Gay Rights Gestapo Targets Small Christian College: Any Liberals Here Find This Troubling?

Oh good gawd, here we go again. You must be a latent homosexual!!!!!! Get past that garbage already.

It's been scientifically proven most homophobes are latent homosexuals.

You're a bigot, nothing more and nothing less and you can't stand the fact someone points it out to you.

Not at all. I went to catholic schools for 12 years and put up with their bullshit. My favorite was when the fucked up nun I had in grammar school told me God had a good reason for my mom to die of cancer.

I wish I had smashed her fucking head into the nearest wall.
AvgGuyIA, JoeB is your equivalent on the far left to your far right.

You two might represent 4 to 5% of American together.
Nonsense. Conservatism represents 70-80% of the American people. Faith believers at 80%.
The great majority of conservatives and Christians despise you far right socon wacks.

You ever rise up in arms and America will come party on your head like it is 1776.
Oh good gawd, here we go again. You must be a latent homosexual!!!!!! Get past that garbage already.

It's been scientifically proven most homophobes are latent homosexuals.

You're a bigot, nothing more and nothing less and you can't stand the fact someone points it out to you.

Not at all. I went to catholic schools for 12 years and put up with their bullshit. My favorite was when the fucked up nun I had in grammar school told me God had a good reason for my mom to die of cancer.

I wish I had smashed her fucking head into the nearest wall.

Anger issues...that explains much
In a move that even gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan finds unacceptable, for the last several months the gay rights gestapo has been targeting Gordon College, a small evangelical Christian college in Massachusetts. They have not only caused the college to lose contracts and student-teaching placements but have now, in the last couple months, succeeded in forcing the college to choose between losing its accreditation or allowing openly same-sex-married gays to attend the college. Impossible in America? Nope, not anymore. Here's what gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan says about this:

Do I agree with them? Not at all. Did I agree with the Boy Scouts with their previous ban on gay kids? No. But one principle of liberalism is that you can profoundly disagree with someone while accepting their right to do as they see fit according to their conscience. Yes, marriage is barred by the college for gay kids, while heterosexual marriage (and thereby sex) is allowed. That is, in a very limited way, a double standard of sorts – if with respect to college kids, an uncommon one. But is my reader really arguing that an orthodox Christian college should therefore have to repudiate its own religious doctrines or not get accreditation? That simply shreds any concept of religious liberty. ( In Defense Of Gordon College Ctd The Dish )​

Do any liberals here agree with Sullivan? Is not the attack on Gordon College taking "gay rights" way, way too far?

What prompted this patently un-American, bigoted, and unconstitutional development? The trouble started in July of last year Gordon College president Michael Lindsay, along with many other Christian leaders, signed a letter to President Obama asking for a religious exemption to a then-pending executive order banning "discrimination" based on "sexual orientation" in companies with federal contracts or that receive federal funds, an exemption that even Elizabeth Warren supported.

David French writing on this issue in National Review:

Unable to punish President Lindsay personally, activists targeted Gordon, discovering that — lo and behold — it had a policy (like virtually every orthodox Christian school and church in the United States) that required students and employees to limit sexual activity to marriage, defining marriage within the Judeo-Christian tradition, as the union of one man and one woman. Never mind that the policy allows any person of any sexual orientation to attend Gordon, teach at Gordon, or serve in its administration. The fact that its Life and Conduct Policy prohibits “sexual relations outside marriage” and “homosexual practice” (explained as “sexual intercourse”) was enough to take action, to declare it bigoted and not fit for inclusion in society.​

The response was swift.​

In an act of pure moral grandstanding, in July — just eight days after President Lindsay signed the letter to President Obama — the city of Salem suspended a long-term contract with Gordon that had allowed the college to use the city-owned Old Town Hall — a spiteful act, but one of little consequence to the college.​

But then the spite became harmful. In late August, the Lynn School Committee — a nearby school district — ended an eleven-year relationship with the school and refused to accept Gordon College students as student-teachers in its system. This action — in addition to being destructive (teaching programs can’t function without student-teacher placements) — is grotesquely unconstitutional, violating students’ rights of free association, free speech, and religious liberty by punishing them for merely attending Gordon College, even without evidence the students themselves have engaged in any “discriminatory” acts or even agree with Gordon’s policy (there are dissenters who attend the school).​

Then, in September, Gordon’s accreditor, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, announced that it had met to consider whether “Gordon College’s traditional inclusion of ‘homosexual practice’ as a forbidden activity” violated the association’s standards for accreditation. The Association gave Gordon one year “to ensure that the College’s policies and procedures are non-discriminatory.” The implication was clear: You have one year to choose between your conscience and your accreditation. (The Persecution of Gordon College)
Naturally, this raises the pregnant question of why an openly gay person would try to attend a private evangelical/Bible-believing college in the first place. To target the college so that the gay rights bullies could then file lawsuits against the college? It's sort of like the rash of gay couples looking for Christian bakeries, florists, and photographers to service their weddings. What an amazing coincidence.

Anyway, if this latest outrage by the gay rights gestapo succeeds, then every private religious college in the country could be forced to allow openly same-sex-married gays to attend--and presumably to live in the dorms as husband and husband and wife and wife. They could also be forced to hire gay faculty members against their will.

The Persecution of Gordon College

Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty Again The American Conservative

If they want to be a private college then be private. The state of Massachusetts should put into law that no state funded scholarships or financial aid can be used at any institution that discriminates against gays.

Problem solved.
Hence the term "private"...No public money.
And let's talk about schools that discriminate....
All black schools....All female schools. All male schools....
No, we won't be hiding. Not going to happen. You might have to jail us. Or even shoot us. But we're not going to be hiding. Sorry.

Tell you what Andy. Go into your place of work tomorrow and start ranting about faggots and dykes.
See how fast you will be cleaning out your desk.

Why would I do that? Do you think that because I have faith that says I can not be a part of homosexual weddings, that means I care at all what others do?

You are incorrect. And by the way.... if I do lose my job because of my faith... Gladly. I'll find another. But I will not turn away from G-d.

What religion is it that says you can't do business with a gay person?
Attempting to explain the basis of faith to a far left wing radical is pointless.
In a move that even gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan finds unacceptable, for the last several months the gay rights gestapo has been targeting Gordon College, a small evangelical Christian college in Massachusetts. They have not only caused the college to lose contracts and student-teaching placements but have now, in the last couple months, succeeded in forcing the college to choose between losing its accreditation or allowing openly same-sex-married gays to attend the college. Impossible in America? Nope, not anymore. Here's what gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan says about this:

Do I agree with them? Not at all. Did I agree with the Boy Scouts with their previous ban on gay kids? No. But one principle of liberalism is that you can profoundly disagree with someone while accepting their right to do as they see fit according to their conscience. Yes, marriage is barred by the college for gay kids, while heterosexual marriage (and thereby sex) is allowed. That is, in a very limited way, a double standard of sorts – if with respect to college kids, an uncommon one. But is my reader really arguing that an orthodox Christian college should therefore have to repudiate its own religious doctrines or not get accreditation? That simply shreds any concept of religious liberty. ( In Defense Of Gordon College Ctd The Dish )​

Do any liberals here agree with Sullivan? Is not the attack on Gordon College taking "gay rights" way, way too far?

What prompted this patently un-American, bigoted, and unconstitutional development? The trouble started in July of last year Gordon College president Michael Lindsay, along with many other Christian leaders, signed a letter to President Obama asking for a religious exemption to a then-pending executive order banning "discrimination" based on "sexual orientation" in companies with federal contracts or that receive federal funds, an exemption that even Elizabeth Warren supported.

David French writing on this issue in National Review:

Unable to punish President Lindsay personally, activists targeted Gordon, discovering that — lo and behold — it had a policy (like virtually every orthodox Christian school and church in the United States) that required students and employees to limit sexual activity to marriage, defining marriage within the Judeo-Christian tradition, as the union of one man and one woman. Never mind that the policy allows any person of any sexual orientation to attend Gordon, teach at Gordon, or serve in its administration. The fact that its Life and Conduct Policy prohibits “sexual relations outside marriage” and “homosexual practice” (explained as “sexual intercourse”) was enough to take action, to declare it bigoted and not fit for inclusion in society.​

The response was swift.​

In an act of pure moral grandstanding, in July — just eight days after President Lindsay signed the letter to President Obama — the city of Salem suspended a long-term contract with Gordon that had allowed the college to use the city-owned Old Town Hall — a spiteful act, but one of little consequence to the college.​

But then the spite became harmful. In late August, the Lynn School Committee — a nearby school district — ended an eleven-year relationship with the school and refused to accept Gordon College students as student-teachers in its system. This action — in addition to being destructive (teaching programs can’t function without student-teacher placements) — is grotesquely unconstitutional, violating students’ rights of free association, free speech, and religious liberty by punishing them for merely attending Gordon College, even without evidence the students themselves have engaged in any “discriminatory” acts or even agree with Gordon’s policy (there are dissenters who attend the school).​

Then, in September, Gordon’s accreditor, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, announced that it had met to consider whether “Gordon College’s traditional inclusion of ‘homosexual practice’ as a forbidden activity” violated the association’s standards for accreditation. The Association gave Gordon one year “to ensure that the College’s policies and procedures are non-discriminatory.” The implication was clear: You have one year to choose between your conscience and your accreditation. (The Persecution of Gordon College)
Naturally, this raises the pregnant question of why an openly gay person would try to attend a private evangelical/Bible-believing college in the first place. To target the college so that the gay rights bullies could then file lawsuits against the college? It's sort of like the rash of gay couples looking for Christian bakeries, florists, and photographers to service their weddings. What an amazing coincidence.

Anyway, if this latest outrage by the gay rights gestapo succeeds, then every private religious college in the country could be forced to allow openly same-sex-married gays to attend--and presumably to live in the dorms as husband and husband and wife and wife. They could also be forced to hire gay faculty members against their will.

The Persecution of Gordon College

Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty Again The American Conservative

It's the cost of bigotry. Get used to it.
Conform( to the far left agenda) or die. Is that about right?

Are you officially retarded?
Answer the question....
In a move that even gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan finds unacceptable, for the last several months the gay rights gestapo has been targeting Gordon College, a small evangelical Christian college in Massachusetts. They have not only caused the college to lose contracts and student-teaching placements but have now, in the last couple months, succeeded in forcing the college to choose between losing its accreditation or allowing openly same-sex-married gays to attend the college. Impossible in America? Nope, not anymore. Here's what gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan says about this:

Do I agree with them? Not at all. Did I agree with the Boy Scouts with their previous ban on gay kids? No. But one principle of liberalism is that you can profoundly disagree with someone while accepting their right to do as they see fit according to their conscience. Yes, marriage is barred by the college for gay kids, while heterosexual marriage (and thereby sex) is allowed. That is, in a very limited way, a double standard of sorts – if with respect to college kids, an uncommon one. But is my reader really arguing that an orthodox Christian college should therefore have to repudiate its own religious doctrines or not get accreditation? That simply shreds any concept of religious liberty. ( In Defense Of Gordon College Ctd The Dish )​

Do any liberals here agree with Sullivan? Is not the attack on Gordon College taking "gay rights" way, way too far?

What prompted this patently un-American, bigoted, and unconstitutional development? The trouble started in July of last year Gordon College president Michael Lindsay, along with many other Christian leaders, signed a letter to President Obama asking for a religious exemption to a then-pending executive order banning "discrimination" based on "sexual orientation" in companies with federal contracts or that receive federal funds, an exemption that even Elizabeth Warren supported.

David French writing on this issue in National Review:

Unable to punish President Lindsay personally, activists targeted Gordon, discovering that — lo and behold — it had a policy (like virtually every orthodox Christian school and church in the United States) that required students and employees to limit sexual activity to marriage, defining marriage within the Judeo-Christian tradition, as the union of one man and one woman. Never mind that the policy allows any person of any sexual orientation to attend Gordon, teach at Gordon, or serve in its administration. The fact that its Life and Conduct Policy prohibits “sexual relations outside marriage” and “homosexual practice” (explained as “sexual intercourse”) was enough to take action, to declare it bigoted and not fit for inclusion in society.​

The response was swift.​

In an act of pure moral grandstanding, in July — just eight days after President Lindsay signed the letter to President Obama — the city of Salem suspended a long-term contract with Gordon that had allowed the college to use the city-owned Old Town Hall — a spiteful act, but one of little consequence to the college.​

But then the spite became harmful. In late August, the Lynn School Committee — a nearby school district — ended an eleven-year relationship with the school and refused to accept Gordon College students as student-teachers in its system. This action — in addition to being destructive (teaching programs can’t function without student-teacher placements) — is grotesquely unconstitutional, violating students’ rights of free association, free speech, and religious liberty by punishing them for merely attending Gordon College, even without evidence the students themselves have engaged in any “discriminatory” acts or even agree with Gordon’s policy (there are dissenters who attend the school).​

Then, in September, Gordon’s accreditor, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, announced that it had met to consider whether “Gordon College’s traditional inclusion of ‘homosexual practice’ as a forbidden activity” violated the association’s standards for accreditation. The Association gave Gordon one year “to ensure that the College’s policies and procedures are non-discriminatory.” The implication was clear: You have one year to choose between your conscience and your accreditation. (The Persecution of Gordon College)
Naturally, this raises the pregnant question of why an openly gay person would try to attend a private evangelical/Bible-believing college in the first place. To target the college so that the gay rights bullies could then file lawsuits against the college? It's sort of like the rash of gay couples looking for Christian bakeries, florists, and photographers to service their weddings. What an amazing coincidence.

Anyway, if this latest outrage by the gay rights gestapo succeeds, then every private religious college in the country could be forced to allow openly same-sex-married gays to attend--and presumably to live in the dorms as husband and husband and wife and wife. They could also be forced to hire gay faculty members against their will.

The Persecution of Gordon College

Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty Again The American Conservative
If anyone can read this, and still not believe in the Devil, they need a reality check. What this gaystapo did was pure evil.
In a move that even gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan finds unacceptable, for the last several months the gay rights gestapo has been targeting Gordon College, a small evangelical Christian college in Massachusetts. They have not only caused the college to lose contracts and student-teaching placements but have now, in the last couple months, succeeded in forcing the college to choose between losing its accreditation or allowing openly same-sex-married gays to attend the college. Impossible in America? Nope, not anymore. Here's what gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan says about this:

Do I agree with them? Not at all. Did I agree with the Boy Scouts with their previous ban on gay kids? No. But one principle of liberalism is that you can profoundly disagree with someone while accepting their right to do as they see fit according to their conscience. Yes, marriage is barred by the college for gay kids, while heterosexual marriage (and thereby sex) is allowed. That is, in a very limited way, a double standard of sorts – if with respect to college kids, an uncommon one. But is my reader really arguing that an orthodox Christian college should therefore have to repudiate its own religious doctrines or not get accreditation? That simply shreds any concept of religious liberty. ( In Defense Of Gordon College Ctd The Dish )​

Do any liberals here agree with Sullivan? Is not the attack on Gordon College taking "gay rights" way, way too far?

What prompted this patently un-American, bigoted, and unconstitutional development? The trouble started in July of last year Gordon College president Michael Lindsay, along with many other Christian leaders, signed a letter to President Obama asking for a religious exemption to a then-pending executive order banning "discrimination" based on "sexual orientation" in companies with federal contracts or that receive federal funds, an exemption that even Elizabeth Warren supported.

David French writing on this issue in National Review:

Unable to punish President Lindsay personally, activists targeted Gordon, discovering that — lo and behold — it had a policy (like virtually every orthodox Christian school and church in the United States) that required students and employees to limit sexual activity to marriage, defining marriage within the Judeo-Christian tradition, as the union of one man and one woman. Never mind that the policy allows any person of any sexual orientation to attend Gordon, teach at Gordon, or serve in its administration. The fact that its Life and Conduct Policy prohibits “sexual relations outside marriage” and “homosexual practice” (explained as “sexual intercourse”) was enough to take action, to declare it bigoted and not fit for inclusion in society.​

The response was swift.​

In an act of pure moral grandstanding, in July — just eight days after President Lindsay signed the letter to President Obama — the city of Salem suspended a long-term contract with Gordon that had allowed the college to use the city-owned Old Town Hall — a spiteful act, but one of little consequence to the college.​

But then the spite became harmful. In late August, the Lynn School Committee — a nearby school district — ended an eleven-year relationship with the school and refused to accept Gordon College students as student-teachers in its system. This action — in addition to being destructive (teaching programs can’t function without student-teacher placements) — is grotesquely unconstitutional, violating students’ rights of free association, free speech, and religious liberty by punishing them for merely attending Gordon College, even without evidence the students themselves have engaged in any “discriminatory” acts or even agree with Gordon’s policy (there are dissenters who attend the school).​

Then, in September, Gordon’s accreditor, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, announced that it had met to consider whether “Gordon College’s traditional inclusion of ‘homosexual practice’ as a forbidden activity” violated the association’s standards for accreditation. The Association gave Gordon one year “to ensure that the College’s policies and procedures are non-discriminatory.” The implication was clear: You have one year to choose between your conscience and your accreditation. (The Persecution of Gordon College)
Naturally, this raises the pregnant question of why an openly gay person would try to attend a private evangelical/Bible-believing college in the first place. To target the college so that the gay rights bullies could then file lawsuits against the college? It's sort of like the rash of gay couples looking for Christian bakeries, florists, and photographers to service their weddings. What an amazing coincidence.

Anyway, if this latest outrage by the gay rights gestapo succeeds, then every private religious college in the country could be forced to allow openly same-sex-married gays to attend--and presumably to live in the dorms as husband and husband and wife and wife. They could also be forced to hire gay faculty members against their will.

The Persecution of Gordon College

Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty Again The American Conservative

If they want to be a private college then be private. The state of Massachusetts should put into law that no state funded scholarships or financial aid can be used at any institution that discriminates against gays.

Problem solved.
Hence the term "private"...No public money.
And let's talk about schools that discriminate....
All black schools....All female schools. All male schools....
No, we won't be hiding. Not going to happen. You might have to jail us. Or even shoot us. But we're not going to be hiding. Sorry.

Tell you what Andy. Go into your place of work tomorrow and start ranting about faggots and dykes.
See how fast you will be cleaning out your desk.

Why would I do that? Do you think that because I have faith that says I can not be a part of homosexual weddings, that means I care at all what others do?

You are incorrect. And by the way.... if I do lose my job because of my faith... Gladly. I'll find another. But I will not turn away from G-d.

What religion is it that says you can't do business with a gay person?
Attempting to explain the basis of faith to a far left wing radical is pointless.

If you can't explain your faith you certainly can't justify it.
You're troubled with religious freedom?
Why am I not surprised.....MOve Iran..Or China....Two places absent of religious freedom..
All you have in your incredibly empty life is hate...
How you get through the day with that eating at your insides is a mystery.

Spoony, Religion has brought us wars, crusades, jihads, burning of witches, torture of heretics, suppression of science...

Religion has never done anything good, not once, not even by accident.

I believe in freedom FROM Religion...
In this country, freedom from religion does not exist.
You don't get to pick and choose which of the rights in the Constitution are valid.
And cut the crap....You know damned well you're attacks are directed at ONE religion. Christianity. All others, especially Islam, are getting a hall pass from you libs.
China awaits you
I'd be interested in someone making an attempt to describe, specifically and in detail, what exactly is being done to this college that makes the comparison to the Gestapo anything less than ridiculous.
In a move that even gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan finds unacceptable, for the last several months the gay rights gestapo has been targeting Gordon College, a small evangelical Christian college in Massachusetts. They have not only caused the college to lose contracts and student-teaching placements but have now, in the last couple months, succeeded in forcing the college to choose between losing its accreditation or allowing openly same-sex-married gays to attend the college. Impossible in America? Nope, not anymore. Here's what gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan says about this:

Do I agree with them? Not at all. Did I agree with the Boy Scouts with their previous ban on gay kids? No. But one principle of liberalism is that you can profoundly disagree with someone while accepting their right to do as they see fit according to their conscience. Yes, marriage is barred by the college for gay kids, while heterosexual marriage (and thereby sex) is allowed. That is, in a very limited way, a double standard of sorts – if with respect to college kids, an uncommon one. But is my reader really arguing that an orthodox Christian college should therefore have to repudiate its own religious doctrines or not get accreditation? That simply shreds any concept of religious liberty. ( In Defense Of Gordon College Ctd The Dish )​

Do any liberals here agree with Sullivan? Is not the attack on Gordon College taking "gay rights" way, way too far?

What prompted this patently un-American, bigoted, and unconstitutional development? The trouble started in July of last year Gordon College president Michael Lindsay, along with many other Christian leaders, signed a letter to President Obama asking for a religious exemption to a then-pending executive order banning "discrimination" based on "sexual orientation" in companies with federal contracts or that receive federal funds, an exemption that even Elizabeth Warren supported.

David French writing on this issue in National Review:

Unable to punish President Lindsay personally, activists targeted Gordon, discovering that — lo and behold — it had a policy (like virtually every orthodox Christian school and church in the United States) that required students and employees to limit sexual activity to marriage, defining marriage within the Judeo-Christian tradition, as the union of one man and one woman. Never mind that the policy allows any person of any sexual orientation to attend Gordon, teach at Gordon, or serve in its administration. The fact that its Life and Conduct Policy prohibits “sexual relations outside marriage” and “homosexual practice” (explained as “sexual intercourse”) was enough to take action, to declare it bigoted and not fit for inclusion in society.​

The response was swift.​

In an act of pure moral grandstanding, in July — just eight days after President Lindsay signed the letter to President Obama — the city of Salem suspended a long-term contract with Gordon that had allowed the college to use the city-owned Old Town Hall — a spiteful act, but one of little consequence to the college.​

But then the spite became harmful. In late August, the Lynn School Committee — a nearby school district — ended an eleven-year relationship with the school and refused to accept Gordon College students as student-teachers in its system. This action — in addition to being destructive (teaching programs can’t function without student-teacher placements) — is grotesquely unconstitutional, violating students’ rights of free association, free speech, and religious liberty by punishing them for merely attending Gordon College, even without evidence the students themselves have engaged in any “discriminatory” acts or even agree with Gordon’s policy (there are dissenters who attend the school).​

Then, in September, Gordon’s accreditor, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, announced that it had met to consider whether “Gordon College’s traditional inclusion of ‘homosexual practice’ as a forbidden activity” violated the association’s standards for accreditation. The Association gave Gordon one year “to ensure that the College’s policies and procedures are non-discriminatory.” The implication was clear: You have one year to choose between your conscience and your accreditation. (The Persecution of Gordon College)
Naturally, this raises the pregnant question of why an openly gay person would try to attend a private evangelical/Bible-believing college in the first place. To target the college so that the gay rights bullies could then file lawsuits against the college? It's sort of like the rash of gay couples looking for Christian bakeries, florists, and photographers to service their weddings. What an amazing coincidence.

Anyway, if this latest outrage by the gay rights gestapo succeeds, then every private religious college in the country could be forced to allow openly same-sex-married gays to attend--and presumably to live in the dorms as husband and husband and wife and wife. They could also be forced to hire gay faculty members against their will.

The Persecution of Gordon College

Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty Again The American Conservative

If they want to be a private college then be private. The state of Massachusetts should put into law that no state funded scholarships or financial aid can be used at any institution that discriminates against gays.

Problem solved.
Hence the term "private"...No public money.
And let's talk about schools that discriminate....
All black schools....All female schools. All male schools....
No, we won't be hiding. Not going to happen. You might have to jail us. Or even shoot us. But we're not going to be hiding. Sorry.

Tell you what Andy. Go into your place of work tomorrow and start ranting about faggots and dykes.
See how fast you will be cleaning out your desk.

Why would I do that? Do you think that because I have faith that says I can not be a part of homosexual weddings, that means I care at all what others do?

You are incorrect. And by the way.... if I do lose my job because of my faith... Gladly. I'll find another. But I will not turn away from G-d.

What religion is it that says you can't do business with a gay person?
Attempting to explain the basis of faith to a far left wing radical is pointless.

If you can't explain your faith you certainly can't justify it.
Oh I can. Just not to you. Because you don't care to read the truth. You have your mind made up.
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?
You're troubled with religious freedom?
Why am I not surprised.....MOve Iran..Or China....Two places absent of religious freedom..
All you have in your incredibly empty life is hate...
How you get through the day with that eating at your insides is a mystery.

Spoony, Religion has brought us wars, crusades, jihads, burning of witches, torture of heretics, suppression of science...

Religion has never done anything good, not once, not even by accident.

I believe in freedom FROM Religion...
In this country, freedom from religion does not exist.
You don't get to pick and choose which of the rights in the Constitution are valid.
And cut the crap....You know damned well you're attacks are directed at ONE religion. Christianity. All others, especially Islam, are getting a hall pass from you libs.
China awaits you

Are there Muslim colleges demanding the right not to have to hire gays, or enroll married same sex couples?
Attempting to explain the basis of faith to a far left wing radical is pointless.

No, faith is very explainable.

you are afraid of dying.

that's all there is to it, really. You live in mortal terror that you will vanish into nothingness when you die. You live in terror that those you love who have gone before you are gone for good. And you cling to any scam that offers you an alternative.

In the 19th century, there was something called the Spiritualist Movement, where people were 'photographing' ghosts and talking to the dead through mediums. And it was a big deal until the early 20th century.

I totally get why the scams called "religions" still exist and why they will get you to give up your freedom, your happiness and your common sense. Reality is fucking scary.
No, you'll never stop us. Sorry.

Guy, you are getting stopped at every turn. 40 years ago, you couldn't even be gay in public. Now you are desperately holding onto this last bit of bigotry, "Oh, please, please don't make me bake a cake with two plastic dudes on top!"


Suck it, bitches.
You are a sad individual.
You are a sad individual.

I'm having the time of my life watching Christian Bitches squirm trying to pretend they are totally not bigots.

I also love the fact that after 30 years of voting for the interests of big multi-national corporations that have destroyed the middle class in this country, these Christian bigots are getting bitch-slapped by- wait for it - big corporations, who really don't care about the gays.
Why not? Those schools are practicing discrimination and segregation.

Well, no, they really aren't. There's nothing preventing white folks from enrolling in these historically black colleges (colleges that were started because the WHITE colleges wouldn't take black students.) Nor are they separating out the white students in any way, shape or form.

So it is nowhere near a comparable argument.
In a move that even gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan finds unacceptable, for the last several months the gay rights gestapo has been targeting Gordon College, a small evangelical Christian college in Massachusetts. They have not only caused the college to lose contracts and student-teaching placements but have now, in the last couple months, succeeded in forcing the college to choose between losing its accreditation or allowing openly same-sex-married gays to attend the college. Impossible in America? Nope, not anymore. Here's what gay rights advocate Andrew Sullivan says about this:

Do I agree with them? Not at all. Did I agree with the Boy Scouts with their previous ban on gay kids? No. But one principle of liberalism is that you can profoundly disagree with someone while accepting their right to do as they see fit according to their conscience. Yes, marriage is barred by the college for gay kids, while heterosexual marriage (and thereby sex) is allowed. That is, in a very limited way, a double standard of sorts – if with respect to college kids, an uncommon one. But is my reader really arguing that an orthodox Christian college should therefore have to repudiate its own religious doctrines or not get accreditation? That simply shreds any concept of religious liberty. ( In Defense Of Gordon College Ctd The Dish )​

Do any liberals here agree with Sullivan? Is not the attack on Gordon College taking "gay rights" way, way too far?

What prompted this patently un-American, bigoted, and unconstitutional development? The trouble started in July of last year Gordon College president Michael Lindsay, along with many other Christian leaders, signed a letter to President Obama asking for a religious exemption to a then-pending executive order banning "discrimination" based on "sexual orientation" in companies with federal contracts or that receive federal funds, an exemption that even Elizabeth Warren supported.

David French writing on this issue in National Review:

Unable to punish President Lindsay personally, activists targeted Gordon, discovering that — lo and behold — it had a policy (like virtually every orthodox Christian school and church in the United States) that required students and employees to limit sexual activity to marriage, defining marriage within the Judeo-Christian tradition, as the union of one man and one woman. Never mind that the policy allows any person of any sexual orientation to attend Gordon, teach at Gordon, or serve in its administration. The fact that its Life and Conduct Policy prohibits “sexual relations outside marriage” and “homosexual practice” (explained as “sexual intercourse”) was enough to take action, to declare it bigoted and not fit for inclusion in society.​

The response was swift.​

In an act of pure moral grandstanding, in July — just eight days after President Lindsay signed the letter to President Obama — the city of Salem suspended a long-term contract with Gordon that had allowed the college to use the city-owned Old Town Hall — a spiteful act, but one of little consequence to the college.​

But then the spite became harmful. In late August, the Lynn School Committee — a nearby school district — ended an eleven-year relationship with the school and refused to accept Gordon College students as student-teachers in its system. This action — in addition to being destructive (teaching programs can’t function without student-teacher placements) — is grotesquely unconstitutional, violating students’ rights of free association, free speech, and religious liberty by punishing them for merely attending Gordon College, even without evidence the students themselves have engaged in any “discriminatory” acts or even agree with Gordon’s policy (there are dissenters who attend the school).​

Then, in September, Gordon’s accreditor, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, announced that it had met to consider whether “Gordon College’s traditional inclusion of ‘homosexual practice’ as a forbidden activity” violated the association’s standards for accreditation. The Association gave Gordon one year “to ensure that the College’s policies and procedures are non-discriminatory.” The implication was clear: You have one year to choose between your conscience and your accreditation. (The Persecution of Gordon College)
Naturally, this raises the pregnant question of why an openly gay person would try to attend a private evangelical/Bible-believing college in the first place. To target the college so that the gay rights bullies could then file lawsuits against the college? It's sort of like the rash of gay couples looking for Christian bakeries, florists, and photographers to service their weddings. What an amazing coincidence.

Anyway, if this latest outrage by the gay rights gestapo succeeds, then every private religious college in the country could be forced to allow openly same-sex-married gays to attend--and presumably to live in the dorms as husband and husband and wife and wife. They could also be forced to hire gay faculty members against their will.

The Persecution of Gordon College

Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty Again The American Conservative

If they want to be a private college then be private. The state of Massachusetts should put into law that no state funded scholarships or financial aid can be used at any institution that discriminates against gays.

Problem solved.
Hence the term "private"...No public money.
And let's talk about schools that discriminate....
All black schools....All female schools. All male schools....
Tell you what Andy. Go into your place of work tomorrow and start ranting about faggots and dykes.
See how fast you will be cleaning out your desk.

Why would I do that? Do you think that because I have faith that says I can not be a part of homosexual weddings, that means I care at all what others do?

You are incorrect. And by the way.... if I do lose my job because of my faith... Gladly. I'll find another. But I will not turn away from G-d.

What religion is it that says you can't do business with a gay person?
Attempting to explain the basis of faith to a far left wing radical is pointless.

If you can't explain your faith you certainly can't justify it.
Oh I can. Just not to you. Because you don't care to read the truth. You have your mind made up.
Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?

To claim the unknown as the truth is irrational.

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