Generally Celebrities Threaten To Move To Canada, France,Jersey, England, Mars If Republican Wins. But This Time, No One Is Moving If Trump Wins, Hmm.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
well this odd. we all remember last time around, several famous people were adamant about leaving the country if Trump won. But at this point, close to the election, all have remained silent.
Maybe some of us can explain all this?
well this odd. we all remember last time around, several famous people were adamant about leaving the country if Trump won. But at this point, close to the election, all have remained silent.
Maybe some of us can explain all this?

Yes, I can explain it;


But conveniently, a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project actually gamed four possible scenarios, including one that doesn’t look that different from 2016: a big popular win for Mr. Biden, and a narrow electoral defeat, presumably reached after weeks of counting the votes in Pennsylvania. For their war game, they cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden. They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede, just as Mrs. Clinton had.

But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.

In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do.


democrats, including Hollywood Oligarchs intend on waging a full blown civil war when Trump wins reelection.

Lock and Load.
well this odd. we all remember last time around, several famous people were adamant about leaving the country if Trump won. But at this point, close to the election, all have remained silent.
Maybe some of us can explain all this?

But if president Trump does not win, they are moving to your neighborhood to escape the far left BLM destruction, unfortunately bringing in the politics of destruction with them.
well this odd. we all remember last time around, several famous people were adamant about leaving the country if Trump won. But at this point, close to the election, all have remained silent.
Maybe some of us can explain all this?

But if president Trump does not win, they are moving to your neighborhood to escape the far left BLM destruction, unfortunately bringing in the politics of destruction with them.
i have a short term mammary on this, but wasnt Maxine and her wigs gonna move to Uranus in 2017?
well this odd. we all remember last time around, several famous people were adamant about leaving the country if Trump won. But at this point, close to the election, all have remained silent.
Maybe some of us can explain all this?

Yes, I can explain it;


But conveniently, a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project actually gamed four possible scenarios, including one that doesn’t look that different from 2016: a big popular win for Mr. Biden, and a narrow electoral defeat, presumably reached after weeks of counting the votes in Pennsylvania. For their war game, they cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden. They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede, just as Mrs. Clinton had.

But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.

In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do.


democrats, including Hollywood Oligarchs intend on waging a full blown civil war when Trump wins reelection.

Lock and Load.
i forgot her name, wasnt some overweight, so called comedian, moving to canada? if Trump won? is she still on the view?
..if Mr Trump doesn't win, the black communities will get worse....

I think the biggest shock for democrats in 2020 is JUST HOW MANY BLACK PEOPLE SUPPORT TRUMP.

Sure, the democrats have their BLM terrorists - BUT HALF OF THEM ARE WHITE!

Republicans are emancipating black Americans, AGAIN, the democrats are OUTRAGED..
what about Biden? will he threaten to move to the island of misfits if Trump wins in a landslide?
well this odd. we all remember last time around, several famous people were adamant about leaving the country if Trump won. But at this point, close to the election, all have remained silent.
Maybe some of us can explain all this?

Yes, I can explain it;


But conveniently, a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project actually gamed four possible scenarios, including one that doesn’t look that different from 2016: a big popular win for Mr. Biden, and a narrow electoral defeat, presumably reached after weeks of counting the votes in Pennsylvania. For their war game, they cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden. They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede, just as Mrs. Clinton had.

But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.

In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do.


democrats, including Hollywood Oligarchs intend on waging a full blown civil war when Trump wins reelection.

Lock and Load.
i forgot her name, wasnt some overweight, so called comedian, moving to canada? if Trump won? is she still on the view?
roisie odonnell?
well this odd. we all remember last time around, several famous people were adamant about leaving the country if Trump won. But at this point, close to the election, all have remained silent.
Maybe some of us can explain all this?

Yes, I can explain it;


But conveniently, a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project actually gamed four possible scenarios, including one that doesn’t look that different from 2016: a big popular win for Mr. Biden, and a narrow electoral defeat, presumably reached after weeks of counting the votes in Pennsylvania. For their war game, they cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden. They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede, just as Mrs. Clinton had.

But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.

In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do.


democrats, including Hollywood Oligarchs intend on waging a full blown civil war when Trump wins reelection.

Lock and Load.
i forgot her name, wasnt some overweight, so called comedian, moving to canada? if Trump won? is she still on the view?
roisie odonnell?
rosie? till this day I dont know what gender she is
Impeachment is the first order of business if he happens to win. The second time should be the charm.
i think Michael Moore wants to go to the moon, but i think hes way over on the weight limit to send him there

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