FYI Raw Data VAERs site and the official VAERs site on vaccine adverse effects.

The filtering I read about was online filtering as the form was completed such as certain fields left blank and contact information such zip code, phone, city, and state.
There are 2 sites listed. One is not filtered and that us the one where you can read these reports. The other deleted 14000 cases of death and only left the ones 7000 that did meet the criteria.
One thing. Yall love attacking the dead people here to justify the vaccine companies get out of jail free cards. Use data that they were old, hispice, or whatever.

Yet, in the death totals from the Fear Porn of covid deaths where is this same data demanded of the vaccine adverse effects.? Most covid deaths are in the 65 plus age group. How many of the over 800,000 who died of covid only died With covid and NOT FROM COVID???
88 years old. Still dead right after injection

Let's get off the cases one by one where dont have the most important info. Like what the death certificate actually said. And the numbers that are in the end an incredibly SMALL percent of 204 people INJECTED TWICE or even 3 times.

Even if 7000 people file claims and 4000 of them are CV vax related, and 2500 of those resulted in a death, that's ,001% of injected people or just .0005% of the number of CV injections given.

If people are gonna drop dead within an hour from a Covid injection -- how do YOU THINK the CV Vax is causing this? The "active ingredient" is a few strands of mRNA from a FRAGMENT of a virus. The rest of the ingredients to my knowledge were all chosen to be SIMILAR to the ingredients of common flu vaccines.

By what mechanism is it causing "instant death"? And why in some cases does that take a week or even longer? And why for 99.99% of the injections -- it never causes death?

There WILL BE allergic reactions to flu shots. That's why they SCREEN people to find out WHICH shots gave them an allergic reaction. If they IGNORE an allergic reaction for 6 hours -- it COULD EASILY KILL THEM. But if they followed the directions that they signed for -- a $30 Epi-Pen injection would easily FIX THAT..
The filtering I read about was online filtering as the form was completed such as certain fields left blank such as location and dates of vaccinations, etc and contact information such zip code, phone, city, and state.

Or maybe all those fields were THERE, but they made a simple call to the primary physician (required on the vax form) and found out that the DEAD person was REALLY "still alive"..

I'd be surprised if after injecting 204 Million Americans (twice) and giving them a sheet that begs them to report reactions -- if they got LESS than 20,000 cranks that just checked the "death" box and didn't give full contact info..
Let's get off the cases one by one where dont have the most important info. Like what the death certificate actually said. And the numbers that are in the end an incredibly SMALL percent of 204 people INJECTED TWICE or even 3 times.

Even if 7000 people file claims and 4000 of them are CV vax related, and 2500 of those resulted in a death, that's ,001% of injected people or just .0005% of the number of CV injections given.

If people are gonna drop dead within an hour from a Covid injection -- how do YOU THINK the CV Vax is causing this? The "active ingredient" is a few strands of mRNA from a FRAGMENT of a virus. The rest of the ingredients to my knowledge were all chosen to be SIMILAR to the ingredients of common flu vaccines.

By what mechanism is it causing "instant death"? And why in some cases does that take a week or even longer? And why for 99.99% of the injections -- it never causes death?

There WILL BE allergic reactions to flu shots. That's why they SCREEN people to find out WHICH shots gave them an allergic reaction. If they IGNORE an allergic reaction for 6 hours -- it COULD EASILY KILL THEM. But if they followed the directions that they signed for -- a $30 Epi-Pen injection would easily FIX THAT..
I can use the CDC data to say the risk of dying from Covid is so insignificant for younger people.......If we do a risk basis on the deaths from younger people........But the CDC pushes for them to get it anyway when Covid is virtually no risk at all.

Could it be a Allergic Reaction and they died............yep.......That doesn't change that the shot killed them. Perhaps they didn't know they were allergic to Peg...........

We pay 75 cents for every jab from any vaccine for the Vaccine court. Any type of Vaccine.........yet Covid STILL ISN'T ADDED TO THE REGULAR VACCINE COURT compensation.......It is in the other program directly federally funded program.........They have paid 1 CASE so far...........

Why is know why........That court is owned by Pharma.
Or maybe all those fields were THERE, but they made a simple call to the primary physician (required on the vax form) and found out that the DEAD person was REALLY "still alive"..

I'd be surprised if after injecting 204 Million Americans (twice) and giving them a sheet that begs them to report reactions -- if they got LESS than 20,000 cranks that just checked the "death" box and didn't give full contact info..
And in the other VAERs site those are I stated and that is what started this argument.

VAERS data in CDC WONDER are updated every Friday. Hence, results for the same query can change from week to week.
These results are for 709,084 total events.
Rows with zero Events Reported are hidden. Use Quick Options above to show zero rows.


Since when did 7,682 = 20,000


On August 26, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a report showing that in 94 percent of the roughly 180,000 deaths that have been attributed to COVID-19, “on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”

As the CDC report notes, “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.”

In other words, 94 percent of Americans who have died from coronavirus from the week ending February 1, 2020 to the week ending August 22, 2020 had, on average, almost three comorbidities that played a role in their death.

According to CDC’s report, the leading comorbidities among these deaths were respiratory diseases, circulatory diseases, sepsis, malignant neoplasms, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease, respectively.

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, many have questioned whether death counts attributed to the pandemic have been inflated.

If the same application of comorbidities are applied to the Covid many deaths would there really be...........given most of the Covid deaths were in the same area as deaths from the jab..............

We discount the deaths from the vaccine........but don't with Covid deaths..........IMAGINE THAT.
Lol CONSENT FORM. Blame the dead person that they didnt know they had a Peg allergy. lmao
My understanding is that the only change the CDC makes in the raw data is removing duplicates or maybe combining duplicate reports. If you have a link that explains changes made to raw data, I would be interested in reading it.
One thing. Yall love attacking the dead people here to justify the vaccine companies get out of jail free cards. Use data that they were old, hispice, or whatever.

Yet, in the death totals from the Fear Porn of covid deaths where is this same data demanded of the vaccine adverse effects.? Most covid deaths are in the 65 plus age group. How many of the over 800,000 who died of covid only died With covid and NOT FROM COVID???

An elderly man arrives at a hospital so stricken with advanced cancer that it could take his life within months but that’s not what brought him to the emergency room. He tested positive for Covid-19 and had the symptoms plus he was struggling to breath. So he was admitted and put in ICU and intubated. Given his already fragile state, his condition quickly took a turn for the worse and he died.

Was his death caused by COVID-19?

Yes. While he was very weak and frail from his underlying cancer, his death was undoubtedly accelerated and precipitated by COVID-19. In other words, contracting Covid-19 is the immediate event that brought on his death, not the cancer, not his advanced age. These are the contributing factors but not the cause. This situation is very common with the elderly who get a serious dose of the virus.
An elderly man arrives at a hospital so stricken with advanced cancer that it could take his life within months but that’s not what brought him to the emergency room. He tested positive for Covid-19 and had the symptoms plus he was struggling to breath. So he was admitted and put in ICU and intubated. Given his already fragile state, his condition quickly took a turn for the worse and he died.

Was his death caused by COVID-19?

Yes. While he was very weak and frail from his underlying cancer, his death was undoubtedly accelerated and precipitated by COVID-19. In other words, contracting Covid-19 is the immediate event that brought on his death, not the cancer, not his advanced age. These are the contributing factors but not the cause. This situation is very common with the elderly who get a serious dose of the virus.
Not before they changed the definition of it ......As my dad got the Flu which took him down and died from his pre-existing condition Emphysema. But it all started from the FLU...........Death certificate before this was Emphysema.

Now let's apply your same logic to the vaccine deaths reports........Man 88 is in a assisted care facility and has pre existing conditions..........Takes the Pfizer jab and has a heart attack and dies right after the shot. So by your own logic he DIIED OF THE VACCINE JAB.........

Had he not taken the jab he wouldn't have been dead right.

People like you make excuses for the do I at points.....but most of the Covid deaths had a mountain of issues before covid........Many were at deaths door already.......Then they die and you immediately put it in the COVID DEATH......

Do that for the Flu before this nonsense and you would see hundreds of thousands of deaths per year from the Flu.
what directions are we signing for ?

Consent to get the jab. lol

As soon as I put that up on the few cases I showed Flopper couldn't wait to say.....THEY SIGNED THE CONSENT FORM.

Immediately attacked saying what was the 88 year olds medical history.....This could have caused his death........blah blah blah.

According to the adverse effect report.......which they want to discount everything.......he died RIGHT AFTER THE JAB.........Then go the jab didn't cause it........but if the same happens with's a Covid death.

Cooking the books based on the narrative. And the Vaccine Court is a freaking joke as it was set up by the Vaccine makers for the vaccine makers. To date they have only given out 1 payment for compensation of the vaccine after thousands of claims filed.
Consent to get the jab. lol

As soon as I put that up on the few cases I showed Flopper couldn't wait to say.....THEY SIGNED THE CONSENT FORM.

Immediately attacked saying what was the 88 year olds medical history.....This could have caused his death........blah blah blah.

According to the adverse effect report.......which they want to discount everything.......he died RIGHT AFTER THE JAB.........Then go the jab didn't cause it........but if the same happens with's a Covid death.

Cooking the books based on the narrative. And the Vaccine Court is a freaking joke as it was set up by the Vaccine makers for the vaccine makers. To date they have only given out 1 payment for compensation of the vaccine after thousands of claims filed.
No more of a joke than the 3% compensation rewards that they USUALLY grant every year it's been in existence. You can't just ALLEGE that something happened because of what you believe.

Most of the claims previously have been parents who sued the vax court for normal child vaccinations. And they are angry and they seek advice from mental midgets like Rob. F. Kennedy Jr and his crew of science stewers.

It's the opposite of awarding every illegal parent border crosser separated from a child at the border an automatic life pension.

One goes thru the courts and possibly a jury that knows SQUAT about vaccine safety and the other one is judged by science/medical facts and stats by experts.

and if they locked up all the science, then it's invalid

consent means answering whatever questions i may have, not cherry picking what information one is allowed to have


Since you have a primary physician, that's where you should have gotten those answers. From someone that KNOWS your med history. Not from a poker at a line of hundred arms behind you in a panic.
No more of a joke than the 3% compensation rewards that they USUALLY grant every year it's been in existence. You can't just ALLEGE that something happened because of what you believe.

Most of the claims previously have been parents who sued the vax court for normal child vaccinations. And they are angry and they seek advice from mental midgets like Rob. F. Kennedy Jr and his crew of science stewers.

It's the opposite of awarding every illegal parent border crosser separated from a child at the border an automatic life pension.

One goes thru the courts and possibly a jury that knows SQUAT about vaccine safety and the other one is judged by science/medical facts and stats by experts.
That dog doesn't hunt with me. You know that Pharma bought and paid for this........even though Reagan signed it........he got snookered.
That dog doesn't hunt with me. You know that Pharma bought and paid for this........even though Reagan signed it........he got snookered.

Without it "Bad Pharma" wouldn't have the research history, staff, and expertise to pull off a "warp speed" pandemic vaccine in 2019 - 2020. We'd be waiting on UK or Israel to give it to the world.

CIVIL COURTS dont deliver justice on science, tech, medical cases. It's a cesspool of emotional appeals and ambulance chasing lawyers feeding on deep pockets.

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