Gay Man Pulled From Home, Beaten By NYPD Officers Yelling “Faggot”

Time to get over it this incident is now history just like bengazi the ACA and same-sex marriage besides shouldn't you folks be falsely comparing planned parenthood to illegal lions hunting?
Did the Officers have a Warrant? If not then why did he let them in his home?

Search Warrant: Police may enter.
Arrest Warrant: Police may NOT enter.
Ok so homeowner invited them in, yeah no Warrant needed.

Also, I didn't hear the Cops calling him faggot. Anyone else hear that?

All I see is Resisting Arrest. Excessive Force? Can't really tell.
Whatever happened to the friendly cop on the beat? That is an image of a bygone era. Now cops have military weapons and tactics, and are eager to use them.

We can thank our wonderful federal government (Obama) for that.
I guess you're just completely oblivious that it's always conservatives who immediately jump to defend police abuse.
Yeah....we wouldn't want law and order and shit to run rampant in this country.
The best way to deal with the police is to comply with their orders and get things over with quickly. There is no advantage in pissing them off and making matters worse.

Says the guy was fighting with his brother and that's why mom called cops. Says the cops asked him to come outside...because a large dog was inside.

Says the fag spit in the cops face. And they took him down. He says they warned each other to not get his blood on them because he may have AIDS .....which is a real concern.

And the fag is the one angry??? What a homo. Spit in a cops face after your mom calls them because you are fighting your adult is so soft. China should invade. We'd probably cry and whine and fight them off by video taping them and threatening to put them on youtube.

Come on now, I made allusion to this just being another butthurt whiny ass faggot misrepresenting the truth.

I pointed out the man failed to comply with lawful orders ..............

Yep he sure did. Why do liberals think lawful orders from a cop are optional or voluntary?

Most libs were raised by pussy parents who had no rules or boundaries. Everything was a suggestion or negotiation. The real world...well...Liberals aren't adapting well.

LOL- you really are an idiot. My parents would laugh their heads off at that comment- not that you would have the balls to say that to my 85 year old dad.

Meanwhile- to the case in point- as a liberal- if the police say to come out of your house- come out of your house.

As a teacher said to me once- comply with the guy who has the gun- you can sort out the legality of it all later.

And as my parents taught me- be polite to the police.
Whatever happened to the friendly cop on the beat? That is an image of a bygone era. Now cops have military weapons and tactics, and are eager to use them.

We can thank our wonderful federal government (Obama) for that.
I guess you're just completely oblivious that it's always conservatives who immediately jump to defend police abuse.

Precisely. They claim to be all about small government, but never miss a beat to get down on their knees and lick the boots of anyone wearing a uniform of authority, constantly defending abusive tactics.
The video in no way supports the claims.

If the title is correct, those cops should be severely punished. However, the issue I have is that this video shows nothing. You could make up any possible backstory for it. You can't see or hear anything that the title alleges.
Would the homosexuals prefer their head cut off instead? Black or white, you need to obey the police and don't spit.
Amen to this. If you do not do what they tell you to do, what do you think is going to happen?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if you think that they have crossed a line in any way, that is when you go to their superior whoever that may be.
Would the homosexuals prefer their head cut off instead? Black or white, you need to obey the police and don't spit.
Amen to this. If you do not do what they tell you to do, what do you think is going to happen?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if you think that they have crossed a line in any way, that is when you go to their superior whoever that may be.
Trust me, the Police are getting out of hand.
the problem is that the cases they show are usually justified on the part of the police.

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