Gaza Has 24 Hours to Leave

Rambunctious is on the OTHER side from you -- the one that DOESN'T support murdering Jewish babies.
You fuckups believe that a second civil war has started here in America and killing political opponents is par for the course.

You want to kill illegal immigrants at the border.

You want to cut aid off to Ukraine so russian troops can kill at will.

So, murder and killing in the Middle East is not a big deal.
You fuckups believe that a second civil war has started here in America and killing political opponents is par for the course.

You want to kill illegal immigrants at the border.

You want to cut aid off to Ukraine so russian troops can kill at will.

So, murder and killing in the Middle East is not a big deal.
You are quite the special combination of stupid and insane.

I have never advocated any of those positions.
Thing is nobody (other Muslim nations) want a wild-eyed death-cult on their doorstep either least they get out death-culted themselves.
Proof of that is the reaction of Egypt on the Gaza border. In fact, none of these bordering nations want Palestinians because they've long had the reputation of being trouble makers. Black September came about when Hussein of Jordan slaughtered huge numbers of the Palestinians who tried to overthrow his kingdom.
More like 24 hours to LIVE.

Some are leaving but Hamas is telling them to stay and most are, that it is just propaganda so lots get killed then they hope to blame the massacre on Israel. And as usual, the worthless UN ain't doing shit.

The UN will be all over the news right after the invasion starts. Wailing and gnashing of teeth about the plight of the poor Palestinians with no water or food or medicine but what you WON'T hear mentioned is the fact that the IDF said the instant their hostages are returned, the siege on electricity, water, food and fuel will end. To acknowledge that would be to make Hamas responsible for the outcome and the scummy Leftist media won't dare do that.
More like 24 hours to LIVE.

Some are leaving but Hamas is telling them to stay and most are, that it is just propaganda so lots get killed then they hope to blame the massacre on Israel. And as usual, the worthless UN ain't doing shit.

Of course right wingers in the United States of got more than anyone to make the UN week and powerless...

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