General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

Democrats hate that Trump is exposing them for being haters of our military and police. It’s why they’re working overtime to change the narrative.

Democrats have no shame. They’ll do and say anything to accomplish their goal.
Why didn't Trump mention the Niger attacks for twelve days if he is such a supporter of our military?

Too busy being pissed at Tillerson for calling him a fucking moron
You should have been paying attention to what he said while campaigning.
Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Which is what you're doing right now to "score" against the GOP.

You all look like a bunch of low life retards right now fighting over this nonsensical irrelevant shit.

Last I checked we elected presidents in this country not chaplains or grief counselors.

One thing to keep in mind. Most presidents ignore this crap and don't get sucked into these stupid fights. Trump seems to find this impossible.
the thing trump has in common with those he fights is they both pick very stupid things to fight about. all petty shit.
Democrats hate that Trump is exposing them for being haters of our military and police. It’s why they’re working overtime to change the narrative.

Democrats have no shame. They’ll do and say anything to accomplish their goal.
Why didn't Trump mention the Niger attacks for twelve days if he is such a supporter of our military?

Too busy being pissed at Tillerson for calling him a fucking moron
You should have been paying attention to what he said while campaigning.
You mean that he prefers those who were not captured?
Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Which is what you're doing right now to "score" against the GOP.

You all look like a bunch of low life retards right now fighting over this nonsensical irrelevant shit.

Last I checked we elected presidents in this country not chaplains or grief counselors.

One thing to keep in mind. Most presidents ignore this crap and don't get sucked into these stupid fights. Trump seems to find this impossible.
I think he is like this board. He relishes the turmoil.
His supporters expected turmoil from you snowflakes.
Wow, using General Kelly's deceased son to score political points against Obama because he hates Obama that much.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Which is what you're doing right now to "score" against the GOP.

You all look like a bunch of low life retards right now fighting over this nonsensical irrelevant shit.

Last I checked we elected presidents in this country not chaplains or grief counselors.

One thing to keep in mind. Most presidents ignore this crap and don't get sucked into these stupid fights. Trump seems to find this impossible.
I think he is like this board. He relishes the turmoil.
His supporters expected turmoil from you snowflakes.
I'm a snowflake for not giving a shit about this irrelevant controversy? Or because I won't suck Trump cock like half of you pathetic fangirls?
Why are you guys arguing over this stupid shit?
What he may or may not have said to one person has no effect on the rest of us.

His lies dont matter? Of course they do because he told them for a reason and you believe them for a reason.

You fuel the shitstorm trying to defend shit that doesn't fucking matter.

Trumps words do matter.

EVERYONE knew before the election that Trump has very little class yet he was still elected. Stop fighting with the fake outragers and move on to topics that actually matter.

So its ok to not have class and its everyone elses fault when they react to someone with no class. But having no class is ok because yanno, Trump.
Your fake outrage doesn't matter. This news story doesn't matter. And his lack of class was already known so what do you think all your sniveling about it is going to accomplish?

Does his lies matter to you at all?
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
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Considering the President has lied to us 100s of times since he took office, it is hard to believe anything he says. Why would anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
considering people make up all kinds of shit to throw at trump, why should we believe the next nugget you come up with to lob some hate at him?

always the other guys fault.

Wait, so you position is that we should belive the lies that Trump tells just because other people lie about him?

that is some crazy logic there buddy
Unbelievably the bitch Congresswoman demanded to bitch out the President in the car. What a ****. Master Sergeant denied her. Tell me she didn't politicize this like crazy.

Yeah but Trump lied about it and that counts more than some local congress person in Miami
Democrats hate that Trump is exposing them for being haters of our military and police. It’s why they’re working overtime to change the narrative.

Democrats have no shame. They’ll do and say anything to accomplish their goal.
Why didn't Trump mention the Niger attacks for twelve days if he is such a supporter of our military?

Too busy being pissed at Tillerson for calling him a fucking moron
You should have been paying attention to what he said while campaigning.
You mean that he prefers those who were not captured?
Like Bergdahl? The traitor Obama invited to the WH after getting soldiers killed?
So many of you with your really over the top hatred for Trump and any one else who support him have lost all credibility on this one. Believing that the President lives to call widows on their way to pick up their soldier's body and trash talk the soldier and his family is beyond the pale.

You have become very ugly caricatures of deranged partisan hacks.

And I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're fucking nuts.


I do not think he called her in order to trash talk her, I think he is just too much of a moron to know that was not the right thing to say.
Democrats hate that Trump is exposing them for being haters of our military and police. It’s why they’re working overtime to change the narrative.

Democrats have no shame. They’ll do and say anything to accomplish their goal.
Why didn't Trump mention the Niger attacks for twelve days if he is such a supporter of our military?

Too busy being pissed at Tillerson for calling him a fucking moron
He was too busy trying to figure out how to pronounce Niger.
Why are you guys arguing over this stupid shit?
What he may or may not have said to one person has no effect on the rest of us.

His lies dont matter? Of course they do because he told them for a reason and you believe them for a reason.

You fuel the shitstorm trying to defend shit that doesn't fucking matter.

Trumps words do matter.

EVERYONE knew before the election that Trump has very little class yet he was still elected. Stop fighting with the fake outragers and move on to topics that actually matter.

So its ok to not have class and its everyone elses fault when they react to someone with no class. But having no class is ok because yanno, Trump.
Your fake outrage doesn't matter. This news story doesn't matter. And his lack of class was already known so what do you think all your sniveling about it is going to accomplish?

Does his lies matter to you at all?
If they affect my life, yes. I didn't vote for the man so he can defend his own bullshit when he says or does something stupid.
At the same time we all know you just want a reason to whine. It gives you fuel for your campfire. If his words offended you all then you wouldn't say the very same type of shit to others on this board when you feel cornered.
That poor soldiers whole family will be getting demonized by USMB posters before this story is finished. All of them will become liars, communist, and probably Muslims.

Not much different then when you libs jizz in yalls own faces after a mass shooting. Why is this family any more special then the 3,000 plus others that were killed?
I still stand by my account of the call b/t @realDonaldTrump and Myesha Johnson. That is her name, Mr. Trump. Not "the woman" or "the wife."

— Rep Frederica Wilson (@RepWilson) October 18, 2017

Trump said he has proof Wilson fabricated her claim, but neither he nor the White House immediately provided any evidence or explanation by what he meant.

Cowanda Jones-Johnson, a family member who raised Johnson, told CNN Wednesday that Wilson's account of the call between Trump and Johnson's widow, Myeshia, was "very accurate." She said she was in the car when the call happened.

Trump, Dem congresswoman feud over his remarks to widow of fallen soldier - CNNPolitics

General Kelly and others were in the room with Trump.

So were curtains and both Kelly and the Curtains havent given a statement
One of these days Kelly is just going to lose a gasket and say FUCK IT! I can't handle this imbecile anymore.

Maybe not this week, or the next, but it's coming.
Democrats hate that Trump is exposing them for being haters of our military and police. It’s why they’re working overtime to change the narrative.

Democrats have no shame. They’ll do and say anything to accomplish their goal.
Why didn't Trump mention the Niger attacks for twelve days if he is such a supporter of our military?

Too busy being pissed at Tillerson for calling him a fucking moron
You should have been paying attention to what he said while campaigning.
You mean that he prefers those who were not captured?
Like Bergdahl? The traitor Obama invited to the WH after getting soldiers killed?

Still an American

Trump defiled our POWs as not being real heroes
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff?

Well Trump said he has proof so if what he says is true he'll be presenting that truth forthwith

It will be amended to the release of his taxes. And part of the subpoena in his court cases of slander against the women that accused him of sexual harassment.
"Earlier this week, Trump falsely claimed that former President Barack Obama didn't call families of fallen service members, later suggesting reporters contact his chief of staff, John Kelly, whose son was killed in Afghanistan, to ask if Obama reached out to him."

^ "Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly is "disgusted and frustrated" by the way his son's death has become politicized." BY TRUMP!
Obama only celebrated soldiers like berghdal. That was his respect for our troops.

Obama repeatedly showed up on the tarmac of airports when the bodies of dead soldiers were brought home when a lot were dying during the war on terror... Trump goes golfing when 4 die in a time when few are dying.
I still stand by my account of the call b/t @realDonaldTrump and Myesha Johnson. That is her name, Mr. Trump. Not "the woman" or "the wife."

— Rep Frederica Wilson (@RepWilson) October 18, 2017

Trump said he has proof Wilson fabricated her claim, but neither he nor the White House immediately provided any evidence or explanation by what he meant.

Cowanda Jones-Johnson, a family member who raised Johnson, told CNN Wednesday that Wilson's account of the call between Trump and Johnson's widow, Myeshia, was "very accurate." She said she was in the car when the call happened.

Trump, Dem congresswoman feud over his remarks to widow of fallen soldier - CNNPolitics

General Kelly and others were in the room with Trump.

None of that matters until they confirm or deny his story... and I don't see Kelly coming out to tell a lie. So with that said, if Kelly pulls a Tillerson, and won't answer a question about it when confronted, then you know Trump lied.

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