French Are "Resenting" America's Leadership On Tsunami Relief

1st post
j07950 said:
Thats not the discussion topic...we've talked about that elsewhere...
And that's an opinion, not a fact.

No. It's fact. Your nation is consumed with envy and your leadership would rather ally with terrorists for their own power than do the right thing.

And my comments are exactly on topic.
rtwngAvngr said:
No. It's fact. Your nation is consumed with envy and your leadership would rather ally with terrorists for their own power than do the right thing.

And my comments are exactly on topic.
Give it up...that's been talked about. That is your opinion and that of many other but is in no way a fact. Go do something worth while of your time.
j07950 said:
Give it up...that's been talked about. That is your opinion and that of many other but is in no way a fact. Go do something worth while of your time.

These are facts. All your nation does in run around agitating against the U.S. for no other reason than your extreme envy and moral bankruptcy. Your citizenry is more concerned about your pensions and lifestyles than it is with doing what is moral.

You are confused about the difference between facts and opinions it seems.
rtwngAvngr said:
These are facts. All your nation does in run around agitating against the U.S. for no other reason than your extreme envy and moral bankruptcy. Your citizenry is more concerned about your pensions and lifestyles than it is with doing what is moral.

You are confused about the difference between facts and opinions it seems.
5th post
rtwngAvngr said:
No, thanks. I don't need any French wine right now.
Your a funny guy...Like I said go do something worth while...instead of picking fights with foreigners for no good resons...
Going now...I'll speak to all of you others tomorrow...cheers!!!
j07950 said:
Your a funny guy...Like I said go do something worth while...instead of picking fights with foreigners for no good resons...
Going now...I'll speak to all of you others tomorrow...cheers!!!

My reasons are good. It is imperative that the dangerous trends apparent in Europe right now be reversed, namely socialism and appeasement of terrorists.
rtwngAvngr said:
My reasons are good. It is imperative that the dangerous trends apparent in Europe right now be reversed, namely socialism and appeasement of terrorists.
Maybee socialism isn't the best in conducting foreign policies, but at least when we need to have operations, our teeth fixed or any other health problems, we don't have to scratch toghether the money we need or wait months to to get treatments like a lot of americans have to.

The official US poverty rate in 2002 was 12.1 percent, up from 11.7 percent in 2001. In 2002, people below the official poverty thresholds numbered 34.6 million, a figure 1.7 million higher than the 32.9 million in poverty in 2001. This from the worlds biggest economy.
According to the latest statistics on poverty in the United States, released in 1996 by the U.S. Census Bureau, 14.3 million children in America are living in abject poverty that is the direct consequence of official U.S. social policies.
For example, overall spending on child well-being is about $230 billion a year in France (France's population = 59,329,691 ), compared with only $146 billion in the United States (US population = 295,203,947).
In fact, most Western European nations spend two or even three times as much as the U.S. on families with children, which explains why so many more American than European children live in poverty.But after receiving tax breaks and all the social benefits, only 5.7 percent of French children and 7.3 percent of British children are still considered poor, while nearly 21 percent of U.S. children still suffer in severe poverty.

So maybee France is too socialist for the good of foreign policies but than again I prefer my government to look out for it's own people before looking elsewhere.

PS: Not trying to bash...but don't bash at the good socialism does in europe.
10th post
j07950 said:
So maybee France is too socialist for the good of foreign policies but than again I prefer my government to look out for it's own people before looking elsewhere.

That won't last. Here's an interesting article you might want to look at. I don't know if the overspending problems have been corrected (I'm prettey France did recieve a fine or two during 2004, no time to double check), but it's a funny article nonetheless.

France changes tack on economy, stressing reforms to cut budget deficit


PARIS, May 7 (AFP) - The French government sent strong, if subtle, signals of a change of emphasis in economic management on Wednesday, talking of reforms to cut spending deficits just as the EU again waved disciplinary procedures.

Official statements here were peppered with references to deficit reduction to return within euro-zone limits next year, budget discipline and the virtues of "reform" of the economy.

The government was "mobilised" under the supervision of Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, the government spokesman said.

And Finance Minister Francis Mer told the National Assembly that France would reply before an October 3 deadline to demands by the EU Commission for action to correct its deficit by 2004, saying "we shall do so in a responsible manner".

Mer had said before that he intended to meet the euro-zone deficit limit in 2004. But despite the official line that this emphasis on good housekeeping is all home-grown, some remarks suggest that disciplinary winds from Brussels have played a part in a change of tack.

j07950 is right, in France the welfare is very good, because the State is interventionnist.

I know the interventionnsim can be often bad, I did some economy in my first year of law studies, but for the social area, it can be very good.

The french poor are less poor athn the US poors.

And I will not repeat what j07950 said.

The french healthcare system is really good for the citizen. You can be poor, you'll be tended, and quickly, I mean without wainting too much.

I believe that in UK - j07950, can you enlight me about it please ? ;) - the helathcare system is less good, people are no more accpet in hospital for teeth propblem after maybe 60 years old, sqomething like that.

France is one of the country where the public services are the most present.
You can think it hurts the liberty of trade and industry, but in fact not.

The creation of industrial and commercial services - **** - has a lot of rules.
And it cannot hurts the liberty of trade and industry, which is in the law of the 2nd and 17th march 1791.
but when the pirvate sector is not able to developp a service, the administration has to do it.
Because the main goal of administration is the welfare of the citizens.

So, socialism here is good.
And it is not really socialism, it is state intereventionnism.

Look an other point : the railroad : in England, the private company made the security systems, and all the organization of the railroad, their they take the less expensive project to organize the railroads.
Results : failure, and tragedy,; like in paddington Station.

If these security systems and the organisation is lead by the State, the State HAVE To respect the citizen, more tha a private society.
Then, less problem.
padisha emperor said:
So, socialism here is good.
And it is not really socialism, it is state intereventionnism.

There is no difference, it's the same thing.

Did you read the article I posted, France can't even meet reductions on public spending, what does that tell you???
Said1 said:
There is no difference, it's the same thing.

Did you read the article I posted, France can't even meet reductions on public spending, what does that tell you???

Your article in interesting while a bit old, but it's true that the state is overspending, just like the US is overspending on it's military and other things. Your state is in deficit... France hasn't met the EU deficit limite which is bas since all the countires signed to limit it. Hopefully this will be corected but I prefer our state being in deficit and receiving good health care and all the other benefits than people getting awful health cares and seeing poverty rise.
padisha emperor said:
exactly !

the french deficit is here because the State spends lot of money for the welfare of citizens.

You mean the State spends the citizens tax money on the health of it's citizens?
dilloduck said:
You mean the State spends the citizens tax money on the health of it's citizens?
Yeah like that doesn't make sense...
I prefer it spends our money on our health than other things. At least we're not paying tax and having to also fully pay for our health care, like in the US.
j07950 said:
Yeah like that doesn't make sense...
I prefer it spends our money on our health than other things. At least we're not paying tax and having to also fully pay for our health care, like in the US.
Would you be willing to admit that the US not only takes care of it's own citizens but by default is now also expected to take care of the poor citizens of the WHOLE world---isolationism is a lot cheaper huh?

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