Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court

Not one homo can reproduce unless he goes hetero.

And this is significant, how?
Heteros continue the species. Without us there would be no such thing as homos. Homos owe us their very existence.

Why don't you give that moronic bleating a rest and try to address the topic of gay judges
muslim judges should hold court over gays. Both groups are supported by liberals so there should be no problems.

Muslim judges/Christian judges...two sides of the same patriarchal coin.....not much difference when they are RW in point, Roy Moore....pedo RW fanatic....could just as easily be muslim.
So much bias and hatred. That's the homo envy shining through.

The stupidity and bigotry is astounding!! You cant make this shit up!! The idea that we should not have gay judges because they would hostile to Christians is absurd on the face of it since many gay people are Christian, and many Christians and Christian denominations embrace gay rights.

But beyond that , where does it end? Should we not have black judges because they won't be fair to whites? Should we not have white judges because they won't be fair to minorities? Should we not have Christian judges because they won't be fair to people of other faiths? I could go on but you get the idea?

Maybe we should develop drone bot judges that have no soul and program them to be completely without bias. Of course they would not have any compassion or empathy either, but we can't have it all, can we?

Mat Staver: Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court | Right Wing Watch

Anti-LGBTQ Religious Right activist Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel appeared on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” radio program yesterday, where he asserted that gay people should not be allowed to serve as judges because they are incapable of being objective and fair in cases involving religious liberty for Christians.

sked about Andrew McDonald, who was recently nominated to serve as chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court and, if confirmed, will be the first openly gay chief justice on any state court in the country, Staver was not shy about voicing his opposition.

“Here’s the problem with it beyond the issue of the morality of this,” Staver said. “Beyond the issue of other consequences is the fact that what we typically see is someone’s identity, their being, completely wrapped up in their sexual practices, meaning that—do you think that if you had an Aaron and Melissa Klein or a Jack Phillips bakery or anything else like that where you have the LGBT clash with religious freedom or freedom of expression come before this judge, do you think this judge is going to be open and fair irrespective of what he does to rule based on the Constitution and the rule of law? I don’t think so

Let me tell you folks something. I am straight and I would have a problem with someone who wields religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as well. Maybe we not have liberal judges either. Judges should be selected on their ability to follow the law and to put their personal views aside.
If that is true, then we can safely infer that christian judges cannot give anyone not a christian a fair shake in court. What say you, christians? Is that true?
Dear TheProgressivePatriot and bodecea
As long as the Gay or Christian Judge can recognize the beliefs of the people in a case as equally faith based, and agree to keep govt neutral and not involved in the dispute, then that might be fair to both sides. In that case, the people in a case involving beliefs, whether Christian or LGBT or liberal/secular or conservative/constitutional should be advised to mediate and to reach their own resolution that respects both sides beliefs equally. Only those ppl can determine what is a fair solution that represents their beliefs, not the govt which can neither establish nor prohibit either sides beliefs much less regulate impose or penalize one side for another.

If any judge cannot discern what constitutes a faith based belief, that bias can become a political conflict of interest. Unfortunately our legal system doesn't recognize such conflicts but permits them, nor does our current law or precedents recognize political beliefs as a form of religion. So that's why our system has been corrupted by both which have been permitted to introduce and enforce biases due to lack of check against such govt abuses.
And this is significant, how?
Heteros continue the species. Without us there would be no such thing as homos. Homos owe us their very existence.

Why don't you give that moronic bleating a rest and try to address the topic of gay judges
muslim judges should hold court over gays. Both groups are supported by liberals so there should be no problems.

Muslim judges/Christian judges...two sides of the same patriarchal coin.....not much difference when they are RW in point, Roy Moore....pedo RW fanatic....could just as easily be muslim.
So much bias and hatred. That's the homo envy shining through.

Where is the hatred in my post? I am pointing out that muslim judges if RW radical are no different that christian judges if RW radical. Do you disagree? And if so, what is the point of disagreement?
ANOTHER one who thinks stating facts is being a bigot
you need to read a dictionary

Please explained exactly why gays are not meant to have children? And spare me the whole procreation horseshit
??no that's just it??
they can't have children....they can't procreate...horseshit?? the laws of nature are horseshit??
so when we discuss on the forum, all facts and laws of nature are horseshit?

you can go with believing god made it that way or evolution with or without god
they are PHYSICALLY not meant to have children
you deny this??
So do you believe that they can't be parents ?Parents to children who have been thrown away or abused by hetero parents>?
I don’t see where Harmonica ever said anything about them being unable to be parents, do you?
Harmonica: "gays are not meant to have children
it is not natural"
Don’t you know what that means?
Gay and bisexual men are four times more likely to attempt suicide in their lifetime than heterosexual men.
Why do so many gay and bisexual men die from suicide?
mental problems
That's right And this is he reason from your link. They are not inherently" fucked in the head" as that idiot states . They are driven to suicide and other mental health issues by the bigots:

omophobia — within families, schools, communities and even in doctors and counsellors offices — is a key cause, according to the Still Here project within the Men’s Health Research Program at the University of British Columbia.
what about these kids that are ''gender neutral/LGTBQ/he- shes/etc when they are 10, 8, 6 years old!!??
society didn't do that--but their parents!!

I'm sure there were factors outside the home as well. I'm of the opinion people like that should just be offed.
Well Mr. Morrison. You have decided that you are capable of deciding whether or not a large group of people should be allowed to share air or not. I am not gay but what other types of oddities do you suppose one should die for and when does one of those oddities desribe me? You wana shade me? Come and try it , I look forward to it!
Gay and bisexual men are four times more likely to attempt suicide in their lifetime than heterosexual men.
Why do so many gay and bisexual men die from suicide?
mental problems
That's right And this is he reason from your link. They are not inherently" fucked in the head" as that idiot states . They are driven to suicide and other mental health issues by the bigots:

omophobia — within families, schools, communities and even in doctors and counsellors offices — is a key cause, according to the Still Here project within the Men’s Health Research Program at the University of British Columbia.
what about these kids that are ''gender neutral/LGTBQ/he- shes/etc when they are 10, 8, 6 years old!!??
society didn't do that--but their parents!!

I'm sure there were factors outside the home as well. I'm of the opinion people like that should just be offed.
Well Mr. Morrison. You have decided that you are capable of deciding whether or not a large group of people should be allowed to share air or not. I am not gay but what other types of oddities do you suppose one should die for and when does one of those oddities desribe me? You wana shade me? Come and try it , I look forward to it!
Marian just likes to talk tough hiding behind his keyboard. He's really quite harmless.
That's right And this is he reason from your link. They are not inherently" fucked in the head" as that idiot states . They are driven to suicide and other mental health issues by the bigots:

omophobia — within families, schools, communities and even in doctors and counsellors offices — is a key cause, according to the Still Here project within the Men’s Health Research Program at the University of British Columbia.
what about these kids that are ''gender neutral/LGTBQ/he- shes/etc when they are 10, 8, 6 years old!!??
society didn't do that--but their parents!!

I'm sure there were factors outside the home as well. I'm of the opinion people like that should just be offed.
Well Mr. Morrison. You have decided that you are capable of deciding whether or not a large group of people should be allowed to share air or not. I am not gay but what other types of oddities do you suppose one should die for and when does one of those oddities desribe me? You wana shade me? Come and try it , I look forward to it!
Marian just likes to talk tough hiding behind his keyboard. He's really quite harmless.
Ya, well that kind of talk can attract those who are not harmless!
Heteros continue the species. Without us there would be no such thing as homos. Homos owe us their very existence.

Why don't you give that moronic bleating a rest and try to address the topic of gay judges
muslim judges should hold court over gays. Both groups are supported by liberals so there should be no problems.

Muslim judges/Christian judges...two sides of the same patriarchal coin.....not much difference when they are RW in point, Roy Moore....pedo RW fanatic....could just as easily be muslim.
So much bias and hatred. That's the homo envy shining through.

Where is the hatred in my post? I am pointing out that muslim judges if RW radical are no different that christian judges if RW radical. Do you disagree? And if so, what is the point of disagreement?
You have changed the topic to political beliefs. LW gay judges could not be impartial, as even LW hetero judges have shown a remarkable inability to follow the Constitution and their decisions are overturned by higher courts on a regular basis.
Gay and bisexual men are four times more likely to attempt suicide in their lifetime than heterosexual men.
Why do so many gay and bisexual men die from suicide?
mental problems
That's right And this is he reason from your link. They are not inherently" fucked in the head" as that idiot states . They are driven to suicide and other mental health issues by the bigots:

omophobia — within families, schools, communities and even in doctors and counsellors offices — is a key cause, according to the Still Here project within the Men’s Health Research Program at the University of British Columbia.
what about these kids that are ''gender neutral/LGTBQ/he- shes/etc when they are 10, 8, 6 years old!!??
society didn't do that--but their parents!!

I'm sure there were factors outside the home as well. I'm of the opinion people like that should just be offed.
I agree...of course
I saw one story of a man---I think it was father or teacher--that dressed sort of like a female with make up-earrings- etc for a school event.... the school denied him permission to participate ...

to all posters:
it's not common to see in many areas:
men kissing men/women/women
men half dressed like females with make up/etc
boys dressed as girls
not common at all in a lot of areas

so----it's just NATURAL for people to stare and revolt!!
it's like if I wore 5 foot long tusks out of my nose--people would stare--because they don't see it that often :wink:--and they would make fun of me!! don't get upset at heteros when they revolt seeing the UNcommon

I for one don't care what you do--just don't try to shove it down our throats
I hate PDA of any sort, that is what we build houses and hotel rooms for!
Please explained exactly why gays are not meant to have children? And spare me the whole procreation horseshit
??no that's just it??
they can't have children....they can't procreate...horseshit?? the laws of nature are horseshit??
so when we discuss on the forum, all facts and laws of nature are horseshit?

you can go with believing god made it that way or evolution with or without god
they are PHYSICALLY not meant to have children
you deny this??
So do you believe that they can't be parents ?Parents to children who have been thrown away or abused by hetero parents>?
I don’t see where Harmonica ever said anything about them being unable to be parents, do you?
Harmonica: "gays are not meant to have children
it is not natural"
Don’t you know what that means?
"Having Children" can mean birthing them ( which gay people do) or parenting them ( which gay people also do) I think the ass hat means both.
The stupidity and bigotry is astounding!! You cant make this shit up!! The idea that we should not have gay judges because they would hostile to Christians is absurd on the face of it since many gay people are Christian, and many Christians and Christian denominations embrace gay rights.

But beyond that , where does it end? Should we not have black judges because they won't be fair to whites? Should we not have white judges because they won't be fair to minorities? Should we not have Christian judges because they won't be fair to people of other faiths? I could go on but you get the idea?

Maybe we should develop drone bot judges that have no soul and program them to be completely without bias. Of course they would not have any compassion or empathy either, but we can't have it all, can we?

Mat Staver: Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court | Right Wing Watch

Anti-LGBTQ Religious Right activist Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel appeared on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” radio program yesterday, where he asserted that gay people should not be allowed to serve as judges because they are incapable of being objective and fair in cases involving religious liberty for Christians.

sked about Andrew McDonald, who was recently nominated to serve as chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court and, if confirmed, will be the first openly gay chief justice on any state court in the country, Staver was not shy about voicing his opposition.

“Here’s the problem with it beyond the issue of the morality of this,” Staver said. “Beyond the issue of other consequences is the fact that what we typically see is someone’s identity, their being, completely wrapped up in their sexual practices, meaning that—do you think that if you had an Aaron and Melissa Klein or a Jack Phillips bakery or anything else like that where you have the LGBT clash with religious freedom or freedom of expression come before this judge, do you think this judge is going to be open and fair irrespective of what he does to rule based on the Constitution and the rule of law? I don’t think so

Let me tell you folks something. I am straight and I would have a problem with someone who wields religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as well. Maybe we not have liberal judges either. Judges should be selected on their ability to follow the law and to put their personal views aside.
If that is true, then we can safely infer that christian judges cannot give anyone not a christian a fair shake in court. What say you, christians? Is that true?
Dear TheProgressivePatriot and bodecea
As long as the Gay or Christian Judge can recognize the beliefs of the people in a case as equally faith based, and agree to keep govt neutral and not involved in the dispute, then that might be fair to both sides. In that case, the people in a case involving beliefs, whether Christian or LGBT or liberal/secular or conservative/constitutional should be advised to mediate and to reach their own resolution that respects both sides beliefs equally. Only those ppl can determine what is a fair solution that represents their beliefs, not the govt which can neither establish nor prohibit either sides beliefs much less regulate impose or penalize one side for another.

If any judge cannot discern what constitutes a faith based belief, that bias can become a political conflict of interest. Unfortunately our legal system doesn't recognize such conflicts but permits them, nor does our current law or precedents recognize political beliefs as a form of religion. So that's why our system has been corrupted by both which have been permitted to introduce and enforce biases due to lack of check against such govt abuses.
Common Emily. Your at it again. Turning something into a convoluted word salad. Gay or Christian Judges? Did it ever occur to you that a judge might be both?

Mediation? Maybe in some civil cases if the parties are able and willing, such as in divorce cases. but a judge's job is to apply the law. The government IS THE LAW regardless of anyone's beliefs which do not trump the law.

Political beliefs as a form of religion? Seriously?? Someday you will learn that everyone cannot be accommodated. The court imposing a decision based on the law- a decision that someone might be unhappy with is not government abuse. It is the way things work and our legal system- although not without its flaws- is one of the best.
The stupidity and bigotry is astounding!! You cant make this shit up!! The idea that we should not have gay judges because they would hostile to Christians is absurd on the face of it since many gay people are Christian, and many Christians and Christian denominations embrace gay rights.

But beyond that , where does it end? Should we not have black judges because they won't be fair to whites? Should we not have white judges because they won't be fair to minorities? Should we not have Christian judges because they won't be fair to people of other faiths? I could go on but you get the idea?

Maybe we should develop drone bot judges that have no soul and program them to be completely without bias. Of course they would not have any compassion or empathy either, but we can't have it all, can we?

Mat Staver: Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court | Right Wing Watch

Anti-LGBTQ Religious Right activist Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel appeared on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” radio program yesterday, where he asserted that gay people should not be allowed to serve as judges because they are incapable of being objective and fair in cases involving religious liberty for Christians.

sked about Andrew McDonald, who was recently nominated to serve as chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court and, if confirmed, will be the first openly gay chief justice on any state court in the country, Staver was not shy about voicing his opposition.

“Here’s the problem with it beyond the issue of the morality of this,” Staver said. “Beyond the issue of other consequences is the fact that what we typically see is someone’s identity, their being, completely wrapped up in their sexual practices, meaning that—do you think that if you had an Aaron and Melissa Klein or a Jack Phillips bakery or anything else like that where you have the LGBT clash with religious freedom or freedom of expression come before this judge, do you think this judge is going to be open and fair irrespective of what he does to rule based on the Constitution and the rule of law? I don’t think so

Let me tell you folks something. I am straight and I would have a problem with someone who wields religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as well. Maybe we not have liberal judges either. Judges should be selected on their ability to follow the law and to put their personal views aside.
If that is true, then we can safely infer that christian judges cannot give anyone not a christian a fair shake in court. What say you, christians? Is that true?
Dear TheProgressivePatriot and bodecea
As long as the Gay or Christian Judge can recognize the beliefs of the people in a case as equally faith based, and agree to keep govt neutral and not involved in the dispute, then that might be fair to both sides. In that case, the people in a case involving beliefs, whether Christian or LGBT or liberal/secular or conservative/constitutional should be advised to mediate and to reach their own resolution that respects both sides beliefs equally. Only those ppl can determine what is a fair solution that represents their beliefs, not the govt which can neither establish nor prohibit either sides beliefs much less regulate impose or penalize one side for another.

If any judge cannot discern what constitutes a faith based belief, that bias can become a political conflict of interest. Unfortunately our legal system doesn't recognize such conflicts but permits them, nor does our current law or precedents recognize political beliefs as a form of religion. So that's why our system has been corrupted by both which have been permitted to introduce and enforce biases due to lack of check against such govt abuses.
Common Emily. Your at it again. Turning something into a convoluted word salad. Gay or Christian Judges? Did it ever occur to you that a judge might be both?

Mediation? Maybe in some civil cases if the parties are able and willing, such as in divorce cases. but a judge's job is to apply the law. The government IS THE LAW regardless of anyone's beliefs which do not trump the law.

Political beliefs as a form of religion? Seriously?? Someday you will learn that everyone cannot be accommodated. The court imposing a decision based on the law- a decision that someone might be unhappy with is not government abuse. It is the way things work and our legal system- although not without its flaws- is one of the best.
Hate to tell every one this, but there have been gay judges since the begining. We just likely did not know! Sexual orientation should have zero factor on a judges rulings, even if it did we have an appeals process in such a case. As stated before the judge must apply the law or face the possibility of being over turned. I will spend zero time worrying about the judges sexual orientation!
Homos can adopt children heteros have created.

"Homos" can adopt children who heteros have abused, neglected, or thrown away. AS a child protective services investigator - I removed children from irresponsible "breeders" and placed them with gay people . Now choke on that a while.
Homos can also adopt children from loving hetero parents. But no matter how hard they try, homos cannot bear children of their own.

That's the difference between homos and heteros. A muddy crotch does not a child make.

The stupidity and bigotry is astounding!! You cant make this shit up!! The idea that we should not have gay judges because they would hostile to Christians is absurd on the face of it since many gay people are Christian, and many Christians and Christian denominations embrace gay rights.

But beyond that , where does it end? Should we not have black judges because they won't be fair to whites? Should we not have white judges because they won't be fair to minorities? Should we not have Christian judges because they won't be fair to people of other faiths? I could go on but you get the idea?

Maybe we should develop drone bot judges that have no soul and program them to be completely without bias. Of course they would not have any compassion or empathy either, but we can't have it all, can we?

Mat Staver: Gay Judges Are Incapable Of Giving Christians ‘A Fair Shake’ In Court | Right Wing Watch

Anti-LGBTQ Religious Right activist Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel appeared on VCY America’s “Crosstalk” radio program yesterday, where he asserted that gay people should not be allowed to serve as judges because they are incapable of being objective and fair in cases involving religious liberty for Christians.

sked about Andrew McDonald, who was recently nominated to serve as chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court and, if confirmed, will be the first openly gay chief justice on any state court in the country, Staver was not shy about voicing his opposition.

“Here’s the problem with it beyond the issue of the morality of this,” Staver said. “Beyond the issue of other consequences is the fact that what we typically see is someone’s identity, their being, completely wrapped up in their sexual practices, meaning that—do you think that if you had an Aaron and Melissa Klein or a Jack Phillips bakery or anything else like that where you have the LGBT clash with religious freedom or freedom of expression come before this judge, do you think this judge is going to be open and fair irrespective of what he does to rule based on the Constitution and the rule of law? I don’t think so

Let me tell you folks something. I am straight and I would have a problem with someone who wields religion as a weapon to justify discrimination as well. Maybe we not have liberal judges either. Judges should be selected on their ability to follow the law and to put their personal views aside.
If that is true, then we can safely infer that christian judges cannot give anyone not a christian a fair shake in court. What say you, christians? Is that true?
Dear TheProgressivePatriot and bodecea
As long as the Gay or Christian Judge can recognize the beliefs of the people in a case as equally faith based, and agree to keep govt neutral and not involved in the dispute, then that might be fair to both sides. In that case, the people in a case involving beliefs, whether Christian or LGBT or liberal/secular or conservative/constitutional should be advised to mediate and to reach their own resolution that respects both sides beliefs equally. Only those ppl can determine what is a fair solution that represents their beliefs, not the govt which can neither establish nor prohibit either sides beliefs much less regulate impose or penalize one side for another.

If any judge cannot discern what constitutes a faith based belief, that bias can become a political conflict of interest. Unfortunately our legal system doesn't recognize such conflicts but permits them, nor does our current law or precedents recognize political beliefs as a form of religion. So that's why our system has been corrupted by both which have been permitted to introduce and enforce biases due to lack of check against such govt abuses.
Common Emily. Your at it again. Turning something into a convoluted word salad. Gay or Christian Judges? Did it ever occur to you that a judge might be both?

Mediation? Maybe in some civil cases if the parties are able and willing, such as in divorce cases. but a judge's job is to apply the law. The government IS THE LAW regardless of anyone's beliefs which do not trump the law.

Political beliefs as a form of religion? Seriously?? Someday you will learn that everyone cannot be accommodated. The court imposing a decision based on the law- a decision that someone might be unhappy with is not government abuse. It is the way things work and our legal system- although not without its flaws- is one of the best.
Hate to tell every one this, but there have been gay judges since the begining. We just likely did not know! Sexual orientation should have zero factor on a judges rulings, even if it did we have an appeals process in such a case. As stated before the judge must apply the law or face the possibility of being over turned. I will spend zero time worrying about the judges sexual orientation!
I think that people have forgotten what makes this country great! We built in checks and balances to our system. The reason every thing seems so fucked up right now is because the legistative branch has decided to not do thier job. They are only worried about getting elected and not governing. They have been shoving off their responsibilties to the Judicial and Executive branch. We send a clear message to them, that we require them to do their job again and things will go back to normal!!
The stupidity and bigotry is astounding!! You cant make this shit up!! The idea that we should not have gay judges because they would hostile to Christians is absurd on the face of it since many gay people are Christian, and many Christians and Christian denominations embrace gay rights.

How long did J. Edgar Hoover serve at the FBI?
??no that's just it??
they can't have children....they can't procreate...horseshit?? the laws of nature are horseshit??
so when we discuss on the forum, all facts and laws of nature are horseshit?

you can go with believing god made it that way or evolution with or without god
they are PHYSICALLY not meant to have children
you deny this??
So do you believe that they can't be parents ?Parents to children who have been thrown away or abused by hetero parents>?
I don’t see where Harmonica ever said anything about them being unable to be parents, do you?
Harmonica: "gays are not meant to have children
it is not natural"
Don’t you know what that means?
"Having Children" can mean birthing them ( which gay people do) or parenting them ( which gay people also do) I think the ass hat means both.
Having children usually refers to procreation, and if you think harmonica meant otherwise and that gays can’t be parents - you clearly have comprehension problems as s/he has made it abundantly clear what s/he was referring to and what s/he was not referring to.

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