Frank Luntz fires both barrells


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Speaking at a briefing for the British strategic advising company Global Counsel, Luntz said Trump’s advisers have “their heads up their asses” if they think Hunter Biden will be a winning issue for them.

“I’ve never seen a campaign more mis-calibrated than the Trump campaign. Frankly, his staff ought to be brought up on charges of political malpractice,” Luntz said.
“It is the worst campaign I’ve ever seen and I’ve been watching them since 1980. They’re on the wrong issues. They’re on the wrong message. They’ve got their heads up their assess. … Your damn job is to get your candidate to talk about things that are relevant to the people you need to reach. And if you can’t do your damn job then get out.”

The Trump campaign has been running ads and holding daily briefings to draw attention to allegations that Hunter Biden sought to profit off his father’s political connections.

Trump on Tuesday called on Attorney General William Barr
Bill BarrDC correspondent on the death of Michael Reinoehl: 'The folks I know in law enforcement are extremely angry about it'DOJ says Trump can't be sued for denying rape accusationJuan Williams: Trump's search for dirt falls flatMORE to investigate

But maybe Trump has no plan to navigate the virus
Frank Luntz..... is a big supporter of a US war with Iran....

and knows which candidate will lie us into such a war.....

Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.
I would remind all that Trump was getting ass handed to him in 2016, then two things happened, Steven Bannon and Kelly Conway, he has neither in 2020.... I have always believed that those two are the ones who won Trump the 2016 election, further I also believe that the vast majority of voters are to stupid to care, they are already serfs in all but name and this shit will not compute to their myopic brains....This is why Luntz, and Thiessen are raving, and melting down, they are seeing the polling and they know the electorate, just as with virtually every democrat, don't mind that Biden is a traitor, they just want to know what is in it for themselves! :wink:
Luntz is probably half right. Where he is wrong -- negative ads work, and Hunter and family making millions selling access to Daddy Joe Biden falls right in to that.

Where he is right -- the campaign can't be all - Look at how bad Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden is. It has to be more "What will Trump do for you". Of course Trump does spend time on this message during the his rallies ; however, he hasn't been able to stay on this message quite so much during the debate and town hall meeting.
The "British strategic advising company"? What the hell is Luntz advising the Brits about? Maybe the Global Counsel should give Luntz a few tips on how the Brits used one of their agents to influence an American election and manufacture a fake dossier used in a freaking impeachment.
Brits have the same Zionist Deep State problem we have, along with Rupert Murdoch owned media properties....

Anyone still confused about Rupert Murdoch has an IQ under 5. The guy is 100% Zionist Jew, 100% dishonest, 100% for Israel and 100% for US wars to benefit Israel paid for by US taxpayers. When Fox News took over the GOP base, that's when the fiscal conservatism of the GOP vanished....
The "British strategic advising company"? What the hell is Luntz advising the Brits about? Maybe the Global Counsel should give Luntz a few tips on how the Brits used one of their agents to influence an American election and manufacture a fake dossier used in a freaking impeachment.
A NWO group....
Speaking at a briefing for the British strategic advising company Global Counsel, Luntz said Trump’s advisers have “their heads up their asses” if they think Hunter Biden will be a winning issue for them.

“I’ve never seen a campaign more mis-calibrated than the Trump campaign. Frankly, his staff ought to be brought up on charges of political malpractice,” Luntz said.
“It is the worst campaign I’ve ever seen and I’ve been watching them since 1980. They’re on the wrong issues. They’re on the wrong message. They’ve got their heads up their assess. … Your damn job is to get your candidate to talk about things that are relevant to the people you need to reach. And if you can’t do your damn job then get out.”

The Trump campaign has been running ads and holding daily briefings to draw attention to allegations that Hunter Biden sought to profit off his father’s political connections.

Trump on Tuesday called on Attorney General William Barr
Bill BarrDC correspondent on the death of Michael Reinoehl: 'The folks I know in law enforcement are extremely angry about it'DOJ says Trump can't be sued for denying rape accusationJuan Williams: Trump's search for dirt falls flatMORE to investigate

But maybe Trump has no plan to navigate the virus

Like it or not this stuff will be all over for the next few months. You folks can sit back and scream "nuh-uh" but something is happening.
Speaking at a briefing for the British strategic advising company Global Counsel, Luntz said Trump’s advisers have “their heads up their asses” if they think Hunter Biden will be a winning issue for them.

“I’ve never seen a campaign more mis-calibrated than the Trump campaign. Frankly, his staff ought to be brought up on charges of political malpractice,” Luntz said.
“It is the worst campaign I’ve ever seen and I’ve been watching them since 1980. They’re on the wrong issues. They’re on the wrong message. They’ve got their heads up their assess. … Your damn job is to get your candidate to talk about things that are relevant to the people you need to reach. And if you can’t do your damn job then get out.”

The Trump campaign has been running ads and holding daily briefings to draw attention to allegations that Hunter Biden sought to profit off his father’s political connections.

Trump on Tuesday called on Attorney General William Barr
Bill BarrDC correspondent on the death of Michael Reinoehl: 'The folks I know in law enforcement are extremely angry about it'DOJ says Trump can't be sued for denying rape accusationJuan Williams: Trump's search for dirt falls flatMORE to investigate

But maybe Trump has no plan to navigate the virus
What is Biden running on? Raising taxes, locking us down again, and open borders.
don't forget about

NO INVESTIGATIONS of DEMOCRATS stealing from the taxpayer

That's Biden's #1 policy
Luntz and Charlie Cook are both acting like this is over.

Seems to me the pollsters need two or three solid cycles of good predictions before they start assuming anything.

This is still a tossup.
Ummm, imo it's only a toss up becasuse no one can tell what votes will get out on election day and what votes will be counted.

Of course, we could still see some event that would - again - flip the polls 2-3 maybe five points. And in Penn that would make the difference.
Luntz is probably half right. Where he is wrong -- negative ads work, and Hunter and family making millions selling access to Daddy Joe Biden falls right in to that.

Where he is right -- the campaign can't be all - Look at how bad Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden is. It has to be more "What will Trump do for you". Of course Trump does spend time on this message during the his rallies ; however, he hasn't been able to stay on this message quite so much during the debate and town hall meeting.
That is by design, the so-called moderators, just as they do here, intervene and check that from happening. Trump is the worst communicator I have ever observed, terrible, absolutely terrible, and if the electorate is not smart enough, and I believe they are not, they will only go as far as those so-called moderators allow them to go, they will be oblivious to what Trump has accomplished for them, as virtually all of them are at this very moment! These people were the specific targets of the four non-stop years of naked psychological warfare, they are what we refer to as "low information" voters and they do vote! This is what is prompting Luntz, and Thiessen to melt down... :wink:
Luntz and Dick Morris always fight over the coveted Worst.MotherFucking.Pollster.Of.The.Millenium

It's usually a tie, which is like kissing your retarded sister in this case.

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