Gentlemen, Turn And Fire Your Antonyms On The Count Of 10


Sep 23, 2010

Synonyms for the word transparent cannot compete with the number of antonyms that describe Taqiyya the Liar and Hillary Clinton. ‘Sly’ was my personal favorite before the liars claimed transparent as their own:

adroit, ambiguous, artful, clouded, cloudy, colored, corrupt, crafty, crooked, cryptic, cunning, dark, deceitful, dense, designing, diplomatic, drab, dull, enigmatic, equivocal, filmy, foggy, foxy, gauzy, glazed, gray, hazy, illegible, impalpable, imperceptible, imprecise, inappreciable, incomprehensible, indecipherable, indefinite, indeterminate, indiscernible, indistinct, insensible, insincere, intriguing, knowing, lackluster, lusterless, misty, muddy, murky, mysterious, nebulous, noncommital, nonobvious, obscure, opaque, sharp, shrewd, sketchy, slippery, sly, smoky, subtle, thick, tinted, tricky, turbid, unapparent, unclear, unclouded, undecipherable, unfathomable, unintelligible, unknowable, unobvious, unreadable, vague, wily.


Trey Gowdy surely has a favorite of his own:

Here is an angle I never thought of:

From the ‘Believe it or Not Department’ of the cunning Obama administration: America’s National Security Agency (NSA) retrieves and stockpiles millions of incoming and outgoing emails of government agencies and from the public at large—but not any coming in or going out from Hillary Clinton’s private home email accounts!

How’s that for exclusionary covert operations by Tokyo Rose Clinton during her 4-year gig as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State—most tellingly including during the Benghazi scandal?

During the Benghazi scandal, for which the Obama administration has yet to come clean, Clinton was the only one in the whole of America with guaranteed privacy from NSA. Make that the only one off the NSA radar as far as anyone knows.​

I wonder if Rep. Gowdy has the authority to make the NSA comply?

If the NSA has any of Clinton’s emails, it’s time to cough them up.

The NSA spied on everyone—other than Hillary Clinton
By Judi McLeod March 8, 2015

The NSA spied on everyone other than Hillary Clinton
Are you sensing déjà vu all over again? The media has to save the Clintons ONE MORE TIME. What better way to save ‘special people’ than to do what the media does best when a saint is caught red handed. Simply find another villain à la Ken Starr. By the time Clinton’s media finishes whitewashing Hillary’s e-mails —— Trey Gowdy will be wearing the blue dress.

Even those with a public voice who might be sympathetic to exposing Secretary of State Clinton’s criminality are inadvertently making Rep. Gowdy (Ken Starr) the issue.


'Shame on me for taking 6 months'
Posted By Garth Kant
On 03/09/2015 @ 5:29 pm

Shame on me for taking 6 months

Synonyms for the word transparent cannot compete with the number of antonyms that describe Taqiyya the Liar and Hillary Clinton. ‘Sly’ was my personal favorite before the liars claimed transparent as their own:

adroit, ambiguous, artful, clouded, cloudy, colored, corrupt, crafty, crooked, cryptic, cunning, dark, deceitful, dense, designing, diplomatic, drab, dull, enigmatic, equivocal, filmy, foggy, foxy, gauzy, glazed, gray, hazy, illegible, impalpable, imperceptible, imprecise, inappreciable, incomprehensible, indecipherable, indefinite, indeterminate, indiscernible, indistinct, insensible, insincere, intriguing, knowing, lackluster, lusterless, misty, muddy, murky, mysterious, nebulous, noncommital, nonobvious, obscure, opaque, sharp, shrewd, sketchy, slippery, sly, smoky, subtle, thick, tinted, tricky, turbid, unapparent, unclear, unclouded, undecipherable, unfathomable, unintelligible, unknowable, unobvious, unreadable, vague, wily.


Trey Gowdy surely has a favorite of his own:

Here is an angle I never thought of:

From the ‘Believe it or Not Department’ of the cunning Obama administration: America’s National Security Agency (NSA) retrieves and stockpiles millions of incoming and outgoing emails of government agencies and from the public at large—but not any coming in or going out from Hillary Clinton’s private home email accounts!

How’s that for exclusionary covert operations by Tokyo Rose Clinton during her 4-year gig as Barack Obama’s Secretary of State—most tellingly including during the Benghazi scandal?

During the Benghazi scandal, for which the Obama administration has yet to come clean, Clinton was the only one in the whole of America with guaranteed privacy from NSA. Make that the only one off the NSA radar as far as anyone knows.​

I wonder if Rep. Gowdy has the authority to make the NSA comply?

If the NSA has any of Clinton’s emails, it’s time to cough them up.

The NSA spied on everyone—other than Hillary Clinton
By Judi McLeod March 8, 2015

The NSA spied on everyone other than Hillary Clinton

Glad to see you reading a book at last. And a thesaurus too! Keep up the good work and you'll earn a gold star.
Are you sensing déjà vu all over again? The media has to save the Clintons ONE MORE TIME. What better way to save ‘special people’ than to do what the media does best when a saint is caught red handed. Simply find another villain à la Ken Starr. By the time Clinton’s media finishes whitewashing Hillary’s e-mails —— Trey Gowdy will be wearing the blue dress.

Even those with a public voice who might be sympathetic to exposing Secretary of State Clinton’s criminality are inadvertently making Rep. Gowdy (Ken Starr) the issue.

Writing off the Clintons is foolhardy because their global government backers remain the most politically powerful force in domestic and foreign policy:

President Clinton had a diabolical knack for turning his self-inflicted problems into referenda on the moral standing of his opponents, or of anybody who happened to be convenient for the purpose; thus the Monica Lewinsky scandal became a question not of the president’s venality in the Oval Office and elsewhere or of his consequent crimes — perjury, etc. — but a public trial of Kenneth Starr for the crime of being a buzzkill.


. . . Bill Clinton has spent 50-odd years proving to the world that he is the cleverest boy at Hot Springs High School, and his admirers loved him not in spite of his gross opportunism and dishonesty but because of those very things.


Mrs. Clinton is at the moment looking somewhat short of clever.

A Monster of Our Own
The impoverished life of Hillary Rodham Clinton
By Kevin D. Williamson — March 15, 2015

National Review

Clinton’s bone-deep commitment to the United Nations is never mentioned by networks let alone challenged. Example: Compare Hillary Clinton’s e-mail leaks to this:

The U.S. is complicit with forced abortions in China through funding of the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA), Littlejohn charged.

“In China, the UNFPA and International Planned Parenthood have been working hand in hand with the Chinese Communist Party on family planning, which has been found to be coercive,” she said.

Previous administrations cut funding for UNFPA because of its complicity with forced abortion and forced family planning in China.

“One of the first things President Obama did on coming into office was to restore that funding,” noted Littlejohn.

“Hillary Clinton has come out strongly opposing forced abortion and forced sterilization in China on one hand, and on the other hand she has said we’re not going to let human rights get in the way of our trade relations,” Littlejohn said.

President Clinton’s administration was the first to de-link human rights from trade relations with China.
Charge: U.N., U.S. complicit in worldwide war on women
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 03/14/2015 @ 8:16 pm
Charge U.N. U.S. complicit in worldwide war on women

Hillary Clinton bungled her e-mails to be sure, while she has been quite clever about abortion. Since she was co-president she got milage out of publicly “. . . opposing forced abortion and forced sterilization in China . . .” without ever denouncing the tax code that forces abortion on everybody. That is clever, and it still hides her first loyalty to the United Nations. In addition, her image as the champion of women is sold the world over.

This is the real Nurse Ratched:

Hillary Clinton: I Admire Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 9/23/14 6:02 PM

Hillary Clinton I Admire Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger

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