Gaffe machine: 10-15% of America “not very good people”


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
Yeah, "what do you have to lose?" is a superior option.

Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
Most likely those cave chimps Drumpf called very good people in Charlotte are a part of this group.
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?

He was talking about 10-15 percent of the demonstrators. RCP mis-quoted him. Still a boneheaded statement by Biden though.
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
It’s the percentage who think windmills cause cancer and are open to injecting disinfectant into their bodies.
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
It’s the percentage who think windmills cause cancer and are open to injecting disinfectant into their bodies.
Only democrats would inject disinfectant. One, they thought of it and recommend it. Two, many democrats are drug addicts anyway and inject all kinds of crap into their veins. Tell a democrat junkie that lysol will get them high and stores will be sold out.
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
It’s the percentage who think windmills cause cancer and are open to injecting disinfectant into their bodies.
Only democrats would inject disinfectant. One, they thought of it and recommend it. Two, many democrats are drug addicts anyway and inject all kinds of crap into their veins. Tell a democrat junkie that lysol will get them high and stores will be sold out.
Lol you really live in a fantasy world don’t you?
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
Remember what Joe said: things a president says matters. When Trump said that some of the people coming from Mexico weren't good people, he was a racist, a xenophobe and it was a national scandal! When Biden says some of the people of HIS country aren't good people, he's just bringing us all together.
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?

Mr. Biden is being too kind.

Judging by the rioters, looters, and arsonists that I saw on TV, I would say that the percentage of "not very good people" is much higher.
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
He's not wrong.

IMO it's more than that
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
What percentage live in California?
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
Hey, at least Joe remembered that he lives in America! That's a good day for him!
Just read this board and you will see which 10-15 percent are not good people
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
Most likely those cave chimps Drumpf called very good people in Charlotte are a part of this group.

You mind providing a link to Trump's statement, I think it would be interesting and you can support yourself too - Thanks in advance dumbfuck
Only the best from Quid Pro Joe:

Wish he would elaborate on who those 15% are, maybe those blacks who are still thinking about who to vote for?
More deplorable shit? The demodumbshits really know how to win friends and attract the votes don't they. Afterall that tack worked out so well for Hillary. LOL
Nobody can be this stupid and they're obviously determined to kill their party so who the fuck are they working for anyway? Russia? China? Who?
NPCs are what Biden loves.

He wants us to be the slaves of the church of woke, incentivized by shamery for the white sin instead of whips this time. Slavery by shamery...

It is correct that there are bad people in the country, many not even American. Biden is one of those.

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