George Galloway officially Jumps the Shark

You should hear them over at DU crying about their HERO, and how could he do this to them... :rotflmao:
Here is the pic. It simply must be seen.

Stephanie said:

NoodleyAppendage (98 posts) Mon Jan-23-06 10:35 AM
Original message
What the hell is Galloway thinking? Slipped LSD by neocons? WTF?
I loved Galloway's courage in sticking it to Norm Coleman and standing up against the neocon/neofascists, but he's seriously undercutting his positions by appearing on that British version of Big Brother. Has he been slipped a psychotic drug or something? Whatever it is...he's now (apparently) under the impression that it would be a good thing to appear in a red leotard with the transvestite singer of Dead Alive doing some weird robotic dance skit. And, what does it say about his judgment to be televised lapping up milk like a cat on national TV.

I understand that some justification could be that he's "selling his soul" and being degraded publicly to get his message out against the war, but who's going to take that message seriously now? It would be like Doug Henning in a rainbow leotard talking about geopolitics...

I like the guy...I'm just concerned. Lord knows what kind of mind-numbing bullshit M15 may be slipping him. :rotflmao:
theim said:
THAT was creepy... all that was missing was the leather, whips and chains and a domanitrix yelling "down slave!!!!!"

But then, when you're a stooge for Saddam, you probably don't see anything wrong with doing this in public....

Which all goes to show, that if the price is right, some people would kill their own mother, cook her body parts on a grill and eat the flesh. Apparently, George Gallway is one of those people and his mother must be scared for her life!
Bozhe Moi! I think that Big Brother may have just been single-handedly handed their cancel slip for next season. Nobody is going to watch after this. What a dork!

Everything he's ever said, done or achieved in life is now subsumed by a picture of himself in red tights. Sorry thing is, he was hitting at the truth with his Iraq War comments.

But the market can't bear this, so he loses.

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