Funny Pictures Thread: Part 2!!

Yes, and then what gets me is magazines that give you the newest recipe for sinfully rich chocolate cake and pumpkin spice cheesecake, and then on the next page women whine about why they are so fucking fat and can't lose weight, and then on the next page whine louder about how fat women are discriminated against and then on the next page, they try to tell you how healthy it is to be morbidly obese!

And then they wonder why American woman scarf psychotropic drugs like candy, while every fifth page is a big pHARMa ad.

And we wonder why the world thinks Americans are sick and stupid.

Oh, BTW, I just heard a story on the radio about how Victoria's Secret has given up on aiming their -- ahem -- "fashion shows" at fat and tranny women, and are going back to their usual smut.


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