Gates and Panetta Blast Obama for Micromanaging Military


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2014
Lone Star State
At a Defense Forum held at the Reagan Library recently both Gates and Panetta both told of Whitehouse intrusion into matters that the competences of this Administration are obviously not apparent... in fact the Administration has not really shown itself to be competent on many subjects...

"Former Defense Secretaries Robert Gates and Leon Panetta have joined in accusing President Obama and the White House National Security Council staff (NSC) of micromanaging the military to the point of attempting to set up direct lines of communication to combatant commanders."

Gates and Panetta Blast Obama for Micromanaging Military
At a Defense Forum held at the Reagan Library recently both Gates and Panetta both told of Whitehouse intrusion into matters that the competences of this Administration are obviously not apparent... in fact the Administration has not really shown itself to be competent on many subjects...

"Former Defense Secretaries Robert Gates and Leon Panetta have joined in accusing President Obama and the White House National Security Council staff (NSC) of micromanaging the military to the point of attempting to set up direct lines of communication to combatant commanders."

Gates and Panetta Blast Obama for Micromanaging Military
Don't knock Herr General Feld Marshall Obama, the greatest military strategist since Hannibal. He has tricks up his sleeve. Cross
Panetta is a symbol of the corrupting influence by petty political hacks on the CIA which has become not only redundant but also a political arm of (mostly) democrat administrations since JFK used the CIA to train a Cuban invasion army. That having been said, it seems that Obama might be the opposite of military micromanagement which is Military negligence. Under his watch the greatest Military in the world has become not only irrelevant but the laughing stock of the world for it's role as a social experiment for homosexuals and unqualified women in combat roles.Meanwhile the greatest technological equipped Military in the world is forced to fight by rules set by the enemy who lives in the 6th century and the liberal left convinces Americans that the whole freaking Military suffers from a mental illness and "service dogs" have to be used to help PTSD Veterans cope with imaginary disabilities. The freaking world is upside down.
At a Defense Forum held at the Reagan Library recently both Gates and Panetta both told of Whitehouse intrusion into matters that the competences of this Administration are obviously not apparent... in fact the Administration has not really shown itself to be competent on many subjects...

"Former Defense Secretaries Robert Gates and Leon Panetta have joined in accusing President Obama and the White House National Security Council staff (NSC) of micromanaging the military to the point of attempting to set up direct lines of communication to combatant commanders."

Gates and Panetta Blast Obama for Micromanaging Military
Don't knock Herr General Feld Marshall Obama, the greatest military strategist since Hannibal. He has tricks up his sleeve. Cross

Good thing a Rolling Stone reporter wasn't @ JSOC when they called, I'm sure every one on duty was rolling around on the floor laughing....aka Gen. McCrystal...they don't like being laughed at..
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I think we need an Amendment to the US Constitution that would make having served a complete and honorable tour in any branch of the US Military, regardless of rank held, a requirement for those seeking the US Presidency, since he or she would end up being the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.
I don't care if the candidate had been a simple private; at least he or she would have a grasp of what military service was like and what was expected.
Add to this, any Secretary of Defense choice by the president should also have the same qualification.
Having these two positions filled by such individuals may make for better understanding and ties between the executive branch and the military.
If anyone agrees, contact your political representative with the suggestion. Perhaps they will take it up.

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