France Uses ISIS to Silence Climate Realists


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
France imposes Soviet Style Movement Restrictions on Climate Activists

Who could not see this one coming...

According to the Australian ABC;

French climate change activists have been placed under house arrest ahead of the opening of the UN climate change conference in Paris.

Public demonstrations are banned in France under the state of emergency that was declared after the Paris terrorist attacks two week ago, in which 130 people were killed.

Green groups have described the move as “an abuse of power” but the French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said the activists were suspected of planning violent protests.

“These 24 people have been placed under house arrest because they have been violent during demonstrations in the past and because they have said they would not respect the state of emergency,” he said.

They must remain in their home towns, report to the local police three times a day and abide by a nightly curfew until December 12, when the climate change conference winds up.

A delegation of environmental organisations met with French president Francois Hollande to appeal against the measures.

Greenpeace International’s executive Director Kumi Naidoo said he was “disappointed” that France’s political leadership would “choose to enable sporting events, trade exhibitions and other arts and culture events to go ahead, but with such a clamp down on the space for the biggest issue humanity faces”.

Read more: Climate protesters banned in Paris security blitz

Nothing will stop the One World Government Socialists from asserting control over the world.. Not only did they ban left wing groups they banned climate realists as well.. Why didn't they ban the conference of left wing heavy handed bullshit artists?
France has silenced both realists and activists. Any demonstrations for or against will be met with force. How marxist of them.. At least it was across the board and the only ones favored are the state heavy handed socialists in their CAGW church conclave..

And France is expecting a huge snow storm this week.. I hope it buries them..
Given how you told us the Climate conference had been cancelled, how is this latest conspiracy theory of yours even possible?

No matter. When one conspiracy theory crumbles, you simply move on to a new one. And this one is particularly stupid, given that you're declaring that socialists silencing fellow socialists makes you the victim.
seems reasonable to me that France imposes some special restrictions in the wake
of the paris atrocities and in anticipation of an event that can being out the animal
in some people
Wow, guess it's official. The terrorists won.

think again

Okay. . . . .

Besides, the Russians have no interest in the NWO's AGW climate scam. Without the Russians and Chinese on board, the whole thing is meaningless sham.

Russian Media, Putin, Make “Climate Change” a Low Priority
Russian Media, Putin, Make “Climate Change” a Low Priority

The Reuters report quoted a statement from Stanislav Belkovsky, a political analyst and critic of Putin who was apparently dismayed by the fact that Putin believes that “there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia." Belkovsky concludes, “That is why this subject is not topical for the majority of the Russian mass media and society in general.”


While such an assessment may be considered to be mainstream in Russia, those who hold similar views in the United States are routinely branded as global warming “skeptics” in the Western media. Even highly distinguished scientific experts in the field of meteorology are often ridiculed and marginalized because of their anti-establishment views on the subject of climate change. A recent article in The New American told the story of Philippe Verdier, the chief meteorologist with state-funded broadcasting giant France Télévisions, who blew the whistle on the hysteria surrounding alleged man-made global-warming theories. TNA recounted what happened when Verdier dared to question the powers that be about the causes of climate change, both in person and in his new book, dubbed Climat Investigation, or Climate Investigation in English. In his book, Verdier lambasted the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), saying its climatologists and political backers have “taken the world hostage” with misleading or downright inaccurate data.

In response, his employer — essentially, the French government — promptly took Verdier off the air and put him on “forced holidays.”

In a promotional video for the book, Verdier compared the consortium of climate change propagandists to a “war machine” that needs to keep the populace in constant terror to advance its objectives. He said in his video:

Every night I address five million French people to talk to you about the wind, the clouds and the sun. And yet there is something important, very important that I haven’t been able to tell you, because it’s neither the time nor the place to do so. We are hostage to a planetary scandal over climate change — a war machine whose aim is to keep us in fear.

Verdier also noted that climate scientists, who depend almost entirely on taxpayer funds distributed by governments with an interest in promoting global-warming hysteria, have been “manipulated and politicized.”

IOW, this conference is going to be largely a waste of time anyway. Nothing will be accomplished, it's all political.

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