Free Voter ID Cards

Typical Democrat liar. Every State that required an ID provides a free ID. There is no cost.

ok, fine, anything you say, anything you are willing to believe, after all, you are the IDIOT.

Instead of dancing, no balls, why don't you just name one?

Crickets... How's the research coming? Got a State yet?

the STATE doesn't charge the card holder you idiot ... the STATE waves a magic wand and those cards with pictures on them and all your personal information that gets confirmed by FREE employees in the State BEFORE you get your card back in the FREE MAIL delivered right to your door by a FREE postman driving a FREE truck burning FREE gas just appears, FREE !

you F'n dope.
Got that example of voter ID preventing a single fraudulent vote yet?
Gosh, they seem too eager to post examples of voter fraud in other topics!

I guess it is finally sinking in that every one of them was not caught by Voter ID. All their examples have been absentee fraud, poll worker fraud, and other frauds which cannot be caught by voter ID, some of which were committed in states that have Voter ID.

The tenacity of their grip on their wasteful and ineffective Voter ID is astonishing. They clearly want fraud and taxpayer dollars wasted. They are incredibly insistent on it.
The STUPIDITY of their grip on their wasteful and ineffective Voter ID is astonishing
Got that example of voter ID preventing a single fraudulent vote yet?
Gosh, they seem too eager to post examples of voter fraud in other topics!

I guess it is finally sinking in that every one of them was not caught by Voter ID. All their examples have been absentee fraud, poll worker fraud, and other frauds which cannot be caught by voter ID, some of which were committed in states that have Voter ID.

The tenacity of their grip on their wasteful and ineffective Voter ID is astonishing. They clearly want fraud and taxpayer dollars wasted. They are incredibly insistent on it.

Ok since you asked:
Jaw-Dropping Study Claims Large Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote in U.S.
How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

Jaw-Dropping Study Claims Large Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote in U.S. National Review Online
Like that woman who voted for Obama SIX TIMES. They love plastering her photo as evidence we need Voter ID. But she voted for Obama SIX TIMES in a VOTER ID STATE!!!

I see, so it's the old liberal we get one solution and it has to fix all problems itself or we can't do it gag. I always enjoy that one.
Voter ID has not fixed ANY problems. You dumbasses have WASTED TAXPAYER MONEY.

No matter how many times you stand on your hind legs and screech bullshit to the heavens, it is still bullshit!
Voter ID does not stop fraud.

Idiotic and unsupportable assertion.

It is very good at wasting taxpayer dollars. It is very good at providing a false sense of security which enables fraud to continue unabated.

Idiotic and unsupportable assertion based on a false premise.

Voter ID is a means to help fraud continue while wasting tax dollars. Such a dastardly outcome can only mean it is a liberal scheme.

Incredibly-stupid conclusion by an incredibly-stupid person.

Looks like you managed the hat trick, trollboy!

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