Free Voter ID Cards

Voter ID does not stop fraud. It is very good at wasting taxpayer dollars. It is very good at providing a false sense of security which enables fraud to continue unabated.

Voter ID is a means to help fraud continue while wasting tax dollars. Such a dastardly outcome can only mean it is a liberal scheme.

Yet it's taxpayers who are overwhelmingly in favor of checking ID. Why do you suppose that is?
From the link about North Carolina:
Specifically, the check found 765 voters whose first and last names, dates of birth and last four digits of their Social Security numbers matched exactly with a voter registered in another state and who voted in both states in 2012.

Not by checking IDs. Detected by cross-checking voter registrations.



Like I have said for years, Voter ID proponents cannot provide even ONE example of voter fraud which can only be prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

The evidence is overwhelming that Voter ID is a complete waste of taxpayer dollars and total failure at achieving its stated goals.
And the comprehensive lack of evidence in support of voter ID laws, that they in no way combat fraud, is why they manifest an undue burden to the fundamental right to vote and are consequently un-Constitutional.
Voter ID does not stop fraud. It is very good at wasting taxpayer dollars. It is very good at providing a false sense of security which enables fraud to continue unabated.

Voter ID is a means to help fraud continue while wasting tax dollars. Such a dastardly outcome can only mean it is a liberal scheme.

Yet it's taxpayers who are overwhelmingly in favor of checking ID. Why do you suppose that is?
Because they believe the advertising and don't take the time to analyze its zero success rate. They have been given a false sense of security.
Anywho, I'll just leave this here:

If voter fraud doesn't exist, then why do we have Democratic elections officials endorsing it? Funny how your arguments fall apart when the tomfoolery of your party is exposed.
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Voter ID proponents cannot provide even ONE example of voter fraud which can only be prevented or stopped by Voter ID

Someone showing up and claiming they are someone they are not and voting as if they were.
Voter ID does not stop fraud. It is very good at wasting taxpayer dollars. It is very good at providing a false sense of security which enables fraud to continue unabated.

Voter ID is a means to help fraud continue while wasting tax dollars. Such a dastardly outcome can only mean it is a liberal scheme.

Yet it's taxpayers who are overwhelmingly in favor of checking ID. Why do you suppose that is?
Because they believe the advertising and don't take the time to analyze its zero success rate. They have been given a false sense of security.

Wrong, because we are paying the bills the voters stick us with .
I hope you guys noticed that whenever someone provides only a link as "evidence", and does not quote from it, that is a pretty good sign they are full of shit.
maybe a voter ID card will have an effect on the next Presidential election.

Will the Electoral College please present your cards.
Voter ID proponents cannot provide even ONE example of voter fraud which can only be prevented or stopped by Voter ID

Someone showing up and claiming they are someone they are not and voting as if they were.

I did not ask for a hypothetical.

If you spent ten seconds thinking about your hypothetical, you would know what that rarely happens. And certainly does not happen often enough to affect the outcome of an election.
Voter ID proponents cannot provide even ONE example of voter fraud which can only be prevented or stopped by Voter ID

Someone showing up and claiming they are someone they are not and voting as if they were.

I did not ask for a hypothetical.

If you spent ten seconds thinking about your hypothetical, you would know what that rarely happens. And certainly does not happen often enough to affect the outcome of an election.

How do I know that if no one is checking in States that don't check?
Voter ID does not stop fraud. It is very good at wasting taxpayer dollars. It is very good at providing a false sense of security which enables fraud to continue unabated.

Voter ID is a means to help fraud continue while wasting tax dollars. Such a dastardly outcome can only mean it is a liberal scheme.

Yet it's taxpayers who are overwhelmingly in favor of checking ID. Why do you suppose that is?
Because they believe the advertising and don't take the time to analyze its zero success rate. They have been given a false sense of security.

So tell me, what happens when an illegal immigrant votes? They don't have an ID, and they aren't citizens. Should their votes count? Or should we prevent such activity with voter ID?
Every single case of someone voting in someone else's name ever posted on this forum was a case of absentee ballot fraud.

Every single one.

And those cannot be stopped or prevented by Voter ID.
So tell me, what happens when an illegal immigrant votes?

Now we are back to hypotheticals. This is how you know you have lost. You are evading the request for ONE case of actual fraud which was caught by Voter ID.

Show me illegals are actually voting and that Voter ID is the only way to catch them.

If millions of illegals were voting, at least a few of them would have been caught by now.
Charging anything - even $8.50 - for a voter ID is essentially a poll tax.
You aren't being charged a fee/excised a tax by the state to register to vote or to cast a ballot at the poll, so its -not- a poll tax.

You'll note that none of the court arguments regarding voter IDs have in any way revolved around the idea of a poll tax; they all center around discrimination against minorities.

In this, you are demonstrably wrong.

"None of the court arguments regarding voter IDs have in any way revolved around the idea of a poll tax ...."

Oh really?

“(Reuters) - A federal judge on Thursday struck down a Texas law requiring voters to show identification at polls, saying it placed an unconstitutional burden on voters and discriminated against minorities.

In a ruling that follows a two-week trial in Corpus Christi of a lawsuit challenging the law, U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos also found that it amounted to an unconstitutional poll tax."

Federal judge strikes down Texas law requiring voter ID at polls Reuters

Man enough to admit you're wrong? We will see.
People are getting caught fraudulently voting by absentee ballot. Not caught by Voter ID.

People are getting caught fraudulently voting in more than one voting district. Not caught by Voter ID.

Poll workers of both parties have been caught altering ballots. Not caught by Voter ID.

Dead people are not always purged from voter registration rolls in a timely manner. Voter ID does not purge them.

All of these types of fraud and problems go on. The people who have committed these frauds have not been deterred by the fact others have been caught at it.

But we are supposed to IMAGINE that millions of illegals were voting, even though they were never caught at it, and that they all now 100 percent deterred because of Voter ID. There is no evidence it was going on before Voter ID. We are supposed to ASSUME it was so we can claim Voter ID is a success now that it has stopped. :laugh:

All of this is imaginary, with zero evidence to support any aspect this fantasy.

This is like that joke about the maniac hopping up and down and screaming at the top of his lungs in the middle of Times Square. A cop asks him what he is doing. "I'm scaring away the elephants." The cop points out there are no elephants in Times Square. "See? It's working!"

That's Voter ID. A maniac hopping up and down screaming, claiming to keep the illegals out of the voting booth.

There is no evidence they were ever there to begin with.

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