In case you yourself did not get to see Fury, the movie, starring Brat Pitt, here is a free Internet version that you can watch.
This movie reminds me of my dad. He was a WW2 vet and tank officer then. So he had Brat Pitt's job in his tank with his tank platoon in real life.
The movie traces a WW2 combined arms infantry and tank battalion across Nazi Germany after the crossings of the Rhine into the German heartland.
The American and Nazi SS infantry play maneuver games with each other while the American tanks guard the flanks.
I remember as a kid hearing my dead yelling in his sleep at night, so I would get out of bed and go running into his bedroom where he would be writhing in his sleep, while my mom lying next to him would be turned the other way and be just trying to ignore it.
I would wake him and ask what was wrong? It would startle him out of his nightmares and he would stare at me with steely eyes. Then he would wake, tell me to go back to bed, and he would roll over and go back to sleep.
They were a noble generation -- the men and women of WW2.