Franklin Roosevelts views of Nazi Germany 1933 through 1938

After the Kristallnacht attacks in Germany in November 1938, President Roosevelt expressed his shock “that such things could occur in a 20th century civilization.” He summoned the US ambassador in Berlin, Hugh Wilson, home for consultation. The United States did not have an ambassador in Germany again until after World War II. FDR also allowed between 12,000-15,000 Germans traveling in the United States on temporary visitor visas to remain in the country rather than forcing them to return to Europe. He used executive authority to grant a six month extension to the visas, and repeatedly extended the visas until the end of the war.
FDR discriminated against Jews from Germany, was against blacks serving in Combat, Jailed Japanese, Germans and Italians once WW2 started and if any other president did that, you would be really angry.

During President Roosevelt's first term, tens of thousands of German Jews applied at American consulates to immigrate to the United States. Yet the Great Depression and restrictive American immigration laws severely reduced immigration opportunities for refugees.

So your claim that the Nazis were allowed to live in the USA thanks to FDR. And you see that as correct?
Step up when you get educated. FDR never brought us out of the depression. This war was forced and war got us out. FDR did what? Learn history.

Wow, you really do listen to that Hate Radio garbage, don't you?

Yes, FDR got us out of the Depression. It's why he got elected four times.

the fucking Republicans had to change the rules after he died, that's how popular he was.

No. Google put the system in. Now, why don't you have any real intelligence?

Google is a great tool, but it's no substitute for Critical Thinking.

Of course, if you had critical thinking, you wouldn't be a Mormon Cultist.
FDR discriminated against Jews from Germany, was against blacks serving in Combat, Jailed Japanese, Germans and Italians once WW2 started and if any other president did that, you would be really angry.

Let's unpack this shit.

The restrictive immigration laws were put into place before FDR got there. They were really against ANYONE from Germany, not just the Jews. (As an aside, my grandparents immigrated from Germany in 1925, right before they slammed down the door.)

FDR did quite a lot to advance blacks overall, including the creation of black fighter pilot units.

The internment of Japanese Americans had widespread, bipartisan support. The only Germans and Japanese who got locked up were guys who were outright Nazis and Fascists like Fritz Kuhn.

Here's the thing about the internment of Japanese Americans. It wasn't a widespread policy. Japanese Americans in Hawaii, where they made up something like 37% of the population, were free to go about their business. Japanese-Americans in California, on the other hand, were screwed, mainly because Earl Warren (Republican) had a bug up his ass about them being a fifth column if the Japanese got that far.

Now, all of this falls under the "product of their time". Americans should have been much more enlightened, but we weren't.

During President Roosevelt's first term, tens of thousands of German Jews applied at American consulates to immigrate to the United States. Yet the Great Depression and restrictive American immigration laws severely reduced immigration opportunities for refugees.

Yes, yes, they did. But again, most of those laws were implemented before FDR got there. Ironically, we didn't want more people from Europe, but people from Latin America had no restrictions. Today, it's the opposite; we'd love more Europeans, but they really don't want to come over, while we live in fear of Latin Americans making the country too brown. So maybe we haven't advanced all that much.

So your claim that the Nazis were allowed to live in the USA thanks to FDR. And you see that as correct?

Except that's not really true, either. The German-American Bund never had more than 25,000 members, and we locked up their leader, the aforementioned Herr Kuhn, long before we got involved in the war.
The restrictive immigration laws were put into place before FDR got there. They were really against ANYONE from Germany, not just the Jews. (As an aside, my grandparents immigrated from Germany in 1925, right before they slammed down the door.)

FDR did quite a lot to advance blacks overall, including the creation of black fighter pilot units.

The internment of Japanese Americans had widespread, bipartisan support. The only Germans and Japanese who got locked up were guys who were outright Nazis and Fascists like Fritz Kuhn.

Here's the thing about the internment of Japanese Americans. It wasn't a widespread policy. Japanese Americans in Hawaii, where they made up something like 37% of the population, were free to go about their business. Japanese-Americans in California, on the other hand, were screwed, mainly because Earl Warren (Republican) had a bug up his ass about them being a fifth column if the Japanese got that far.

Now, all of this falls under the "product of their time". Americans should have been much more enlightened, but we weren't.
Notice you did not bother to post those restrictive immigration laws. Let's all view what you claim. I notice you forgive for things like this just Democrats. Roosevelt did not jail Japanese, Italians and Germans prior to 1942. However that "Son of a you know what," started that when he figured out how to get us into WW2. Easy as far as Japan.

1. Embargo oil
2. Stop shipping Japan Steel scrap.
3. Send the Flying Tigers to China to make war on Japan.
We have history books detailing how FDR was the father of war in WW2 as far as the USA was involved. He was a master of getting hundreds of thousands of our citizens to go wage war and die suppoedly to protect this country. Well Hawaii was not our Country. We stripped if from the natives.

Buddy, you were not alive and living under FDR. But I damned sure was.
Yes, yes, they did. But again, most of those laws were implemented before FDR got there. Ironically, we didn't want more people from Europe, but people from Latin America had no restrictions. Today, it's the opposite; we'd love more Europeans, but they really don't want to come over, while we live in fear of Latin Americans making the country too brown. So maybe we haven't advanced all that much.
FDR, were he a champion of civil rights, could have raised so much hell he could have got those Jews brought to this country, where they did not have your dark skins, they often were well educated and productive. Latin America is another myth promoted by our Democrats. First we had a saying at school that Latin was a language dead, so dead now it is killing me. This country has long caused Mexicans to suffer by assigning them the shit jobs. Telling us that is what they are good for. Might as well kept the blacks doing that work, huh?

Brown is not the issue at all. What it is clearly the matter of laws. We have great ways to get browns in the usa. It is called following our nation's laws. When one encourages others to break laws, sure they will be happy to keep breaking laws after they illegally enter.
The internment of Japanese Americans had widespread, bipartisan support. The only Germans and Japanese who got locked up were guys who were outright Nazis and Fascists like Fritz Kuhn.
Since my former friend is now dead, as many of his family I used to know are, I will use his name as my example. Vernon Yoshioka, yes a japanese American, was a natural citizen. But his grandparents had immigrated from Japan. FDR rounded them all up, and yes citizens like Vernon, and put them in a prison. I first met Vernon at High School and we became pals. Vernon was a good student. Vernon graduated from MIT and spent years designing airplanes used by the US Military. His final assignment prior to him retiring was at Los Angeles designing the DC10 I believe. Vernon never told me he was locked up when we were at high school. He was at my office in CA when he first told me he was put into a prison. I used to call Vernon when he was at MIT just to keep him grounded in CA affairs. We would spend time at San Diego chumming around. I was at his home as well. I went to his mother's funeral service. So when you call Vernon a fascist like your pal Fritz Kuhn who sounds like he was a German and not Japanese, you drew your gun and aimed at my dead pal.
FDR did quite a lot to advance blacks overall, including the creation of black fighter pilot units.
Sure, some blacks did get training. But when the hell did they get to fly in combat? What good did it do to train blacks and hold them out of war jobs?

Segregation in the Armed Forces​

During the 1920s and ‘30s, the exploits of record-setting pilots like Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart had captivated the nation, and thousands of young men and women clamored to follow in their footsteps.

But young African Americans who aspired to become pilots met with significant obstacles, starting with the widespread (racist) belief that Black people could not learn to fly or operate sophisticated aircraft.

In 1938, with Europe teetering on the brink of another great war, President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced he would expand the civilian pilot training program in the United States.

At the time, racial segregation remained the rule in the U.S. armed forces—as well as much of the country. Much of the military establishment (particularly in the South) believed Black soldiers were inferior to whites, and performed relatively poorly in combat.

But as the AAC began ramping up its training program, Black newspapers like the Chicago Defender and Pittsburgh Courier joined civil rights groups like the NAACP in arguing that Black Americans be included.

Note: FDR was not trying to get them into war planes. Look who kicked his ass!!!

Among the 13 members of the first class of aviation cadets in 1941 was Benjamin O. Davis Jr., a graduate of West Point and the son of Brig. Gen. Benjamin O. Davis, one of two Black officers (other than chaplains) in the entire U.S. military.

The “Tuskegee Experiment” took a great leap forward in April 1941 thanks to a visit by Eleanor Roosevelt to the airfield. Charles “Chief” Anderson, then the chief flight instructor in the program, took the first lady on an aerial tour, and photos and film of that flight helped publicize the program.

So when did blacks get into the war? Notice too only black college graduates got to fly war planes, precisely just the small fighter planes.
In April 1943, the Tuskegee-trained 99th Pursuit Squadron deployed to North Africa, which the Allies had occupied.

In North Africa and then Sicily, they flew missions in second-hand P-40 planes, which were slower and more difficult to maneuver than their German counterparts. After the commander of the 99th’s assigned fighter group complained about the squadron’s performance, Davis had to defend his men before a War Department committee.

Rather than being shipped home, the 99th was moved to Italy, where they served alongside the white pilots of the 79th Fighter Group. In early 1944, pilots from the 99th shot down 12 German fighters in two days, going some distance toward proving themselves in combat.

This I got from the history of the pilots. Notice that it was in early 1944 they were allowed to be in actual combat. Africa was already under control of the allies.
When you want to keep bragging about FDR, unpack his shit first.
Wow, you really do listen to that Hate Radio garbage, don't you?

Yes, FDR got us out of the Depression. It's why he got elected four times.

the fucking Republicans had to change the rules after he died, that's how popular he was.
I get my hate discussion fulfilled by you. You hate white women who are merely in the capitol. I never listen to radio. The radio is in the car and I hardly drive it. FDR was president when FEAR was his game. He got elected not for curing the depression, but because he had the job locked up. Read the book by Amity Schlaes to get his history correct. It is called the Forgotten Man. And FDR forget so many that is as good as he got.
We did not get a republican as president until Ike was president and that was way after WW2. (1953 to 1961)

Google is a great tool, but it's no substitute for Critical Thinking.
You would not know. For the record, what you actually amount to is being a committed Bigot.
FDR EXTENDED the Great Depression. WWII defense spending was what ended it.
The myth that FDR ended the depression is a dream that is promoted by Democrats. He entered office in 1933. The depression ended supposedly in 1941.


The longest and deepest downturn in the history of the United States and the modern industrial economy lasted more than a decade, beginning in 1929 and ending during World War II in 1941.

Notice you did not bother to post those restrictive immigration laws. Let's all view what you claim. I notice you forgive for things like this just Democrats. Roosevelt did not jail Japanese, Italians and Germans prior to 1942. However that "Son of a you know what," started that when he figured out how to get us into WW2. Easy as far as Japan.

Okay, doing the right thing. The problem was the Japanese were committing a genocidal war in China. Rape of Nanking, so gruesome even the Nazis were horrified by it. Embargoing oil and steal was the right call, short of going to war.

1. Embargo oil
2. Stop shipping Japan Steel scrap.
3. Send the Flying Tigers to China to make war on Japan.
We have history books detailing how FDR was the father of war in WW2 as far as the USA was involved. He was a master of getting hundreds of thousands of our citizens to go wage war and die suppoedly to protect this country. Well Hawaii was not our Country. We stripped if from the natives.

It was a territory of the United States.

Buddy, you were not alive and living under FDR. But I damned sure was.

You were what, six?

FDR, were he a champion of civil rights, could have raised so much hell he could have got those Jews brought to this country, where they did not have your dark skins, they often were well educated and productive. Latin America is another myth promoted by our Democrats. First we had a saying at school that Latin was a language dead, so dead now it is killing me. This country has long caused Mexicans to suffer by assigning them the shit jobs. Telling us that is what they are good for. Might as well kept the blacks doing that work, huh?

Why would he have raised hell to get more immigrants when we didn't have enough jobs for the people who were here already.

Brown is not the issue at all. What it is clearly the matter of laws. We have great ways to get browns in the usa. It is called following our nation's laws. When one encourages others to break laws, sure they will be happy to keep breaking laws after they illegally enter.

Again, our system is broken, has been broken for years.
The myth that FDR ended the depression is a dream that is promoted by Democrats. He entered office in 1933. The depression ended supposedly in 1941.

Well, not exactly. The Depression was largely over by 1936, but then there was a second smaller depression in 1937.

You would not know. For the record, what you actually amount to is being a committed Bigot.

Well, no, you belong to a cult. People are polite to your cult when they shouldn't be, but it's still a cult.
Well, not exactly. The Depression was largely over by 1936, but then there was a second smaller depression in 1937.
That is not true. While the economy did improve, the results were short lived. To the point hardly was noticed.
Okay, doing the right thing. The problem was the Japanese were committing a genocidal war in China. Rape of Nanking, so gruesome even the Nazis were horrified by it. Embargoing oil and steal was the right call, short of going to war.
FDR promoted war. Simple to understand.
Okay, doing the right thing. The problem was the Japanese were committing a genocidal war in China. Rape of Nanking, so gruesome even the Nazis were horrified by it. Embargoing oil and steal was the right call, short of going to war.
FDR promoted war. Simple to understand.
You were what, six?
You were what, something a teen wants later in life? Sperm???
My uncles fought FDRs wars. One who was in the infantry was later killed by the Communists in Korea right after the war started. Were you dumb when you were six? FDR died in 1945 and at the time I was 8.
Why would he have raised hell to get more immigrants when we didn't have enough jobs for the people who were here already.
There lives were in danger. You know, what you think those invading the USA love to claim.
It was a territory of the United States.
Really, I have been there multiple times. My daughter lives there as a nurse. My step kids live there. We confiscated it from the natives. What you call is very legal. Suddenly you think confiscation is legal.
Okay, doing the right thing. The problem was the Japanese were committing a genocidal war in China. Rape of Nanking, so gruesome even the Nazis were horrified by it. Embargoing oil and steal was the right call, short of going to war.

It was a territory of the United States.

You were what, six?

Why would he have raised hell to get more immigrants when we didn't have enough jobs for the people who were here already.

Again, our system is broken, has been broken for years.
Well, that is what Democrats who made our laws always claim. They broke it but want keep saying it is broke. The system is not actually broke. We do not claim this about bank robbers or killers. We never say what they do is fine because the system is broken.

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