Funniest Trump Can't Win Compilation

You proved them all wrong Donald

So reliving the 2016 election has what to do with how he's fucking things up now?
Question: Are you ready for Trump to impose federal regulations on FB and Google?
And if so, are you now embracing totalitarianism in its whole or just partial?
HOLY MARY MOTHER OF THE UNHINGED.....Trump is President. TY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You proved them all wrong Donald

So reliving the 2016 election has what to do with how he's fucking things up now?
Question: Are you ready for Trump to impose federal regulations on FB and Google?
And if so, are you now embracing totalitarianism in its whole or just partial?

What's he "fucking up"? And yes I am since they are PUBLIC domains the PUBLIC uses and they are discriminating so.

You proved them all wrong Donald

So reliving the 2016 election has what to do with how he's fucking things up now?
Question: Are you ready for Trump to impose federal regulations on FB and Google?
And if so, are you now embracing totalitarianism in its whole or just partial?

He's fucking things up for you, not for me. I couldn't be happier with him.

You proved them all wrong Donald

When one star isnt enough


You proved them all wrong Donald

So reliving the 2016 election has what to do with how he's fucking things up now?
Question: Are you ready for Trump to impose federal regulations on FB and Google?
And if so, are you now embracing totalitarianism in its whole or just partial?

Hidden in your statements is the three centuries old (standard issue) ideological catch 22 of post-Enlightenment revolutionary atheistic Leftism. Bear with me for a moment while I sort this out for you. In the orthodoxy of the American radical Leftist ethos, initiation of a cultural war, or cultural revolution six decades ago, to be waged against the Conservative Right and Christianity, for the purpose of fundamentally changing the social, cultural, intellectual, political, religious and philosophical composition of America, was morally justifiable and the right thing to do for America; an act some of us on the Right view as highly similar to both the lead-up to the French Revolution of 1789, the Bolshevik Revolution, and Mao's 1960's cultural revolution--all extremely dangerous, radical Left initiated, and bloody violent historical events. This is why so many of your fellow Americans hold and share a mindset that the radical American Left must be stopped in its tracks. Follow?

Now, from the American Left perspective, you--and many others who share your political ideology--are accusing the Conservative American Right--in their approval of government social media regulation--of supporting, or even calling for a degree of totalitarianism, despite the fact that social media platforms have been proven biased for the Left in censoring Right leaning speech and data returning on their online communications systems.

So the Catch 22 is in decrying and condemning a call for equal representation of political speech across all social media platforms, even though such equality would promote an honest and mutually beneficial dialectic for all American political ideologies. In other words, yourself and others of your stripe accuse the American Right of supporting totalitarianism, only as a means of defending social media platform bias in favor of your side's unfair advantage to be ideologically expressed, in order to keep the Right censored, for political, social and cultural gains.

So long as governmental and corporate regulation benefit the American Left, you have no problem with this form of what you deem "totalitarian" interference in the operation of private companies. However, should the Right also seek, support or call for similar regulation for the sole purpose of ensuring an equal social media platform voice with which to express its ideology, you and the American Left immediately deem it as trending toward authoritarianism. The three centuries running Catch 22 of radical Leftism then, is an ironic hypocrisy of "so long as we do it, it is morally and culturally acceptable and beneficial to society. But, should the other side do it, why then, it is harmful, dangerous and destructive for society."

Nice try. Much more convincing "tries" have been made historically by the ideologue high priests of radical Leftism, which all have led to the mass murder of the common people by their governments and each other, at the behest of radical Leftist atheistic ideology.

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