Zone1 Gandhi: “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

As a PARABLE only----the story in the NT works----BUT the details are not consistent with
jewish Jurisprudence in JUDEA at that time. Towns (ie local courts) did not get to STONE ANYONE to death or execute for any reason. Trial for adultery happened ONLY before the
Jerusalem Sanhedrin and there was a whole different way of doing it-----kinda complex.
you can search it out easily. What is TRUE (whether you like it or not) It was the PHARISEES
who objected to execution for adultery-----thus the ONLY thing that story demonstrates
is that JESUS WAS A PHARISEE ----that incident amongst MANY OTHERS --yet christians seem
to want to cite it all the time-----kinda amusing. I read the autobiography of Gandhi and
lots of other references and never came across him hitting his wife--

I'm in the moment not able to find a source in the internet but what I read decades ago was a text from Ghandi himselve (translated into German) and he said very clear that he had beaten his wife when he had been young.

---they did live together
since they were children-----HE DID SAY THAT HE WISHED HE HAD TAUGHT HER TO READ
but doing so was just not the custom of the time

What is your real problem? You have to speak directly wíth me and not in roundabout preconscious ways. As far as I can see you are a heathen - and you seem to have a problem with Christians. But this is not my problem. I am a Christian - what has nothing to do with your - or Mahatma Ghandis - opinion about Christians.
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Try again ----that "cheating the poor people" thing is a libel akin to the "christian blood in
the matzoh" libel promulgated thuout CHRISTENDOM and even creeping into islamic BS
There was actually a similar blood libel in Damascus some more than 100 years ago thanks to
the FILTH of the second reich AKA HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. The Temple courtyard "money changers" were APPOINTEES OF ROME----just like the Tax Collectors and there to get to know
WHERE THE MONEY IS. "poor people" did not pilgrimage from foreign lands INTO JERUSALEM.

The temple in Jerusalem was the greatest sanctuary in the whole world. Size: about 35 acres. And sure had been many poor people in Jerusalem - or who do you think brought caravans to Jerusalem? Cars, trains and planes?

just to celebrate passover. When did you stop believing that the easter bunny brought the
jelly beans whilst you slept like a good little girl?

What for heavens sake do you say here? Did you never understand what's Easter?
I'm in the moment not able to find a source in the internet but what I read decades ago was a text from Ghandi himselve (translated into German) and he said very clear that he had beaten his wife when he had been young.

What is your real problem? You have to speak directly wíth me and not in roundabout preconscious ways. As far as I can see you are a heathen - and you seem to have a problem with Christians. But this is not my problem. I am a Christian - what has nothing to do with your - or Mahatma Ghandis - opinion about Christians.
Gandhi had SEVERAL christian followers in his "ASHRAM" I have no problem with christians
other than the idiot stuff they learn in Sunday school. As a kid I had no religious education---
OTHER THAN about a dozen episodes in Sunday school-----I am not sure---but I think that the
church was Episcopalian----or maybe Lutheran. I was only 7 or 8. At that time all the christian
kids ---protestant and catholic --"KNEW" that DA JOOOOS KILLED JESUS. They were not born
knowing that it is a good thing to accuse jewish children of "KILLING JESUS"----it was a
LEARNRED behavior. I considered it just as dumb as believing that the easter bunny came
at nite and left Jelly beans in little baskets for Easter morn----but I did like the jelly beans.
UHM----I am a HEATHEN? like Socrates and Gandhi and destined at BEST to LIMBO?
The temple in Jerusalem was the greatest sanctuary in the whole world. Size: about 35 acres. And sure had been many poor people in Jerusalem - or who do you think brought caravans to Jerusalem? Cars, trains and planes?

What for heavens sake do you say here? Did you never understand what's Easter?
Interesting statement-----do I understand what's easter? I was born and grew up
in the USA in a VERY CHRISTIAN town. As you know ALL JEWS KNOW ALL ABOUT
EASTER AND JESUS---it's in the TALMUD---right? Uhm---it says all kind of nasty things
about JESUS like he is BOILING IN HOT SEMEN << I read that in a christian propaganda
Pamphlet. The lines are supposed to be in Talmud GITTEN. yeah right. Hubby was
born in a shariah shit hole----but brought up in Israel----HE did study some talmud
but nevah heard of Jesus---every year I RE-TELL him what Easter is all about---he is
so fascinated that he forgets. It happens that I read ALL OF TALMUD GITTEN----it ain't
about Jesus----not a word or a JOT. What does the fact of poor people in Jerusalem have
to do with ANYTHING? To what "caravans" do you refer? uhm ---like RAIL ROAD BUILDERS?
What parts were modified? It addressed the oppression of the Roman occupation and encouraged the Jews to practice nonviolent resistance.
Miracles Are Magic Tricks

Nonviolent resistance is a sure way to lose. This is another clue that Jesus was an agent of the Roman colonizers. Or at least it shows why so many tyrannies have pushed Christianity, starting with Constantine.

It is well known that ancient ruling classes had special and secret medicine. That accounts for Jessus's "miracles"; he was trained by the Romans to be a faith healer.
Miracles Are Magic Tricks

Nonviolent resistance is a sure way to lose. This is another clue that Jesus was an agent of the Roman colonizers. Or at least it shows why so many tyrannies have pushed Christianity, starting with Constantine.

It is well known that ancient ruling classes had special and secret medicine. That accounts for Jessus's "miracles"; he was trained by the Romans to be a faith healer.
NOPE---not Jesus-----the writers of the NT were in the employ of Constantine---that is
the part you got right
When was Constantine born?
sheeesh by recall---some time in the 400 AD 's No --the NT is not an unaltered
compilation of a bunch of GOSPELS----them gospels MAGICALLY DISAPPEARED
along with Q. There were, clearly, adaptations to a CAUSE. Some of Paul's letters
may have survived ????? I am not sure----but have you come across the writings of
MATTHEW? LUKE? anything?
sheeesh by recall---some time in the 400 AD 's No --the NT is not an unaltered
compilation of a bunch of GOSPELS----them gospels MAGICALLY DISAPPEARED
along with Q. There were, clearly, adaptations to a CAUSE. Some of Paul's letters
may have survived ????? I am not sure----but have you come across the writings of
MATTHEW? LUKE? anything?
Constantine was born in 272 AD.

I usually go to a website called Early Christian Writings.
What Jesus said and did was fitting for his time and mission. Most Christians understand this.

"If my kingdom was from hence (this time) then would my servants fight." -Jesus Christ
Sage, you don't agree with me, or Jesus?
Gandhi had SEVERAL christian followers in his "ASHRAM" I have no problem with christians

You have absolutelly not any idea about the Chritian religion but you attack the Christian religion. So you have a problem by liking to be a problem for people who you do not know.

Oh ... aha ... You have no problem "but". A double negation, I love double negations and double confirmtions "but" ( :lol: ) not the double negation "no" and "but" (What's now indeed no double negation).

than the idiot stuff they learn in Sunday school.

I never was in a Sunday school. We learn the Christains religion in a totally normal school what is called "religious education" for Catholics, Protestants and Muslims and "ethic teachings" for atheists.

As a kid I had no religious education---

Bad luck.

You drive me crazy

THAN about a dozen episodes in Sunday school-----


I am not sure---but I think that the
church was Episcopalian----

:lol: And I'm not sure about what means "Episcopan" - better to say I have indeed not any light idea about what this is. As I said: We have here Protestans, Catholics, Muslims and Atheists. Some others also exist - but this is strange stuff from the USA - and other places of the world - which has often also nothing to do with religion but with strange sects and psychosects or criminal organisations like Scientology.

or maybe Lutheran.

My wife is a Lutheran. Most Protestants in Germany are Lutherans. After Hitler the Protestants here decided to melt in one church. Before it had been about six or eight different churches what had not been very effective.

I was only 7 or 8. At that time all the christian
kids ---protestant and catholic --"KNEW" that DA JOOOOS KILLED JESUS.

What a nonsense. That's absolutelly not the message of Easter. Replace "Jew" with "American" when you read this textes in the bible and imagine aliens - noble and just aliens somehow but also unbelievable mighty and cruel aliens - who had conquered your country and you are an US-American freedom fighter in a very weak position. Perhaps you understand in this context the son of god fighting for all and every life and losing this fight as a criminal on a cross. And perhaps you understand the promise god gave us in Jesus the Christ.

They were not born
knowing that it is a good thing to accuse jewish children of "KILLING JESUS"----it was a
LEARNRED behavior.

We are human beings - we are free - so we have to learn everything. But we also have to check out what's right and wrong from all this what we learn and exeperience. So what? You haven not to aggree with such people - but you have also to ask yourselve why you try to reduce everythgin to this theme - which is indeed not your theme but only your weapon as far as I can see.

I considered it just as dumb as believing that the easter bunny came

Depends. Do you know "Eierweitwerfen" = Eggs-far-throwing. A tradition I learned in Hesse. You go with little children to a grassland and throw eggs as wide as possible and they land in the grass. And if the egg has no damage you won. The strange thing is only that nearly always only the most little children win. And you have to eat eggs and a lot of other stuff what's in your picnic basket where's also a wonderful lemonade. ... okay. Some people say that's "burgeois" but the eggs are very funny colored.

at nite and left Jelly beans in little baskets for Easter morn----but I did like the jelly beans.
UHM----I am a HEATHEN? like Socrates and Gandhi and destined at BEST to LIMBO?

Socrates and Gandhi were murdered from heathens. And for Ghandi Jesus was an Hinduist - what has perhaps also to do with to feel ashamed that he had beated his wife when he had been a young man. But I am sure if she forgave him on good reasons to do so - and not only on reason her tradition "forces" her to do so - then also god forgave him.
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Gandhi had SEVERAL christian followers in his "ASHRAM" I have no problem with christians
You have absolutelly not any idea about the Chritian religion but you attack the Christian religion. So you have a problem by liking to be a problem for people who you do not know.

Oh ... aha ... You have no problem "but". A double negation, I love double negations and double confirmtions "but" ( :lol: ) not the double negation "no" and "but" (What's now indeed no double negation).

wrong again----this is ENGLISH---the BUT indicates a CONDITIONAL statement-----we westerners of the new world do not use double negatives--
I don’t even know what you mean by “voracity.” He seemed very skinny to my eye.

As to the claim he made, I do reject it.

As to Ghandi calling Herr Hitler a friend, his written words are more than sufficient:

Letter to Adolf Hitler, 1940​


December 24, 1940

That brings to mind, what should the Christian response to Hitler and the Nazi regime have been?

Should it be about the evil regime or just talking about the poor?

Right now the Left is taking children and grooming them into sexual beings before they reach the age of sexual development, and also continuing to murder the unborn

What should the Christian response be?

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