Freaky First Day of Fall

I planned to post this MUCH earlier and I don't think the official full first day of fall isn't until tomorrow, but we have a Trump rally then, so bring on the Halloween stuff now!! :D mudwhistle, Toffeenut Baconsmuggler

So it's a Halloween fright you want then? Well alrighty then....

Welcome to the Fall of America, followed by Biden's cold, dark, Winter of misery and death. Buwahh ha ha ha ha.

So it's a Halloween fright you want then? Well alrighty then....

Welcome to the Fall of America, followed by Biden's cold, dark, Winter of misery and death. Buwahh ha ha ha ha.

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I think it's cool that you like Halloween but really? Did you have to show me that picture? I didn't want to give people heart attacks. :omg:
Boo!!! Happy Halloween!!!


I gotta take a break for dinner now, but it's good to see another Christian who has fun with the holiday and don't forget, on October 18th will be USMB's second annual Thirteen Days Till Halloween and on the 31st (Halloween night) will be my second annual spooktactular Halloween party. The Great Hall will be a new Harry Potter inspired Halloween recipe thread on October 1st. :D
And here I am wanting to exercise some restraint in my Hallowe'en decorating, so as not to scare the kiddies too horribly! I live in a town where Trick-or-Treat is HUGE and the little kids start well before dark.
Anyways sorry for the delay guys, I was finishing up on all the videos. Here's some more. :)


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