every living human on earth would fit inside one cubic mile. Does that sound "overcrowded" to you Limey?

In recent weeks-months, we've seen the rise of censorship on various internet forums and "social groups"/sites where the tilt is toward allowing the propaganda of the Left-wing, Regressive agenda and distortions, while removing~banning that of the counter-arguements/positions, the other side of the partisan divide being allowed to express counter views~data~opinions, etc.

It began with the Face-Book and Twitter bans on users of Conservative leanings and voice and now seem to extend to the handful of history related forums/message boards.

In the case of ArmChair General Forums, hosted by; it was through heavy-ham fisted and partisan/biased application of some of the moderator staff, but become short-circuited when HistoryNet decided to not renew funding to their host, hence an abrupt end of existence for their forum/BBS.

In recent weeks this poster has experienced similar suppressions of expressions of alternate, opposing (non-Left-wing, a.k.a. "Conservative") views from a few of the other remaining "history" focused forums/bbs'.

First noticed a few weeks ago when my "current" user name/access was blocked to this forum site;
A forum supposedly focused upon historical discussions, but now seems to only allow that which slants toward the Left-wing(loonie) Socialist~Communist leaning propagandists, and those willing to submit to such "Free Speech" constrictions willing to be subservient to such partisan bias.

Another recent expression of suppression has come from this forum, "Historum";
Where one moderator, acting as a "tin-pot dictator" has decided what "agendas" are allowed or not. That would be the pseudo-tyrant moderator known as "
... Apparently this is now another "forum" where only Left-wing~socialist/communist~regressive agendas and views are allowed, no counter-point arguments/views can be presented.

Now on the one hand, "forums" are often paid for and provided by "private owners" so in a sense they could be free to set their "terms of service/use" yet on the other hand they are using internet structure and systems initially paid for and provided by the taxpayers (see the DoD origins of the "internet") so the issue of infringement of First Amendment Expression would seem relevant.

Should such forums be allowed to continue existing and operating if they selectively constrain "freedom of speech and expression"?

Should such be allowed if they fail to present up front that they are a biased and constrictive site that will only allow a certain and partisan~biased perspective/view to be presented?

Either way, consider this advance warning. Be cautious of using either of the above mentioned forums/bbs' as they both seem to be exercising political/partisan bias and censorship of what can be presented on their sites and hence are far from any objective and open venues for exchange of ideas, views, and positions.
You can add that the mods' moving fact-based articles about the stolen election, for example,
to the 'conspiracy theory' boards is very much a form of censorship. I'm sure they're following orders from Big Brother.
thats the understatement of the year. They even move them to the badlands section as well. this pace is as bad as youtube,twiiter and facebook.
That thread title was; ...
Does government intervention seem to be the only solution for the modern environmental-ecological crisis?

And the OP(Opening Post) was;

[IMG alt="Millennium"][/IMG]
Oct 2017 542 .

Aug 7, 2019
I think it’s said that the root cause of modern overpopulation is that our technology has advanced to the point of overcoming natural population checks, along with being able to greatly modify the environment of course. Both these to a point never possible before. Too many unrelated yet negative aspects happening all at once. Good on the individual level, not so on the environmental. Isn’t it concerning to think that modern civilisation, which has been taken for granted for the past several generations at least, clearly isn’t even equilibrially stable enough to support its own survival? It seems that the simplest solution would be to reduce population & revert to some pre-industrial state. Yet this solution is clearly not easy nor immediately possible for modern civilisation & population, which seemed to have developed inextricably & to be linked so. Countless aspects of modern civilisation are essential to not only comfort but even to being alive itself. Think about how modern technology, science & medicine saves lives & how many people & animals are dependent on then. Yet as part of modern civilisation they’re not environmentally equilibrially stablemate they? Yet the effects of such are inconceivable to modern civilization, indeed that would definitely be signify an end of it, whether it either advances or more likely devances. So it seems that humanity must eventually say bye to them mustn’t they? For most of history there seemed to always be a general ubiquitous hope of continuous technological growth & improvement for societies the world over, now the reverse seems to be looming. Can anyone think of any past civilisation or society which has had to contemplate reducing its own technological advancement?

Bullshit, top to bottom.

Every living human on earth would fit inside one cubic mile. Does that sound "overcrowded" to you Limey?

Non-sense, we're overcrowded alright, the southern border is more proof of it. Resources, pollution & sanity are the issue, not how many people you can fit into a bottle.

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