Game Changer: Donald Trump Offers To Release His Detailed Medical Records If Hillary Does The Same

I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Prove she has a blood clot or once again expose yourself as the lying conservative the forum knows you to be...
Sure, fuckwad.
Clinton's Clot Was Life Threatening
Hillary Clinton treated for blood clot in her head -

And who says that taking a blood thinner is a major health problem?
It's used to treat major health problems, idiot.
common to see blood thinner used after a blood clot is discovered, It is not however indicitive of a major health problem.

Nope. Its the standard treatment if you ever have a blood clot. That or a IVC filter. But that can be rather invasive. So most folks stick with the blood thinners.
She won't release them because she has a serious medical condition. I don't expect her to release them. I'm only pointing out that she WON'T release them and that she is hiding her condition, knowing she is not fit to serve as president. You are afraid this issue is going to sink her candidacy, aren't you?

Says who? Not her physician.

I'm guessing you're clinging to conspiracy theories because you can smell the stink of death about the Trump presidency just like everyone else?
I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Prove she has a blood clot or once again expose yourself as the lying conservative the forum knows you to be...
Sure, fuckwad.
Clinton's Clot Was Life Threatening
Hillary Clinton treated for blood clot in her head -
Thanks for proving you're a moron.

You said Hillary has a blood clot -- to prove it, you post an article from 3 years ago. :cuckoo:

She doesn't have a blood clot, ya freak of nature. Thanks for admitting you lied again. :thup:
exactly, had they read the whole article they would have known that Clinton was released from hospital after blood clot was found to be her brain. The small size is what originally threw off the medical professionals.
Says who? Not her physician.

I'm guessing you're clinging to conspiracy theories because you can smell the stink of death about the Trump presidency just like everyone else?
I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Medical records are PRIVATE. How long before you get that?

If she strokes out that's Bill's concern, not yours.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.
And if Kim Jung Un Tweets that Crazy Donald is looking fat these days, that can get us into a nuclear war. I'll take my chances with Hillary. At least she has a clean bill of health from her doctor.
Then there should be no problem releasing her medical records to verify it, right?
I just posted her medical records for you. I can't help you can't understand them since they're not written with crayons.
She won't release them because she has a serious medical condition. I don't expect her to release them. I'm only pointing out that she WON'T release them and that she is hiding her condition, knowing she is not fit to serve as president. You are afraid this issue is going to sink her candidacy, aren't you?

Says who? Not her physician.

I'm guessing you're clinging to conspiracy theories because you can smell the stink of death about the Trump presidency just like everyone else?
I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Medical records are PRIVATE. How long before you get that?

If she strokes out that's Bill's concern, not yours.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.
Stop wetting the bed and grow up. You don't give a damn whether she's healthy or not, you just don't want her elected President.
I actually prefer she not be healthy. I just dont like her.
Says who? Not her physician.

I'm guessing you're clinging to conspiracy theories because you can smell the stink of death about the Trump presidency just like everyone else?
I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Medical records are PRIVATE. How long before you get that?

If she strokes out that's Bill's concern, not yours.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.
Stop wetting the bed and grow up. You don't give a damn whether she's healthy or not, you just don't want her elected President.
I actually prefer she not be healthy. I just dont like her.
And I hope Trump dies on stage crushing Sarah Palin on the way down. At least your answer was honest.
I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Medical records are PRIVATE. How long before you get that?

If she strokes out that's Bill's concern, not yours.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.
Stop wetting the bed and grow up. You don't give a damn whether she's healthy or not, you just don't want her elected President.
I actually prefer she not be healthy. I just dont like her.
And I hope Trump dies on stage crushing Sarah Palin on the way down. At least your answer was honest.
but I fell short of wishing her dead. You on the other hand clearly stated that not only do you want Trump dead, you want Palin (who is nothing at this point) dead also.
I can go one better. I hope that one of those terrorists that obama lets in is a suicide bomber that sets him self off in the VIP area on inaguration day. Just think how many asshole socialists he could take out at once.
I might even build a statue for him due to his patriotic act of courage.
Medical records are PRIVATE. How long before you get that?

If she strokes out that's Bill's concern, not yours.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.
Stop wetting the bed and grow up. You don't give a damn whether she's healthy or not, you just don't want her elected President.
I actually prefer she not be healthy. I just dont like her.
And I hope Trump dies on stage crushing Sarah Palin on the way down. At least your answer was honest.
but I fell short of wishing her dead. You on the other hand clearly stated that not only do you want Trump dead, you want Palin (who is nothing at this point) dead also.
I can go one better. I hope that one of those terrorists that obama lets in is a suicide bomber that sets him self off in the VIP area on inaguration day. Just think how many asshole socialists he could take out at once.
I might even build a statue for him due to his patriotic act of courage.
Your support for terrorism beats my two dead assholes. You win, kind of.
I won't be satisfied with anything less than a full physical of each on live TV conducted by the surgeon general.
Think man, THINK
a full physical would involve them being naked, are you saying you would be able to watch that without throwing up?
Im pretty sure I dont want to see either one of them naked, bent over spreading their cheeks for the butthole exam.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.
Stop wetting the bed and grow up. You don't give a damn whether she's healthy or not, you just don't want her elected President.
I actually prefer she not be healthy. I just dont like her.
And I hope Trump dies on stage crushing Sarah Palin on the way down. At least your answer was honest.
but I fell short of wishing her dead. You on the other hand clearly stated that not only do you want Trump dead, you want Palin (who is nothing at this point) dead also.
I can go one better. I hope that one of those terrorists that obama lets in is a suicide bomber that sets him self off in the VIP area on inaguration day. Just think how many asshole socialists he could take out at once.
I might even build a statue for him due to his patriotic act of courage.
Your support for terrorism beats my two dead assholes. You win, kind of.
no, the country would win
I guarantee Hillary will NOT release her medical records. The only way the public will know the truth about her health is when she has a stroke. Kaine is who the voters are getting if she wins.
She already released them.
Nice try. :lol:
What is? You claimed she will not release her medical records.

She already has.
That says her last physical was March 2016 this year. That was 5 months ago and her health has substantially deteriorated since that time raising public awareness across the country, especially within the last month and a half. She needs to release a current detailed medical report.
So you say. But you're a racist idiot with zero credibility; whereas her physician once again confirmed Hillary's health just recently.

Stop wetting the bed and grow up. You don't give a damn whether she's healthy or not, you just don't want her elected President.
I actually prefer she not be healthy. I just dont like her.
And I hope Trump dies on stage crushing Sarah Palin on the way down. At least your answer was honest.
but I fell short of wishing her dead. You on the other hand clearly stated that not only do you want Trump dead, you want Palin (who is nothing at this point) dead also.
I can go one better. I hope that one of those terrorists that obama lets in is a suicide bomber that sets him self off in the VIP area on inaguration day. Just think how many asshole socialists he could take out at once.
I might even build a statue for him due to his patriotic act of courage.
Your support for terrorism beats my two dead assholes. You win, kind of.
no, the country would win
That may be. That would be the end of John Roberts and the leaders of Congress.
I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Medical records are PRIVATE. How long before you get that?

If she strokes out that's Bill's concern, not yours.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody's concern.
And if Kim Jung Un Tweets that Crazy Donald is looking fat these days, that can get us into a nuclear war. I'll take my chances with Hillary. At least she has a clean bill of health from her doctor.
Then there should be no problem releasing her medical records to verify it, right?
I just posted her medical records for you. I can't help you can't understand them since they're not written with crayons.
No you didn't, you lying sack of shit. You posted a physician's statement. That's not medical records, moron.
Says who? Not her physician.

I'm guessing you're clinging to conspiracy theories because you can smell the stink of death about the Trump presidency just like everyone else?
I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Prove she has a blood clot or once again expose yourself as the lying conservative the forum knows you to be...
Sure, fuckwad.
Clinton's Clot Was Life Threatening
Hillary Clinton treated for blood clot in her head -
Thanks for proving you're a moron.

You said Hillary has a blood clot -- to prove it, you post an article from 3 years ago. :cuckoo:

She doesn't have a blood clot, ya freak of nature. Thanks for admitting you lied again. :thup:
exactly, had they read the whole article they would have known that Clinton was released from hospital after blood clot was found to be her brain. The small size is what originally threw off the medical professionals.
Show us something that proves the blood clot was dissolved.
I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Prove she has a blood clot or once again expose yourself as the lying conservative the forum knows you to be...
Sure, fuckwad.
Clinton's Clot Was Life Threatening
Hillary Clinton treated for blood clot in her head -
Thanks for proving you're a moron.

You said Hillary has a blood clot -- to prove it, you post an article from 3 years ago. :cuckoo:

She doesn't have a blood clot, ya freak of nature. Thanks for admitting you lied again. :thup:
exactly, had they read the whole article they would have known that Clinton was released from hospital after blood clot was found to be her brain. The small size is what originally threw off the medical professionals.
Show us something that proves the blood clot was dissolved.
I am unaware that I said it was
I'm basing it on the fact that she has a fucking blood clot in a major artery from the brain that she has to take Coumadin for the rest of her life to hopefully keep her from having a stroke. If she is so fucking healthy, why doesn't she release the records and prove it? If her physician (who is on her payroll) is telling the truth and not lying by omission, let's see the records and verify it. If you are confident she is healthy, why would you have a problem with it?
Prove she has a blood clot or once again expose yourself as the lying conservative the forum knows you to be...
Sure, fuckwad.
Clinton's Clot Was Life Threatening
Hillary Clinton treated for blood clot in her head -
Thanks for proving you're a moron.

You said Hillary has a blood clot -- to prove it, you post an article from 3 years ago. :cuckoo:

She doesn't have a blood clot, ya freak of nature. Thanks for admitting you lied again. :thup:
exactly, had they read the whole article they would have known that Clinton was released from hospital after blood clot was found to be her brain. The small size is what originally threw off the medical professionals.
Show us something that proves the blood clot was dissolved.

From 3 years ago? Bloodthinners disolve blood clots.

"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was treated with blood thinners on Monday at a New York hospital to help dissolve a blood clot in her head and doctors were confident she would make a full recovery."

January 1st, 2013

You can't have it both ways.
If she's been on blood thinners since she hit her head in 2013, the blood clot would have long dissolved. The only possible way the blood clot would still if she'd never received treatment, nor been on blood thinners.

Pick one. Though only one of the two is supported by evidence.
Medical records are PRIVATE. How long before you get that?

If she strokes out that's Bill's concern, not yours.
If she gets confused (as some of her aides have stated) during a crisis, we could end up in a nuclear war, stupid. It's everybody anyones concern.
And if Kim Jung Un Tweets that Crazy Donald is looking fat these days, that can get us into a nuclear war. I'll take my chances with Hillary. At least she has a clean bill of health from her doctor.
Then there should be no problem releasing her medical records to verify it, right?
I just posted her medical records for you. I can't help you can't understand them since they're not written with crayons.
No you didn't, you lying sack of shit. You posted a physician's statement. That's not medical records, moron.
Exactly. Trump is talking about actual medical records, not abstract statements. Again, listen to Democrat Senator Charles Schumer.

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