Franklin Roosevelts views of Nazi Germany 1933 through 1938


Jesse Owens Slighted by FDR

Jesse Owens felt slighted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) after his triumphs at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Owens won four gold medals but did not receive a congratulatory telegram from the President, unlike the white medal winners who were invited to the White House. Owens expressed his disappointment, stating, “Hitler didn’t snub me. It was FDR who snubbed me.” This sentiment highlights the racial discrimination Owens faced upon his return to the United States, despite his global acclaim.
And Owens supported Alf Landon for President in 1938 and Wilkie in 1940.
Before FDR……Harding, Coolidge and Hoover were Republicans
Why didn’t they invoke Civil Rights in their administrations?
The South Could Have Stopped Abolitionism by Supporting Labor Unions

The Republicans provoked the Civil War only because they wanted to use the freed slaves as cheap White-Replacement labor. When they found out that the Africans were lazy, incompetent, and often wouldn't show up for work, they threw them under the bus.
If France and the UK had recognized the danger, they could have taken steps to minimize it. Instead, they concentrated on their internal problems and the results of the Great Depression. France never took effective steps to rearm before Poland was invaded allowing defense companies to dither and depending on arms and aircraft purchased from the USA instead, most of which either never arrived before the fall of France or too late to be integrated into France's defenses.
Histwhorians Are Palace Heralds

You're saying that Germany could rearm during an even greater Depression but its historical enemies couldn't? It is a mathematical and logical fallacy to not change both sides of an equation.
Histwhorians Are Palace Heralds

You're saying that Germany could rearm during an even greater Depression but its historical enemies couldn't? It is a mathematical and logical fallacy to not change both sides of an equation.
Germany beggared itself with its rearmament program and since it was barely a nominal democracy the Nazis didn't have to answer to the voters. France and the UK had to appease the voters who didn't want to spend large amounts of money on a war that would never come. Remember, WWI was "the war to end all wars"
Obvious Truths Are Never Told to Us Little People

That it protected Japanese against American fury over Pearl Harbor. Besides, it was their patriotic duty to understand such war paranoia and accept it.
Wrong at every level. American citizens had no responsibility to allow themselves to be interned. German, Italian and Japanese aliens DID have such a responsibility until they could be repatriated. The USA used a three-tier structure for European enemy aliens. Those determined to not be a threat and wanted to remain in the USA were freed and allowed to, but under observation. Those determined to be a threat, but who didn't want repatriation were interned in camps similar to the ones holding the Japanese and Japanese Americans. Those determined to be a threat, and that desired repatriation were repatriated under the supervision of neutral countries and/or the Red Cross. The Japanese aliens were not repatriated because Japan refused to repatriate Allied civilians in their power who were confined under far worse conditions than the American held aliens. Treatment of interned civilians was pretty benign among Germany, the UK and USA, not so by Japan.
So, a bare minimum.
Every landslide starts with a pebble rolling. People were far more racist in the thirties and fortes than they are now. That's something IM2 and his compatriots refuse to acknowledge. Things are far better now, even if they are not perfect.

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