Gay Bar Owner Shows Intolerance

Sure, that happens. But for very specific, time-honored, and sound reasons, marriage is a recognition given to a very narrow set of realationships.

And yet you have not given a single sound reason for banning gay marriage.


Instead, you use the conjurer's trick of misdirection and bring up all kinds of other relationships that have nothing to do with gay marriage. But we can all see what you are doing. What a pathetic failure. Don't quit your day job.
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Besides even if the country outright banned gay marriages across the board that wouldn't stop 2 women from living together as wife and wife if thats what they wanted, thats already going on with people who marry multiple partners, as long as you only have 1 marriage certificate you can shack up with as many people as you want, polygamists and Muslims do this here.

Sure, that happens. But for very specific, time-honored, and sound reasons, marriage is a recognition given to a very narrow set of realationships.

No, an ever broadening set of relationships. We used to legally prevent interracial marriage for the same reason you give to prevent me from legally marrying my non familial, consenting adult partner.

What reasons have I given to prevent you from marrying your non-familial, consenting adult partner? Marriage exists for defined purposes, and to that end, certain relationships are excluded, be it right or wrong. And if you simply do not accept those traditional purposes, then, as you have pointed out, there is no real argument against bigamy. And the same arguments in favor of permitting gay marriages also apply with equal force and persuasion to ploygamist and incestuous relationships. Which is to say, if you are of the persuasion, as so many are, that any two consenting adults should be permitted to marry, then there should be no barriers.
I am a heterosexual man. Were I to fall in love with another woman, I could not marry her. Because I am married. Were I to want to marry my sister-either due to an incestuous desire or for other, well-meaning reasons, I could not do so. Were i to want to marry my best friend Bob, I could not do so. Love and attractions are personal preferences in choosing a marital partner. They have nothing to do with legal requirements.

If you wish to advocate for bigamy or incest, nobody is stopping you. The law would also have to supply a valid legal reason for preventing your marriage. They would have to provide an overriding harm in allowing them.

An argument can surely be made to prevent incest. Bigamy, not so much.

I respect your honesty, Seawytch. I however, am not a marriage advocate, except for my own.

Gee, me too...imagine that. Of course I want ALL couples like me to be able to LEGALLY marry the consenting adult of their choice.
Sure, that happens. But for very specific, time-honored, and sound reasons, marriage is a recognition given to a very narrow set of realationships.

And yet you have not given a single sound reason for banning gay marriage.


Instead, you use the conjurer's trick of misdirection and bring up all kinds of other relationships that have nothing to do with gay marriage. But we can all see what you are doing. What a pathetic failure. Don't quit your day job.

You seem to assume that I take issue with the marriag of poofters. Why is that?

I have never stated that one type of relationship has anything to do with any other.

but what legal argument in favor of gay marriage does not also apply to other rrelationships that do not currently receive the legal benefits of marriage? What gives gay relationships more of a legal basis for marriage than an incestuous one, or a bigamous, or a polygamous one? What is your basis for conferring marital rights on any relationship at all?

As with most overly-emotional types, you have a tremendous capacity for passion. But try using your reason and logic a bit more.
Their compassion is limited to people who think exactly like they do...and isn't extended to infants or women.
Sure, that happens. But for very specific, time-honored, and sound reasons, marriage is a recognition given to a very narrow set of realationships.

And yet you have not given a single sound reason for banning gay marriage.


Instead, you use the conjurer's trick of misdirection and bring up all kinds of other relationships that have nothing to do with gay marriage. But we can all see what you are doing. What a pathetic failure. Don't quit your day job.

You seem to assume that I take issue with the marriag of poofters. Why is that?

I have never stated that one type of relationship has anything to do with any other.

but what legal argument in favor of gay marriage does not also apply to other rrelationships that do not currently receive the legal benefits of marriage? What gives gay relationships more of a legal basis for marriage than an incestuous one, or a bigamous, or a polygamous one? What is your basis for conferring marital rights on any relationship at all?

As with most overly-emotional types, you have a tremendous capacity for passion. But try using your reason and logic a bit more.

I have explained why many times over. So I guess you need tiny words.

Gay marriage = harmless

Incest = harmful

Get it?

Your sick attempts to place gay marriage on the same level as incest are transparent as vodka, pal.

You claim to be a genius, but I have not seen it. But if you are, please give a rational reason to ban gay marriage. Now.
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If you wish to advocate for bigamy or incest, nobody is stopping you. The law would also have to supply a valid legal reason for preventing your marriage. They would have to provide an overriding harm in allowing them.

An argument can surely be made to prevent incest. Bigamy, not so much.

I respect your honesty, Seawytch. I however, am not a marriage advocate, except for my own.

Gee, me too...imagine that. Of course I want ALL couples like me to be able to LEGALLY marry the consenting adult of their choice.

Just a tester....does that also apply to incestuous relationships? To a man who wants to marry two different women that do not know about each other? Or that do? Is your basis really that any two consenting adults should have the right to marry? That is a very broad basis. But not an unworthy one.
And yet you have not given a single sound reason for banning gay marriage.


Instead, you use the conjurer's trick of misdirection and bring up all kinds of other relationships that have nothing to do with gay marriage. But we can all see what you are doing. What a pathetic failure. Don't quit your day job.

You seem to assume that I take issue with the marriag of poofters. Why is that?

I have never stated that one type of relationship has anything to do with any other.

but what legal argument in favor of gay marriage does not also apply to other rrelationships that do not currently receive the legal benefits of marriage? What gives gay relationships more of a legal basis for marriage than an incestuous one, or a bigamous, or a polygamous one? What is your basis for conferring marital rights on any relationship at all?

As with most overly-emotional types, you have a tremendous capacity for passion. But try using your reason and logic a bit more.

I have explained why many times over. So I guess you need tiny words.

Gay marriage = harmless

Incest = harmful

Get it?

Your sick attempts to place gay marriage on the same level as incest are transparent as vodka, pal.

I have not equated gay marriage and incestuous except for examining how the legal basis for one applies to the legal basis for another. Have ye the vapors?

How is an incestuous relationship harmful? What if it is an incestuous relationship between octegenarians? How would that be harmful? Why does the prospect of two 80 year old brothers filing a joint tax return terrify you so?
I respect your honesty, Seawytch. I however, am not a marriage advocate, except for my own.

Gee, me too...imagine that. Of course I want ALL couples like me to be able to LEGALLY marry the consenting adult of their choice.

Just a tester....does that also apply to incestuous relationships?

You really can't stop yourself, can you. You just keep throwing out those red herrings. Obvious homophobe is obvious.

It is obvious you cannot come up with a rational reason to ban gay marriage. So like some really bizarre broken record, you talk about other kinds of relationships that have nothing to do with the matter at hand.
You claim to be a genius, but I have not seen it. But if you are, please give a rational reason to ban gay marriage. Now.

Perhaps you can point specifically, or even generally, to my claim to genius status.....

And while you are at it, can you please formulate an explanation as to why you think I even believe there is a rational basis for banning poofter marriage? Now.
You seem to assume that I take issue with the marriag of poofters. Why is that?

I have never stated that one type of relationship has anything to do with any other.

but what legal argument in favor of gay marriage does not also apply to other rrelationships that do not currently receive the legal benefits of marriage? What gives gay relationships more of a legal basis for marriage than an incestuous one, or a bigamous, or a polygamous one? What is your basis for conferring marital rights on any relationship at all?

As with most overly-emotional types, you have a tremendous capacity for passion. But try using your reason and logic a bit more.

I have explained why many times over. So I guess you need tiny words.

Gay marriage = harmless

Incest = harmful

Get it?

Your sick attempts to place gay marriage on the same level as incest are transparent as vodka, pal.

I have not equated gay marriage and incestuous except for examining how the legal basis for one applies to the legal basis for another. Have ye the vapors?

How is an incestuous relationship harmful? What if it is an incestuous relationship between octegenarians? How would that be harmful? Why does the prospect of two 80 year old brothers filing a joint tax return terrify you so?

Please provide a rational reason for banning gay marraige. Now.
You claim to be a genius, but I have not seen it. But if you are, please give a rational reason to ban gay marriage. Now.

Perhaps you can point specifically, or even generally, to my claim to genius status.....

And while you are at it, can you please formulate an explanation as to why you think I even believe there is a rational basis for banning poofter marriage? Now.

It is obvious. You keep throwing out bizarre things like incest.

So answer the obvious question, are you in favor of gay marriages being legally recognized by the federal government, with all privileges and benefits extended to straight marraiges?

Yes or no question.
Gee, me too...imagine that. Of course I want ALL couples like me to be able to LEGALLY marry the consenting adult of their choice.

Just a tester....does that also apply to incestuous relationships?

You really can't stop yourself, can you. You just keep throwing out those red herrings. Obvious homophobe is obvious.

It is obvious you cannot come up with a rational reason to ban gay marriage. So like some really bizarre broken record, you talk about other kinds of relationships that have nothing to do with the matter at hand.

Can you come up with a rational reason to ban two 80 year old brothers from marrying?
Why do you hate 80 year old brothers so?

For all you know, I myself am a poofter that advocates for homo marriage and I am trying to get my like minded friends on more of a solid basis for our position than "but we love each other and we are consenting adults".
Just a tester....does that also apply to incestuous relationships?

You really can't stop yourself, can you. You just keep throwing out those red herrings. Obvious homophobe is obvious.

It is obvious you cannot come up with a rational reason to ban gay marriage. So like some really bizarre broken record, you talk about other kinds of relationships that have nothing to do with the matter at hand.

Can you come up with a rational reason to ban two 80 year old brothers from marrying?
Why do you hate 80 year old brothers so?

For all you know, I myself am a poofter that advocates for homo marriage and I am trying to get my like minded friends on more of a solid basis for our position than "but we love each other and we are consenting adults".

Going the obtuse route now, eh?

Are you in favor of gay marriages being legally recognized by the federal government, with all privileges and benefits extended to straight marriages?

Yes or no question.

Funny... After 3 Decades, the HIV Rate isn't. :thup:

95% of the Population just can't seem to Dominate the Rate for the Disease in the First World where Homosexuals are the Most Educated and Wealthiest of the "Minorities".

Why is that?



Wow! Look how fast those goalposts moved!

You are so predictable, I made a list for you: Please see Number 4.

Where were the Goalposts at when I first placed them?... :dunno:


I have explained why many times over. So I guess you need tiny words.

Gay marriage = harmless

Incest = harmful

Get it?

Your sick attempts to place gay marriage on the same level as incest are transparent as vodka, pal.

I have not equated gay marriage and incestuous except for examining how the legal basis for one applies to the legal basis for another. Have ye the vapors?

How is an incestuous relationship harmful? What if it is an incestuous relationship between octegenarians? How would that be harmful? Why does the prospect of two 80 year old brothers filing a joint tax return terrify you so?

Please provide a rational reason for banning gay marraige. Now.

What if I don't believe there is one? Or that I believe that there are several, that are outweighed by rational reasons for permitting it? Or that i am in favor of gay marriage, but don't believe it is a federal (read civil rights) issue and should be left to the states?

Its way more fun to allow you to live in your narrow, simplistic, and utterly self-righteous confines in which anyone that is not as similarly simple-minded as you is a homophobe.
Funny... After 3 Decades, the HIV Rate isn't. :thup:

95% of the Population just can't seem to Dominate the Rate for the Disease in the First World where Homosexuals are the Most Educated and Wealthiest of the "Minorities".

Why is that?



Wow! Look how fast those goalposts moved!

You are so predictable, I made a list for you: Please see Number 4.

Where were the Goalposts at when I first placed them?... :dunno:



The discussion was about gay divorce rates. As soon as SeaWytch debunked the homophbe meme that gays have the same divorce rates as straights, you rushed in and helpfully moved the goalposts to AIDS.

But I was there ahead of you. Did you read number 4?

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