So why didn't the other three cops in the Floyd incident flee the country...


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.
The saw that 3rd degree charge and figured they were safe.

I guess they're not as politically minded/aware as us combatants on USBM and other political sites. I would have known immediately that I had to flee, longer before the first charge against Chauvin was even announced.

I would have known that moment I got home to clear my head over a cup of coffee (at the very latest). Holy shit.I would have waited in some deep south American country for at least a year to see the coverage/prosecutor announcements/media coverage.

I don't remember when they were fired, but weren't they fired the same day? That alone would have been enough to make see the writing on the wall.
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

Yep, that sounds about like I had you pegged for. Yellow coward. Not man enough to face the consequences of your actions. Thanks for confirming who you are.
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The saw that 3rd degree charge and figured they were safe.

I guess they're not as politically minded/aware as us combatants on USBM and other political sites. I would have known immediately that I had to flee, longer before the first charge against Chauvin was even announced.

I would have known that moment I got home to clear my head over a cup of coffee (at the very latest). Holy shit.I would have waited in some deep south American country for at least a year to see the coverage/prosecutor announcements/media coverage.

I don't remember when they were fired, but weren't they fired the same day? That alone would have been enough to make see the writing on the wall.
Hey, look. None of those guys was rational or they would not have done it or allowed to be done.
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

In all likelihood, all four will get off and get their jobs back. The odds and history are in their favor, even if the facts are not.
Two of the three cops were rookies with only 4 days on the job. One of them, twice, told Cauvin he should turn the guy over and Cauvin refused. Those two will likely get off and probably should.
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

In all likelihood, all four will get off and get their jobs back. The odds and history are in their favor, even if the facts are not.

I think Cauvin will do some time. It just depends on what the body cams show us. That we haven't seen any body cam footage
is rather telling. Geogre wasn't behaving properly and had to be taken to the ground. But he had his knee on his neck too long.
He had control of him. He needed to get his knee off of him. The other three will all walk. That's why Ellinson said it would take
so long to prosecute the case. It'll take him 5 years to even attempt to go into court and prove 2nd degree murder.
Trump will probably pardon all of them.


It's a clear murder. The cop even enjoyed it, you can see it in his eyes.

Pardoning such an act (by any President) would be followed by a bipartisan impeachment.

Another thing you far left loons can't seem to grasp is that the overwhelming majority of people know it's a murder, whether they are right/left/white/black/etc/insertshithere.
Two of the three cops were rookies with only 4 days on the job. One of them, twice, told Cauvin he should turn the guy over and Cauvin refused. Those two will likely get off and probably should.

Gray and Kueng’s defense attorney, Tom Plunkett, asked the court for lower bail, saying their clients had been police officers for just four days when Floyd was killed. Police records indicate that while the men were rookies, they had more experience than a handful of days on the force. According to their records, they joined the department in February 2019 and became full officers in December. Minneapolis officers must serve a year on probation and spend time in field training with a more senior officer before they are fully qualified.

The other 2 knew better.
Anyway, back to the OP:

Why didn't they flee?

I would have gtfo asap.

"Life in prison...or flee...or die trying..."

Once you're inside, there is no escape.

Especially for "killer cops." Oh boy, they got many years of solitary protective confinement ahead of them.

I'd definitely make a run for it, even if I was innocent.

And fuck you Lakhota. Let's assume innocence (which is clearly not the actual case) in hypothetical scenario that just looked bad on camera: Wouldn't you run fucking run for it?

Even if you were guilty (which means you were/are a bad enough person to murder someone, and therefore flee), you'd fucking run, because people like that don't have any honor/morals to begin with.

So if 1:'re future is solitary protective confinement for 10 years to life.

So if 2: flee...because you don't have a moral compass to begin with.


You get it now Lakhota
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Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

Where are they going to go? All borders are closed to Americans, everywhere in the world and will be for at least the rest of the year. Who would buy their house in the midst of the pandemic?
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

Where are they going to go? All borders are closed to Americans, everywhere in the world and will be for at least the rest of the year. Who would buy their house in the midst of the pandemic?

Fuck that shit. Run the border. Take enough cash to refill your tank 10-20 times and go as far south as possible. Bribe a few amigos along the way. Just gtfo lol.

I'd rather live homeless in a beautiful south american country as a beggar at the soup line than solitary confinement.
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

Where are they going to go? All borders are closed to Americans, everywhere in the world and will be for at least the rest of the year. Who would buy their house in the midst of the pandemic?

Fuck that shit. Run the border. Take enough cash to refill your tank 10-20 times and go as far south as possible. Bribe a few amigos along the way. Just gtfo lol.

Broke American cops on the run in Central America. Yeah, they'll get far.
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

Where are they going to go? All borders are closed to Americans, everywhere in the world and will be for at least the rest of the year. Who would buy their house in the midst of the pandemic?
The three that were just arrested had bail set at half a mil or a mil, depending on security. They might be thinking these guys will do just that. That's pretty steep bail for a cop charged with accessory, isn't it?
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

Where are they going to go? All borders are closed to Americans, everywhere in the world and will be for at least the rest of the year. Who would buy their house in the midst of the pandemic?
The three that were just arrested had bail set at half a mil or a mil, depending on security. They might be thinking these guys will do just that. That's pretty steep bail for a cop charged with accessory, isn't it?

Exactly, which is why they should have ran before.
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

Where are they going to go? All borders are closed to Americans, everywhere in the world and will be for at least the rest of the year. Who would buy their house in the midst of the pandemic?

Fuck that shit. Run the border. Take enough cash to refill your tank 10-20 times and go as far south as possible. Bribe a few amigos along the way. Just gtfo lol.

Broke American cops on the run in Central America. Yeah, they'll get far.

It's actually quite easy to go on run...SWIM even learned to speak fluent during their two year hideout.

Just remember to leave your monetary assets with someone you trust (parents/sibling) so you have something when you finally return to the US (if its safe).
1. I assume that they did not flee the country because they knew that it would be futile.

a. At the airport, they knew that some employees would be supporters of the insurrection. So they would be arrested (and probably beaten). If they did make it onto a plane, some passengers would turn them in.

b. Same situation at the Canadian and Mexican borders.

c. Besides what country would accept them? They would be extradited immediately.

2. They are going to prison, where they will be beaten, raped, and possibly murdered. Some Americans are delighted at such a prospect.
Serious question.

Being a "killer cop" behind bars is a death sentence.

I would have known the charges were coming, guilty or not.

I would have gtfo and packed all my shit and liquidated my assets and shortselled my residence to the quickest buyer within the first 3-4 hours lol.

Where are they going to go? All borders are closed to Americans, everywhere in the world and will be for at least the rest of the year. Who would buy their house in the midst of the pandemic?
The three that were just arrested had bail set at half a mil or a mil, depending on security. They might be thinking these guys will do just that. That's pretty steep bail for a cop charged with accessory, isn't it?

I don't know about criminal law. I did corporate/commercial, real estate and estate work - completely avoiding the litigation side of law. Instead, I ended up doing big money real estate on Bay Street. One of our lawyers was the former Premier of Ontario. Our clients were millionaires and billionaires. The kind of people Donald Trump used to play on TV. The only crime I know about is bribing public officials for building permits and zoning clearnances.

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