Gay Youtuber: My Concerns with the LGBTQ Community


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
The first question he asks is this:
Why should what I do in private automatically define my world view, politics and culture?

His second question he asks:
Anyone who disagrees with anything "Gay" you're automatically homophobic, why?

Will you give this a watch, or immediately discredit him because he wants a genuine conversation?

The first question he asks is this:
Why should what I do in private automatically define my world view, politics and culture?

His second question he asks:
Anyone who disagrees with anything "Gay" you're automatically homophobic, why?

Will you give this a watch, or immediately discredit him because he wants a genuine conversation?

I wont watch it and I'll discredit him because he is gay.

Once upon a time I had no issues with gays. But the past several years the fag community in all it's insanely varied ways have made me not like any of them at all. I couldn't care less about any of them, not even some random fag on YouTube.

They can get along with me just fine if they act like people instead of acting like a gay persona, or constantly drawing attention to themselves for being gay, always talking about being gay and so on. Just be a person then we can talk.
I wont watch it and I'll discredit him because he is gay.

Once upon a time I had no issues with gays. But the past several years the fag community in all it's insanely varied ways have made me not like any of them at all. I couldn't care less about any of them, not even some random fag on YouTube.

They can get along with me just fine if they act like people instead of acting like a gay persona, or constantly drawing attention to themselves for being gay, always talking about being gay and so on. Just be a person then we can talk.
Then if you watched, you may agree. Don't watch, and continue to speculate on what he's saying and believes in.
The first question he asks is this:
Why should what I do in private automatically define my world view, politics and culture?

His second question he asks:
Anyone who disagrees with anything "Gay" you're automatically homophobic, why?

Will you give this a watch, or immediately discredit him because he wants a genuine conversation?

What he has to realize is the LGB's have to disconnect from TQIA+'s,
I wont watch it and I'll discredit him because he is gay.

Once upon a time I had no issues with gays. But the past several years the fag community in all it's insanely varied ways have made me not like any of them at all. I couldn't care less about any of them, not even some random fag on YouTube.

They can get along with me just fine if they act like people instead of acting like a gay persona, or constantly drawing attention to themselves for being gay, always talking about being gay and so on. Just be a person then we can talk.
I second this. If their sexual preference is the only thing that they care to conversate about, I only have one word for them: snore.

God bless you always!!!

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Frankly ... I'm sick of the entire Gay/Trans topic being front-and-center. I don't give two friggn' hoots where they stick their pole as long as I don't have to hear about it and as long as it isn't being taught in Kindergarten. I have WAY more important things on my mind. Personally ... I think they all need psychiatric help, but that's between them; their shrink; and God.
Is this a man or a woman?

Anyone on the left watch this kid? Care to comment? These types of threads get no attention or responses when someone posts something from the left who is saying that the left is going too far?
We have to have some trans on here too? Where you all at?
The entire LGBT crap is past tiresome
Be gay, be trans, be anything you want but keep it to yourselves and leave children out of it

And don't expect or demand everyone buy into your delusion
The first question he asks is this:
Why should what I do in private automatically define my world view, politics and culture?

His second question he asks:
Anyone who disagrees with anything "Gay" you're automatically homophobic, why?

Will you give this a watch, or immediately discredit him because he wants a genuine conversation?

The kid is well spoken. It gives me hope that gay people wonder what the heck is going on as well. He said over and over, LEAVE KIDS OUT OF IT. A straight person wouldn't take their grade schooler to a strip bar, so what in the heck are the trannies doing? He can see the extreme harm the groomers are doing to the gay community. He is naive however to think the hard core gay movement wasn't targeting kids from the beginning.

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