Freedom Alert

Keeping an eye on you anti-government paranoid nuts, good idea.

Protesting the government is one thing. Being so paranoid you stock up on guns and ammo for the coming war with your government is another.

This "list" also includes Veterans.

We are not stocking up on guns and ammo, but "your" President feels compelled to include "those" who freely and willingly enlist into the Military.

Talk about paranoid.

So. You agree with the Administration that those who served should be considered "Terrorists?"

This "list" also includes Veterans.

Like Tim McVeigh or the guy who just shot up Houston?



Obama's Justice Department: Conservatives, Libertarians More Dangerous Than ISIS - The Political Insider

You're clueless, as usual. The reason I asked for a link is that this is really old news and it appears you RWNJs are just now waking up. You dummies are always in such a hurry to blame President Obama that you miss the facts completely.

In case you think this is a new phenomenon, it’s not. Way back in 2007, the Bush administration’s Department of Homeland Security created a report warning police of potential “right-wing extremist” terrorists. They described such extremists as people who own gold, are military veterans, cite the Constitution, or supported Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Read more: Obama's Justice Department: Conservatives, Libertarians More Dangerous Than ISIS - The Political Insider

That happened because of idiots like you.

Marriage equality, transgenders, abortion, illegals - these are issues that impact very VERY few Americans and yet, here you are, every damn day, yammering on about them.

Meanwhile, real issues - The issues that do indeed impact us all in the long term as well as today, are ignored because your owners tell you to ignore the guy behind the curtain.

Anyone watch the VICE documentary Friday night? Of course not. You RWNJ dupes believe The Walking Dead is a documentary and wouldn't consider watching something factual. And VICE is even worse because its produced by Bill Maher and Fareed Zakaria.

Friday's edition had Edward Snowden on. He explained at length just how the govt keeps track of us - if you're interested, it may be on their website.

As to the OP, domestic terrorists do indeed pose a more immediate and actual threat to America than foreign terrorists.

Clueless in what way? I knew that this had been formed last year. You don't have a fucking clue as to who the men are behind the curtain. We pose a threat because we are waking people up to the fact that your beloved "gubermint" is nothing but a foreign owned entity that provides the 19 essential "gubermint" services as a for profit venture whose credit card bill they give to us to pay while they keep their profit and profits that are "tax-free". Yeah, I know exactly what is going on, how long it has gone on, and where they want to take it. You are a blind little sheep and an embarrassment to what this country use to be.

No Fale - Because you fall for every idiotic conspiracy theory, you actually know almost nothing.

"gubermint" is nothing but a foreign owned entity

If you have not, I strongly suggest you watch the documentary "Orwell Rolls In His Grave". Its available on YouTube.

As usual, you are wrong. I will watch the video though...always looking for new things to listen to when I am working.

You're clueless, as usual. The reason I asked for a link is that this is really old news and it appears you RWNJs are just now waking up. You dummies are always in such a hurry to blame President Obama that you miss the facts completely.

In case you think this is a new phenomenon, it’s not. Way back in 2007, the Bush administration’s Department of Homeland Security created a report warning police of potential “right-wing extremist” terrorists. They described such extremists as people who own gold, are military veterans, cite the Constitution, or supported Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Read more: Obama's Justice Department: Conservatives, Libertarians More Dangerous Than ISIS - The Political Insider

That happened because of idiots like you.

Marriage equality, transgenders, abortion, illegals - these are issues that impact very VERY few Americans and yet, here you are, every damn day, yammering on about them.

Meanwhile, real issues - The issues that do indeed impact us all in the long term as well as today, are ignored because your owners tell you to ignore the guy behind the curtain.

Anyone watch the VICE documentary Friday night? Of course not. You RWNJ dupes believe The Walking Dead is a documentary and wouldn't consider watching something factual. And VICE is even worse because its produced by Bill Maher and Fareed Zakaria.

Friday's edition had Edward Snowden on. He explained at length just how the govt keeps track of us - if you're interested, it may be on their website.

As to the OP, domestic terrorists do indeed pose a more immediate and actual threat to America than foreign terrorists.

But why include Veterans?

Why not?

If you're concerned about vets, write your R congress and demand they stop filibustering against Obama's jobs and housing bills for vets. Tell them you're glad that Obama just gave the military another raise and ask them to stop obstructing bills that benefit military, vets and their families.
Keeping an eye on you anti-government paranoid nuts, good idea.

Protesting the government is one thing. Being so paranoid you stock up on guns and ammo for the coming war with your government is another.

This "list" also includes Veterans.

We are not stocking up on guns and ammo, but "your" President feels compelled to include "those" who freely and willingly enlist into the Military.

Talk about paranoid.

So. You agree with the Administration that those who served should be considered "Terrorists?"

This "list" also includes Veterans.

Like Tim McVeigh or the guy who just shot up Houston?

Or, the guy who flew a plane into an IRS building. Or any of the many other cases where a vet lost it and started shooting.

What about "American sniper", Kyle whatever his name was who, it turned out, had lied about most of his service?

We indoctrinate vets to do the worst things imaginable but then demand they forget all that when they come back to the US.
The irs incident did not involve a vet.

And regarding Chris Kyle, keep up, will ya?
'American Sniper' Chris Kyle's military record challenged; Rick Perry blasts critics
Kyle's DD-214 paperwork, which he signed, lists two Silver Stars and six Bronze Stars, one more than his original claim. The DD-214 is supposed to be an official service record, but a Navy spokesperson told The Intercept that personnel files and official awards records are "authoritative sources for verifying entitlement to decorations and awards," possibly suggesting that the DD-214 could contain inaccuracies.

Furthermore, Navy officials said that the Navy is investigating the discrepancy, but has not explicitly stated that the DD-214 is incorrect. It is possible that it is correct, or that Kyle had no reason to believe that it wasn't correct.

Keeping an eye on you anti-government paranoid nuts, good idea.

Protesting the government is one thing. Being so paranoid you stock up on guns and ammo for the coming war with your government is another.

This "list" also includes Veterans.

We are not stocking up on guns and ammo, but "your" President feels compelled to include "those" who freely and willingly enlist into the Military.

Talk about paranoid.

So. You agree with the Administration that those who served should be considered "Terrorists?"

This "list" also includes Veterans.

Like Tim McVeigh or the guy who just shot up Houston?

Or, the guy who flew a plane into an IRS building. Or any of the many other cases where a vet lost it and started shooting.

What about "American sniper", Kyle whatever his name was who, it turned out, had lied about most of his service?

We indoctrinate vets to do the worst things imaginable but then demand they forget all that when they come back to the US.
Keeping an eye on you anti-government paranoid nuts, good idea.

Protesting the government is one thing. Being so paranoid you stock up on guns and ammo for the coming war with your government is another.

This "list" also includes Veterans.

We are not stocking up on guns and ammo, but "your" President feels compelled to include "those" who freely and willingly enlist into the Military.

Talk about paranoid.

So. You agree with the Administration that those who served should be considered "Terrorists?"

This "list" also includes Veterans.

Like Tim McVeigh or the guy who just shot up Houston?
Most certainly.

BUT... more than likely the "alleged" may also include those who don't or won't intend to bring harm to this nation.

Extremists of any kind should be scrutinized, but blanket scrutiny is unacceptable.
Keeping an eye on you anti-government paranoid nuts, good idea.

Protesting the government is one thing. Being so paranoid you stock up on guns and ammo for the coming war with your government is another.

This "list" also includes Veterans.

We are not stocking up on guns and ammo, but "your" President feels compelled to include "those" who freely and willingly enlist into the Military.

Talk about paranoid.

So. You agree with the Administration that those who served should be considered "Terrorists?"

This "list" also includes Veterans.

Like Tim McVeigh or the guy who just shot up Houston?
Most certainly.

BUT... more than likely the "alleged" may also include those who don't or won't intend to bring harm to this nation.

Extremists of any kind should be scrutinized, but blanket scrutiny is unacceptable.

It's not a stretch to say there are a whole lot of troubled veterans around nowadays. 22 on average are troubled enough to kill themselves daily. How many others are troubled enough to harm others?

It's a population worth watching and I say that as a veteran myself.

You're clueless, as usual. The reason I asked for a link is that this is really old news and it appears you RWNJs are just now waking up. You dummies are always in such a hurry to blame President Obama that you miss the facts completely.

In case you think this is a new phenomenon, it’s not. Way back in 2007, the Bush administration’s Department of Homeland Security created a report warning police of potential “right-wing extremist” terrorists. They described such extremists as people who own gold, are military veterans, cite the Constitution, or supported Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Read more: Obama's Justice Department: Conservatives, Libertarians More Dangerous Than ISIS - The Political Insider

That happened because of idiots like you.

Marriage equality, transgenders, abortion, illegals - these are issues that impact very VERY few Americans and yet, here you are, every damn day, yammering on about them.

Meanwhile, real issues - The issues that do indeed impact us all in the long term as well as today, are ignored because your owners tell you to ignore the guy behind the curtain.

Anyone watch the VICE documentary Friday night? Of course not. You RWNJ dupes believe The Walking Dead is a documentary and wouldn't consider watching something factual. And VICE is even worse because its produced by Bill Maher and Fareed Zakaria.

Friday's edition had Edward Snowden on. He explained at length just how the govt keeps track of us - if you're interested, it may be on their website.

As to the OP, domestic terrorists do indeed pose a more immediate and actual threat to America than foreign terrorists.

But why include Veterans?

Why not?

If you're concerned about vets, write your R congress and demand they stop filibustering against Obama's jobs and housing bills for vets. Tell them you're glad that Obama just gave the military another raise and ask them to stop obstructing bills that benefit military, vets and their families.

I am concerned about Vets, as well as those who are not working and supporting families in this economy.

My representatives are also aware of my expectations concerning housing for Vets as well as the homeless and needy families.

Elated that our Vets got a raise. My representatives are also aware of the needs of the Vets and their families.

I'm in Maryland. All of my Representatives are on board with the above.

Explain why Vets are included as potential terrorists?
Keeping an eye on you anti-government paranoid nuts, good idea.

Protesting the government is one thing. Being so paranoid you stock up on guns and ammo for the coming war with your government is another.

This "list" also includes Veterans.

We are not stocking up on guns and ammo, but "your" President feels compelled to include "those" who freely and willingly enlist into the Military.

Talk about paranoid.

So. You agree with the Administration that those who served should be considered "Terrorists?"

This "list" also includes Veterans.

Like Tim McVeigh or the guy who just shot up Houston?
Most certainly.

BUT... more than likely the "alleged" may also include those who don't or won't intend to bring harm to this nation.

Extremists of any kind should be scrutinized, but blanket scrutiny is unacceptable.

It's not a stretch to say there are a whole lot of troubled veterans around nowadays. 22 on average are troubled enough to kill themselves daily. How many others are troubled enough to harm others?

It's a population worth watching and I say that as a veteran myself.
And I agree.

I would hope and believe that the families of these individuals will assist in their need for counciling. The military also know who their problem children are, and should be aware. Prior to release is when this situation should be addressed.

The VA is experiencing management issues and are failing our Vets. Our Combat Vets shouldn't be vilified. They should be cared for.
Keeping an eye on you anti-government paranoid nuts, good idea.

Protesting the government is one thing. Being so paranoid you stock up on guns and ammo for the coming war with your government is another.

This "list" also includes Veterans.

We are not stocking up on guns and ammo, but "your" President feels compelled to include "those" who freely and willingly enlist into the Military.

Talk about paranoid.

So. You agree with the Administration that those who served should be considered "Terrorists?"

This "list" also includes Veterans.

Like Tim McVeigh or the guy who just shot up Houston?
Most certainly.

BUT... more than likely the "alleged" may also include those who don't or won't intend to bring harm to this nation.

Extremists of any kind should be scrutinized, but blanket scrutiny is unacceptable.

It's not a stretch to say there are a whole lot of troubled veterans around nowadays. 22 on average are troubled enough to kill themselves daily. How many others are troubled enough to harm others?

It's a population worth watching and I say that as a veteran myself.
And I agree.

I would hope and believe that the families of these individuals will assist in their need for counciling. The military also know who their problem children are, and should be aware. Prior to release is when this situation should be addressed.

The VA is experiencing management issues and are failing our Vets. Our Combat Vets shouldn't be vilified. They should be cared for.

I agree completely. Combat vets, especially those with multiple deployments, should go through a sort of reverse basic training before separation. Take a couple of months with them to decompress and work on their issues rather than being dumped cold on the street with a half dozen prescriptions in hand.
This "list" also includes Veterans.

We are not stocking up on guns and ammo, but "your" President feels compelled to include "those" who freely and willingly enlist into the Military.

Talk about paranoid.

So. You agree with the Administration that those who served should be considered "Terrorists?"

This "list" also includes Veterans.

Like Tim McVeigh or the guy who just shot up Houston?
Most certainly.

BUT... more than likely the "alleged" may also include those who don't or won't intend to bring harm to this nation.

Extremists of any kind should be scrutinized, but blanket scrutiny is unacceptable.

It's not a stretch to say there are a whole lot of troubled veterans around nowadays. 22 on average are troubled enough to kill themselves daily. How many others are troubled enough to harm others?

It's a population worth watching and I say that as a veteran myself.
And I agree.

I would hope and believe that the families of these individuals will assist in their need for counciling. The military also know who their problem children are, and should be aware. Prior to release is when this situation should be addressed.

The VA is experiencing management issues and are failing our Vets. Our Combat Vets shouldn't be vilified. They should be cared for.

I agree completely. Combat vets, especially those with multiple deployments, should go through a sort of reverse basic training before separation. Take a couple of months with them to decompress and work on their issues rather than being dumped cold on the street with a half dozen prescriptions in hand.

You're clueless, as usual. The reason I asked for a link is that this is really old news and it appears you RWNJs are just now waking up. You dummies are always in such a hurry to blame President Obama that you miss the facts completely.

In case you think this is a new phenomenon, it’s not. Way back in 2007, the Bush administration’s Department of Homeland Security created a report warning police of potential “right-wing extremist” terrorists. They described such extremists as people who own gold, are military veterans, cite the Constitution, or supported Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Read more: Obama's Justice Department: Conservatives, Libertarians More Dangerous Than ISIS - The Political Insider

That happened because of idiots like you.

Marriage equality, transgenders, abortion, illegals - these are issues that impact very VERY few Americans and yet, here you are, every damn day, yammering on about them.

Meanwhile, real issues - The issues that do indeed impact us all in the long term as well as today, are ignored because your owners tell you to ignore the guy behind the curtain.

Anyone watch the VICE documentary Friday night? Of course not. You RWNJ dupes believe The Walking Dead is a documentary and wouldn't consider watching something factual. And VICE is even worse because its produced by Bill Maher and Fareed Zakaria.

Friday's edition had Edward Snowden on. He explained at length just how the govt keeps track of us - if you're interested, it may be on their website.

As to the OP, domestic terrorists do indeed pose a more immediate and actual threat to America than foreign terrorists.

Let's see here....your beloved "gubermint" is running semi-automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels that have basically taken over 50 to 70 miles within the southwestern border of USA.INC (which is basically wide open for anyone to come over). We have the Chinese using Costco as a front with a deep water port given to them by Bill "drop trou" to funnel semi-automatic weapons to gangs. Leeland Yee, a demcrat California state senator that was busted for trying to sell semi-automatics to an undercover officer....but what the fuck...that's not a danger at all...according to leftards.

The FBI has claimed that there are ISIS cells in all 50 states (of course we all know that they are backed by the CIA and are there with the CIA's blessing) but holy shit!!!! America is in mortal danger because those that believe in the 2nd amendment, believe in constitutional law and returning veterans are a "threat" to USA.INC......seriously, you just can't make this shit up.

People that are "anti-federal" gubermint are a threat? You bet your fucking ass that I am one of them because they can't stand under the light of truth of what they actually are AND I will keep exposing this corporate entity that is trying to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body until they shut me down. The biggest threat to freedom and liberty isn't people like';s the ones trying to suppress those that know something stinks in D.C....get it now?

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