On-camera violence. Three minutes of 40 GB prison torture video from Gulagu.net


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Which western conservative still believes Putin is a nice guy.
He doesn't
He is a sadistic dictator and thief who ruined and robbed Russia and its people.
After such videos ( see story below ) the completely government would not only resign, but sooner go for tribunal.
In Russia this is no problem.

Just go for YOUTUBE or Google and look for videos Gulagu.net
But don't see them if you have weak hearts.
North Korean fat moron can relax and grasp pop-corn, Putin does the job better

Gulagu.net has at its disposal a large video archive of the Federal Penitentiary Service, containing videos of rape and torture of prisoners. According to project founder Vladimir Osechkin, "This proves that probe teams of FSB and FSIN secret agents are operating in Federal Penitentiary Service institutions, torturing and raping prisoners at the request of their handlers, and videotaping the process using official video recorders they are given to film these tortures. With the help of this compromising information people are made to sign statements and cooperate with the operatives.

Video footage available to "Vot Tak" shows that detainees are tied to their beds with their legs and buttocks propped up. In some cases they are gagged, in others they simply cover their mouths and play music in the background. After that, those tied up are raped. Sometimes a man, whose face is not in the frame, tries to do it. At other times a mop wrapped in duct tape or something similar is inserted spirally into the anus. Then the raped person is asked if he understood everything.
We publish the tape of the torture because we consider it socially significant evidence, but we warn you - the video may shock you.
According to Vladimir Osechkin, such video recordings were made by FSIN operatives to report to higher authorities up to the generals.
"Gulagu.net has obtained new evidence that proves the systemic nature of torture and the involvement of officers of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service and operational departments of the State Penitentiary Service in the Irkutsk region, the Saratov region and the Vladimir region Federal Penitentiary Service in these mass violent crimes.
We have at our disposal a number of files from the FSIN's official video archive, filmed on service video recorders between 2018 and 2020, which indicate that FSIN operatives, obliged to detect and suppress crimes, in fact instructed their agents from among the enlisted convicts to torture, torture and rape of the arrested, detained and convicted persons, and film this torture and sodomy on the official video-recorders of FSIN with the purpose of collecting compromising information and subsequent blackmailing of the torture victims and under the threat of discrediting and transfer to the lowly caste (the so-called "opushchennye") forced them to act in a way that would violate the rights of the accused. In the course of the investigation hundreds of people were forced to 'cooperate', sign contracts to work as in-camera agents (snitches), to 'cooperate with the investigation' and sign statements prepared by investigators, convenient for investigators and clients," Osechkin said.
"We managed to get a man out of Russia and the CIS, who for five years was serving his sentence in one of the institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service. He is a programmer, he himself was beaten and tortured, and then they decided to use him as a professional," Osechkin told Vot Tak correspondent. - For five years he had access to FSIN computers and video recorders in the security headquarters of OTB-1 in Saratov.
A torture room in the TB hospital there is operated by agreement with the FSB, where prisoners can be transported from all over the country for medical reasons. There are four categories of arrestees and prisoners who have been beaten and raped there: if he is interesting for testifying against a prominent opposition figure, a billionaire, a major official; for submission to any supervisor or police officer, so that he would comply with the whims of the operative. Even in extortion, what this person is rich in. And by order from the will: if the enemies at large paid the operatives 3-5 million rubles for organizing a rape on camera.
According to him, the system works like this: inside the institution there is a probe team of about 10 people who, at the command of operatives, can beat, rape, and torture prisoners. According to Osechkin, more than 200 people went through this torture, but only 35-40 of them were videotaped being tortured. "From the department of M FSB or FSIN they would call to OTB-1, they would give a task, the head of the security department would give a command to the person in charge of the video recorders. He would charge them up and give them to the staff with an empty memory card, and they would give them to the activists. They would bring the prisoner in and four or five convicts would attack him, beat him, tie him up in a helpless state, pull his legs up and expose his anus, then rape him with a stick or really piss on his face. This process of relegating this person to the caste of the downcast to become a nobody was recorded on video," says the founder of Gulagu.net. Among the activists he names Sergei Ananyev, Radik Gimadeev, Vitali Yanin, Peter and Alexander Kraynov, Viktor Sheyanov.
After the rape video recorder was brought back to the headquarters, the information was copied from it and dumped on a flash drive to take it to the customer. According to Osechkin, there were cases of technical failure, the video could not be recorded or saved, in which case the torture was repeated, says the source Gulagu.net. Vladimir Osechkin points out that up to a certain point, the informant was involved in preparing replies to his inquiries, but then he "decided to stop this hell" and began copying information, hiding files in a computer system or writing them on a separate drive. When he got out, he downloaded the rest of the archive because he still had access to the internal FSIN system.
"And it's not just OTB-1 in Saratov, there are testimonies from Irkutsk - SIZO-1, SIZO-6. There is evidence that this practice has a systemic nature," Osechkin said. Torture and rape continued until at least June 2021, he specifies, which is until the moment of initiation of the criminal case in which there are victims but no suspects.
The project informant is relatively safe at the moment, but he is being hunted and is awaiting political asylum. According to Osechkin, he has not yet seen the most gruesome materials and does not yet know what may be captured on these videos.


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