Defund the Police? How about Defund Professional Sports?


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020

Hey “Professional athletes”….Shut up and do your job. Your job, for which you are paid VERY WELL, no, let me rephrase that….for which you are OVER PAID, is to play the sport you were hired to play. Yes, that’s right, you were HIRED to play a sport. Not to protest societal issues. You are paid by your fans who expect you to perform in the athletic event you are supposed to be good at. I, as a spectator pay good, hard earned money, for now, to watch you entertain me. When you chose not to do your job in lieu of staging a boycott, you are boycotting the people who pay your grotesquely obscene salaries and deny them the right to that entertainment. I for one as a spectator, each time a scheduled game does not appear because you chose to take a day off under the guise of “protest” am realizing more and more that I can get along just fine without your entertainment. You probably subscribe to the old adage; “No justice no peace”. Well maybe you should consider the ramifications of a new adage; “ No fans, NO SALARY” That’s right. Continue with your nonsense and you won’t have enough fans to support your ridiculous salaries. Then you’ll have plenty of time to protest and boycott, because you will be out of a job.

Wise up, there are plenty of athletes currently not quite good enough to fill your shoes at the salary you are paid. But they are certainly good enough to entertain and are just dying to get the opportunity, and I venture a guess, would be willing to keep their mouth shut at work to get the chance.

Perhaps sports fans everywhere should just stop supporting your salaries, stop paying absurd ticket prices, stop paying for ridiculously priced cable sports packages, stop buying over-priced sports apparel and memorabilia, stop supporting YOU. Perhaps we, as fans, should boycott YOU and DEFUND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS.

Hey, “Professional athletes”, shut up and just do it, your job that is.
...what major sports/BLM/etc are saying is that it's ok to resist arrest --Fk the cops--but there is not a problem with the police--SO--they are really fkin up the blacks/etc because the REAL problems are not be addressed
--they are making it worse
I already got a refund for my NFL season tickets and have stopped following. To many other things to do. I guess in a way I’ve defunded them. Yea I know Liberals, they won’t miss my measly $1500 and lack of viewership. That’s OK, the important thing is my money isn’t going to support a false social justice narrative. They can still play and I keep my money and enjoy other activities. Both sides win I guess.
I already got a refund for my NFL season tickets and have stopped following. To many other things to do. I guess in a way I’ve defunded them. Yea I know Liberals, they won’t miss my measly $1500 and lack of viewership. That’s OK, the important thing is my money isn’t going to support a false social justice narrative. They can still play and I keep my money and enjoy other activities. Both sides win I guess.
nor really--the blacks lose--because the problem is not fixed
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Hey “Professional athletes”….Shut up and do your job. Your job, for which you are paid VERY WELL, no, let me rephrase that….for which you are OVER PAID, is to play the sport you were hired to play. Yes, that’s right, you were HIRED to play a sport. Not to protest societal issues. You are paid by your fans who expect you to perform in the athletic event you are supposed to be good at. I, as a spectator pay good, hard earned money, for now, to watch you entertain me. When you chose not to do your job in lieu of staging a boycott, you are boycotting the people who pay your grotesquely obscene salaries and deny them the right to that entertainment. I for one as a spectator, each time a scheduled game does not appear because you chose to take a day off under the guise of “protest” am realizing more and more that I can get along just fine without your entertainment. You probably subscribe to the old adage; “No justice no peace”. Well maybe you should consider the ramifications of a new adage; “ No fans, NO SALARY” That’s right. Continue with your nonsense and you won’t have enough fans to support your ridiculous salaries. Then you’ll have plenty of time to protest and boycott, because you will be out of a job.

Wise up, there are plenty of athletes currently not quite good enough to fill your shoes at the salary you are paid. But they are certainly good enough to entertain and are just dying to get the opportunity, and I venture a guess, would be willing to keep their mouth shut at work to get the chance.

Perhaps sports fans everywhere should just stop supporting your salaries, stop paying absurd ticket prices, stop paying for ridiculously priced cable sports packages, stop buying over-priced sports apparel and memorabilia, stop supporting YOU. Perhaps we, as fans, should boycott YOU and DEFUND PROFESSIONAL SPORTS.

Hey, “Professional athletes”, shut up and just do it, your job that is.

That's the way it should be done in this country, but many people are hypocrites. They get pissed at the protests but are so addicted to the game they can't stop watching, buying their products, or going to their events.

I turned off sports years ago. Even when I'm entertaining and somebody wants me to turn on the Browns or something, I just tell them sports are not welcome in my home. We'll watch HGTV or Fox news instead.

Entertainers are paid by the value they bring to their company. If a team owner is making hundreds of millions of dollars, their players are worth what they get paid. When those same players are not bringing in that revenue, they will be paid less. What they are doing is decreasing their very own value, but they're a bunch of dumb jocks and don't realize it.
I already got a refund for my NFL season tickets and have stopped following. To many other things to do. I guess in a way I’ve defunded them. Yea I know Liberals, they won’t miss my measly $1500 and lack of viewership. That’s OK, the important thing is my money isn’t going to support a false social justice narrative. They can still play and I keep my money and enjoy other activities. Both sides win I guess.
nor really--the blacks lose--because the problem is not fixed

That’s exactly right. The false narrative by Liberals and pro-athletes take attention away from the real issues and blacks continue to pay the price.
...You are paid by your fans....

That is not true.
It most certainly is true. While fans do not directly write the check that Pro Athletes deposit to their bank accounts, the team owners do, fans pay their hard earned money to watch the events, live or on cable, buy the team Jersey,ect. and that money fills the coffers of the owners who then pay their employees, the Pro Athletes and others.
...what major sports/BLM/etc are saying is that it's ok to resist arrest --Fk the cops--but there is not a problem with the police--SO--they are really fkin up the blacks/etc because the REAL problems are not be addressed
--they are making it worse

It's their ignorance of our laws that cause them to act out this way. They don't realize there are no laws that require an officer to only use deadly force if they are met with deadly force. A police officer or licensed citizen can use deadly force if they believe they are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm as well as death.

So they hear about a story of an unarmed black guy who got gunned down, and think the cops broke the laws and are getting away with it. They don't understand that the officer broke no laws at all.
... Even when I'm entertaining and somebody wants me to turn on the Browns or something, I just tell them sports are not welcome in my home. ....

What a charming host..... :rolleyes:

People must be lined up around the block to go to your house so they can sit in an empty room and listen to some nut pontificate for hours on how much he fears black people. What a fun time.

I'm guessing you don't do a whole lot of entertaining.
Surprisingly ... pro sports get a huge amount of revenue from TV rights ... and the TV networks make very little money off most of these broadcasts, in some cases they broadcast games at a loss ...

Ah ... TV networks use this time to advertise their prime time schedule ... and this is where they rake in the cash ... after the late NFC football game on CBS, people just naturally stay tuned and watch 60 Minutes ... (except on the West Coast) ...

Kill your TV ... or at least cut the cord ... you'll still get re-runs of Gilligan's Island ... what more do you need? ..
...Yea I know Liberals, they won’t miss my measly $1500 and lack of viewership. ...


Do you really believe only liberals watch sports? Is this upside down world?
What seems to be "upside down" is your thinking and comprehension. I could be wrong, but I believe the Liberals he is refering to are not those watching, but those playing and boycotting and protesting.
... Even when I'm entertaining and somebody wants me to turn on the Browns or something, I just tell them sports are not welcome in my home. ....

What a charming host..... :rolleyes:

People must be lined up around the block to go to your house so they can sit in an empty room and listen to some nut pontificate for hours on how much he fears black people. What a fun time.

I'm guessing you don't do a whole lot of entertaining.

No, I don't, but most of my friends are lifelong friends, and we still get together when we can.

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