Gay Adult Wants vs Children's Needs: Mississippi Weighs Gay Adoption

What is more important?

  • Gay adults wanting to adopt kids.

  • Kids needing both a mother and father in marriage.

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Four Mississippi lesbian couples are pleading with a federal judge to declare the state's ban on adoption by same-sex couples unconstitutional, according to The Clarion-Ledger.
The state is the last in the nation to have such a ban..“The law is clear. In 2015, there can be no question that it is unconstitutional for Mississippi to bar gay couples from adopting for no reason other than that they happen to be gay," Kaplan told the Ledger. "We are very hopeful we will get the order we want." WATCH: Ban on Adoption by Gay and Lesbian Couples Challenged in Mississippi |
"..We are very hopeful we will get the order we want..." Folks should really visit the link and read the whole article.
What about the order the children want? That would be one reflecting the laws that also are clear: children must not be placed in a situation adverse to their best interests. A gay "married" home promises, guarantees, that the child will NEVER know either a mother or father for life. At least in single homes there is the promise of the parent finding the right spouse to provide the necessary balance and role modeling.

Here's actual science: a REAL survey, the largest of its kind too: Prince's Trust Survey & The Voices of the Voteless (Children) in Gay Marriage Debate | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And who does the opposing "scientific research" saying gay marriages are great for kids: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If the judge ONLY looks at adult's "wants", then yes, fatherless or motherless "marriages" will win. If the judge looks at what a child needs instead, there may not be a win for the adult whims..


If one of our readers would be so kind, it would be great if you could chase down statistics on the propensity (not the exception) of lesbians who want to adopt just girls and gay men who want to adopt just boys. I'm doing some reasearch on what our society will look like 50 years from now in all male or all female family lineage.


(just had to include this from page #2 here vv )

I can wait until Sil trots out the claim that the cold sore (or whatever it is) on this kid's lip is from his parents fucking him. Give it time.
Oh, and this thread topic was just a idiotic the last time you posted it several months ago.

mdk, that is digusting.

How about this?

What's more important? Your closet-case homophobic types worried about a gay guy checking him out at the gym, or, terrorism? I just knew some fucktard would use this to bring out some fringe issue and try to take advantage of the elevated emotions. So predictable.
The ban will be declared unconstitutional, and this will be a win for the millions of children that go unadopted every year. A few more of them will find a loving home they otherwise would never have.
Millions? Pure hyperbole
143 million kids in the world live in orphanages or foster care.

But then, you're wrong about everything else, why would I expect you to be right about this?
103,000 children are eligible for adoption according to World Orphan Statistics and


The United States Department of Health reported that in the US alone in 2012 there were 397,122 children in Foster Care and 101,666 of those children were eligible for adoption.

You mmean there were only 1,334 in the rest of the world, with a population over 6,000,000,000 needing adoptions?


Take it up with the mercyproject. Gays have no business adopting children...none whatsoever
Thankfully, the law disagrees with you.
The ban will be declared unconstitutional, and this will be a win for the millions of children that go unadopted every year. A few more of them will find a loving home they otherwise would never have.
Do you think it's a "win" for the little boy in the photo in the OP?
Absolutely. Did you not read my comment?

The little boy is being taught that two fags being together is normal. No win there.
The ban will be declared unconstitutional, and this will be a win for the millions of children that go unadopted every year. A few more of them will find a loving home they otherwise would never have.
Do you think it's a "win" for the little boy in the photo in the OP?
Absolutely. Did you not read my comment?

The little boy is being taught that two fags being together is normal. No win there.
It is normal, for faggots. Let's mush on.
The ban will be declared unconstitutional, and this will be a win for the millions of children that go unadopted every year. A few more of them will find a loving home they otherwise would never have.

Millions? Pure hyperbole

But it sounds good to the bleeding hearts.
Actually I think it sounds pretty terrible. But gays being able to adopt will make a small dent in the number which is good.

The figure of 140 million+ worldwide, whether you think it's good or terrible, is accurate.
Four Mississippi lesbian couples are pleading with a federal judge to declare the state's ban on adoption by same-sex couples unconstitutional, according to The Clarion-Ledger.
The state is the last in the nation to have such a ban..“The law is clear. In 2015, there can be no question that it is unconstitutional for Mississippi to bar gay couples from adopting for no reason other than that they happen to be gay," Kaplan told the Ledger. "We are very hopeful we will get the order we want." WATCH: Ban on Adoption by Gay and Lesbian Couples Challenged in Mississippi |
"..We are very hopeful we will get the order we want..." Folks should really visit the link and read the whole article.
What about the order the children want? That would be one reflecting the laws that also are clear: children must not be placed in a situation adverse to their best interests. A gay "married" home promises, guarantees, that the child will NEVER know either a mother or father for life. At least in single homes there is the promise of the parent finding the right spouse to provide the necessary balance and role modeling.

Here's actual science: a REAL survey, the largest of its kind too: Prince's Trust Survey & The Voices of the Voteless (Children) in Gay Marriage Debate | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And who does the opposing "scientific research" saying gay marriages are great for kids: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If the judge ONLY looks at adult's "wants", then yes, fatherless or motherless "marriages" will win. If the judge looks at what a child needs instead, there may not be a win for the adult whims..


If one of our readers would be so kind, it would be great if you could chase down statistics on the propensity (not the exception) of lesbians who want to adopt just girls and gay men who want to adopt just boys. I'm doing some reasearch on what our society will look like 50 years from now in all male or all female family lineage.


(just had to include this from page #2 here vv )

I can wait until Sil trots out the claim that the cold sore (or whatever it is) on this kid's lip is from his parents fucking him. Give it time.
Oh, and this thread topic was just a idiotic the last time you posted it several months ago.

mdk, that is digusting.

How about this?

What's more important? Your closet-case homophobic types worried about a gay guy checking him out at the gym, or, terrorism? I just knew some fucktard would use this to bring out some fringe issue and try to take advantage of the elevated emotions. So predictable.
To Sil this is terrorism, hence the problem.
The ban will be declared unconstitutional, and this will be a win for the millions of children that go unadopted every year. A few more of them will find a loving home they otherwise would never have.

Millions? Pure hyperbole
143 million kids in the world live in orphanages or foster care.

But then, you're wrong about everything else, why would I expect you to be right about this?

103,000 children are eligible for adoption according to World Orphan Statistics and

Yet in the U.S. alone over 120,000 are adopted every year. I don't know why I bother with you LGS.

Is she really LGS? Ha!
And EconChick.
..and the radical left abandon any illusion of discussion and devolve into talking about other posters and fantasizing what they may or may not say...funny...
Take it up with the mercyproject. Gays have no business adopting children...none whatsoever
Even if the gay people adopting were the paragon of humanity as to morality, they CANNOT provide the opposite gender as a vital role model for any child in their home. It can't be done. So just on the physical structure of the marriage, it cannot provide the best environment for children. They are always inferior marriages when it comes to kids. As usual, when gays get one increment of law, they assume all others must follow. But there are others involved here: children. They can live their quiet "married" gay life at home but when it comes to involving children, states still have the say-so
I'm sure you'd be in favor of children being taken from single parents.
I can wait until Sil trots out the claim that the cold sore (or whatever it is) on this kid's lip is from his parents fucking him. Give it time....

you're projecting again...and man is your mind a cesspool...

Whine to the OP as she alluded to it in earlier thread. Now kindly piss off!

"alluded"?'s not the OP fault your mind is a cesspool...

Ask Sil yourself and she will tell you as much.

You clearly do not know the posting history of the OP very well. She does this shit all the time and I don't really care if you believe me or not. She has a history of taking a picture and making up all sort of fantasies out of thin air to smear gay people.


Recently Sil was using this picture and claiming it was Chris Mercer. According to the OP, the man pictured is gay b/c of his earring, as well as his 'pouty lips', and murdered all those people in Oregon b/c of gay marriage. That is a picture of Chris Mintz, a veteran, whom was shot seven times trying to stop Mercer from entering a class room. That is the kind of batshit the op crafts to smear queers.

you're the one whose sick mind came up with
mdk said:
.... the cold sore (or whatever it is) on this kid's lip is from his parents fucking him.
all by you're trying to say someone else "made" you say that.
Like I said, you're projecting...

She'll tell you as much herself. Like I said, I don't care if you believe me or not.
Mississippi is the only doesn't that doesn't allow gay people to adopt children. The vast and overwhelming of the states do not buy the anti-gay smear you twats are peddling when it comes to gay families. Bitch and moan all you wish but I take solace in knowing it is nothing more than impotent rage. Poor little irrelevant crybabies! :crybaby:
The ban will be declared unconstitutional, and this will be a win for the millions of children that go unadopted every year. A few more of them will find a loving home they otherwise would never have.

Millions? Pure hyperbole
143 million kids in the world live in orphanages or foster care.

But then, you're wrong about everything else, why would I expect you to be right about this?

103,000 children are eligible for adoption according to World Orphan Statistics and


Facts About Adoption
About 135,000 children are adopted in the United States each year.
The ban will be declared unconstitutional, and this will be a win for the millions of children that go unadopted every year. A few more of them will find a loving home they otherwise would never have.

Millions? Pure hyperbole
143 million kids in the world live in orphanages or foster care.

But then, you're wrong about everything else, why would I expect you to be right about this?

Wow.... so the gays are going to adopt all of the kids all over the world?

Who knew?


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