George H.W. Bush, one of the greatest Presidents of the United States!

George H.W. Bush is probably the greatest President the United States ever had! He led a life of service to his country starting with his service in World War II. He was a fighter pilot, got shot down by the Japanese. He survived in the ocean for four hours before being picked up by a U.S. Submarine. He later served in the U.S. House Of Representatives, then as ambassador to the United Nations, then served as chief of the Liaison office in China. He was then appointed director the CIA. He served as Vice President under Ronald Reagan during which the United States rebuilt is economic and military strength which were vital to winning the Cold War against the Soviet Union. He then was elected President of this great nation. He did send forces to invade Panama because it was necessary and swiftly defeated the threat there with very minimal loss of life considering the size and scale of the operation. When Iraq invaded and annexed Kuwait, George Bush masterfully put together one of the largest coalitions in world history. He then sent that military coalition which included 500,000 US military personal into Kuwait and Iraq and swiftly defeated the 4th largest military in the world in 4 days after 6 weeks of airstrikes. It was probably the greatest military victory in history given the scale of what was accomplished and the fact that only 113 U.S. troops were killed by hostile fire. A tiny fraction of what many predicted the casualties would be. George Bush's popularity vaulted to 91%, the highest ever achieved by any American President. George Bush raised taxes when it was not popular to do so. His last year in office saw quarterly GDP growth each quarter of 1992 ABOVE 4% in each quarter. That was the last time in U.S. history that the United States had 4 consecutive quarters of real GDP growth above 4%. His economic performance and tax plans laid the groundwork for the Surpluses that were seen at the end of the Clinton administration, the first Budget Surpluses since 1969. You would be hard pressed to find a better American patriot or better American President. George H.W. Bush did it all!
“The economy, stupid.”

The botched response to Hurricane Andrew.

An indifferent, apathetic Bush looking at his watch during the 1992 presidential debate.

GHWB’s was a failed presidency, he deserved not to be reelected.

When was the last time the United States had over 4% real quarterly GDP growth, in four consecutive quarters? Answer, 1992 when George H.W. Bush was President!

No matter how much you wish that GHWB's Presidency was a failed one, it never was one and will not be remembered as such. The scale of things accomplished during George H.W. Bush's Presidency is overwhelming! The vast majority of Americans love and respect him and history has proven George H.W. Bush to be correct. The holdout naysayers like yourself get smaller every day.
GHWB was a dreadful president, the American people knew this and removed from office accordingly and appropriately.
George H.W. Bush is probably the greatest President the United States ever had! He led a life of service to his country starting with his service in World War II. He was a fighter pilot, got shot down by the Japanese. He survived in the ocean for four hours before being picked up by a U.S. Submarine. He later served in the U.S. House Of Representatives, then as ambassador to the United Nations, then served as chief of the Liaison office in China. He was then appointed director the CIA. He served as Vice President under Ronald Reagan during which the United States rebuilt is economic and military strength which were vital to winning the Cold War against the Soviet Union. He then was elected President of this great nation. He did send forces to invade Panama because it was necessary and swiftly defeated the threat there with very minimal loss of life considering the size and scale of the operation. When Iraq invaded and annexed Kuwait, George Bush masterfully put together one of the largest coalitions in world history. He then sent that military coalition which included 500,000 US military personal into Kuwait and Iraq and swiftly defeated the 4th largest military in the world in 4 days after 6 weeks of airstrikes. It was probably the greatest military victory in history given the scale of what was accomplished and the fact that only 113 U.S. troops were killed by hostile fire. A tiny fraction of what many predicted the casualties would be. George Bush's popularity vaulted to 91%, the highest ever achieved by any American President. George Bush raised taxes when it was not popular to do so. His last year in office saw quarterly GDP growth each quarter of 1992 ABOVE 4% in each quarter. That was the last time in U.S. history that the United States had 4 consecutive quarters of real GDP growth above 4%. His economic performance and tax plans laid the groundwork for the Surpluses that were seen at the end of the Clinton administration, the first Budget Surpluses since 1969. You would be hard pressed to find a better American patriot or better American President. George H.W. Bush did it all!

In his political life Bush dishonored his military service and America, the consequence of his political opportunism, hypocrisy, and racism.

In 1980 Bush correctly condemned Reagan’s failed, wrongheaded economic dogma as ‘voodoo economics’ – only to end up supporting that failed, wrongheaded economic dogma when selected to be the Reagan’s running mate.

In 1988 Bush demonstrated himself to be a fearmonger and racist with his infamous and shameful attack ad which was nothing but lies about Willie Horton.

And his war in the Gulf was unnecessary, unwarranted, and wrong – a waste of money, resources, and lives prosecuted only to benefit Bush politically.

And markers of a pattern of dishonesty in general. After he called candidate Reagan's rhetoric "voodoo economics" and Reagan called his bluff by running-mating him, Bush denied he ever said it --- even though it was already recorded on video. Shades of Rumpian self-delusion. And in the same Lee Atwater/George W-driven campaign the misleading Willie Horton ad came out he was deriding his opponent by sneering the adjective "Liberal", as if it were a negative. Ready evidence of a sleazy self-serving politician with little or no regard for what the facts are when they prove inconvenient.

And in the age of Trump, when the American people are desperate for an honest, competent president worthy of respect, it’s understandable that some might have an incorrect perception of former presidents, such as GHWB, who benefits from the likes of Trump.
"There was a sense in America during President George H.W. Bush's tenure that he came from an elite life of privilege. That perception in no way captures the fullness of this man’s journey"
I wish I could agree. Whatever economic growth occurred happened in spite of Bush's policies, not because of them. He was a good and decent man. He appointed a lot of good conservatives to the federal district courts and federal appeals courts. He put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court. He showed strong leadership as the Soviet Union began to fall apart. But, the list of his negative actions would far surpass the good things he did.
a life of PAID 'serbice' eh 'u 2edge' [chuckle] .
He was a self made millionarire (assuming a son of Prescott can be self-made) in the 50s by virtue of getting in early on offshore oil drilling.
------------------------------------------------------------- sounds like the 'dead and buried guy' and President Trump both had the best of everything served on silver plates and silver spoons eh ?? Course everyone goes after the Trump for having'er dicked which is funny ?? Who was that Texas 'dem' lady that recognized that the 'dead and buried guy' had a 'silver spoon' for his lifetime life [ann richards] ?? Just an Observation Bendog !!
GHWB served the $ame ve$ted interest$ as all other U$ president$:

RIP, George HW Bush: a mass-murderer and war-criminal

"Rest in Peace, St Bush, and may your millions of victims find you in the afterlife.

"The United States is now in the midst of a grotesque canonization of one of its imperial saints, George Herbert Walker Bush..."

"Jeremy Scahill details the crimes of Bush, the sick propaganda of the corporate media memorials, and the trail of blood, death, and tears Bush leaves behind.

"Independent journalist Arun Gupta covers decades of Bush, from his time at the helm of the CIA to the presidency. Gupta discusses Bush’s support for Manuel Noriega and his eventual invasion of Panama, the pardoning of Iran-Contra criminals, the dirty wars in Central America, the support for Saddam Hussein, and the launch of the Gulf War.

"Acclaimed Iraqi poet and scholar Sinan Antoon describes his life under the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Saddam, the horrors of the Gulf War, and how Bush’s destruction of Iraqi civilian society led to the rise of ISIS."

George H.W. Bush (1924-2018), American War Criminal

Yeah I like ATMs. They give me money.
a life of PAID 'serbice' eh 'u 2edge' [chuckle] .

Let me guess, you were a fighter pilot and know what combat is like? You know what its like to be shot down and stranded in the ocean for hours without knowing if your going to live?
Mr. Bush was not a fighter pilot. He was a dive bomber pilot. Get your story straight. I doubt anyone will denigrate Mr. Bush service in WW 2 and anyone who does deserves what tongue lashing they get. Mr. Bush performance in the government sector was poor to awful. Criticism of his presidency is well deserved. If for nothing more than backing down on his promise of "no new taxes".
George Bush - Genuine Baseball Star!

Ronald Reagan = Actor who played a baseball star in Hollywood.


George Bush = Distinguished WWII combat pilot!

Ronald Reagan = Actor who played WWII pilot in Hollywood.


George Bush = US President = The real fucking deal.

Ronald Reagan = ............................
HW was the last living ex Prez who was both a patriotic American and a good President.

Carter was patriotic, but not good.

Clinton was OK, but not patriotic, and set the stage for 911.

W and O were neither patriotic nor good = period of American WO
"George H.W. Bush Was an Enemy of the Working Class..."

"Many pundits are attempting to divorce H.W. Bush from Trump and use the late president’s memory to invoke a kinder, gentler era of politics.

"But Bush Sr. bears plenty of responsibility for the uncivil world we live in today, and for the indignities visited on the working class across the globe..."

"The epitome of privilege, the elder Bush descended from a lineage of businessmen who made their fortunes in the defense and banking industries.

"His father, Prescott Bush, was director of Union Banking Corporation, which financed and profited from the Nazi regime prior
to the American entry into World War Two.

"George H.W., for his part, struck it rich in the Texas oil fields before turning to politics.

"From the beginning of his presidency, Bush built on the legislative victories of the Reagan Revolution, spearheading wealth redistribution programs benefiting the corporate class—and his own family.

"In 1989, Bush bailed out the heavily deregulated Savings and Loan industry, to the tune of about $124.6 billion in taxpayer funded money.

"The New York Times later published a report detailing how Bush’s son Jeb had personally benefited from the bailout, noting that the federal government paid 'more than $4 million to make good' on a loan Jeb had used to buy a Miami office building."

George H.W. Bush Was an Enemy of the Working Class

HW Bush was part of an elite generation which saw its share of national income severely curtailed by the Great Depression and WWII.

His support for NAFTA and the deregulation of finance set the table for a con man like Trump to move into the White House.
BIG GOVERNMENT is the enemy of the working class.

That is the truth of the DATA.

The less the government spends, the better off the people are.

The 1990s proved it.

The 2000s proved it even more, because that is when SPENDING started to soar again....
BIG GOVERNMENT is the enemy of the working class.

That is the truth of the DATA.

The less the government spends, the better off the people are.

The 1990s proved it.

The 2000s proved it even more, because that is when SPENDING started to soar again....

"George Bush, big-government conservative...."

George Bush, big-government conservative

"As a candidate, Mr Bush resolutely refused to run against big government, campaigning instead on a programme of restoring faith in the nation's institutions. As president, he has championed the cause of 'active but limited government'.

"Government 'has a role and an important role,' he declared in his budget speech to Congress, in a nice counterpoint to Mr Clinton's declaration, in the same chamber, that 'the era of big government is over.'"

Politicians like Bush and Clinton use their interpretation of "big government" to advance the interests of the US donor class (about 10% of voters) at the expense of the other 90% of voters.

Privatize the profits and socialize the costs.

IMHO, the problem isn't the size of government as much as it is the ownership of government.

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